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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        September 2, 2021

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        High marks

        Northville Township directors attend preparedness classes

           Northville Township depart-  according to Township Manager  ning, managing and coordinating  storms that left many with dam-
        ment directors all received high  and Public Safety Director Todd  resources for an efficient, effec-  aged homes, downed trees and
        marks in their summer school   Mutchler.                      tive  response,”   Mutchler   no power, natural disaster aid
        classes this year.                  “We have informally       explained. They also understand  was top of mind for everyone,
           All nine township department  researched this and we have not  how FEMA operates and how it  Mutchler said.
        heads, from Finance to Public  heard of any other community   fits in with assisting Northville  “We want to be prepared
        Services, successfully completed  that has had all of their directors  Township residents, he added.  because it's our mission to deliv-
        the Fundamentals of Emergency  take this FEMA course to help    According to weather statis-  er excellent public service and
        Management course through the  prepare for an emergency,” he  tics, since 1997, there have been  Northville Township has some
        Federal           Emergency    said.                          six presidential declarations of a  areas of risk, including the rail-
        Management Agency (FEMA), to     The goal of the course is to  major disaster in Wayne County  road tracks that go through our
        better prepare for major emer-  prepare department heads for  and there have been seven such  community,” he said.                         Todd Mutchler
        gencies and disasters of all types.  incident management and sup-  declarations by governors during  Mutchler said he is also work-
        Township Manager and Public    port activities for any natural,  that period. The state has experi-  ing  with  Wayne  County  top” training exercises for
        Safety Director Todd Mutchler.   technical or human-related haz-  enced 857 tornadoes since 1950,  Homeland  Security  and  Northville Township to further
           That    puts   Northville   ard or emergency. Each township  including 27 in Wayne County.  Emergency Management to     bolster emergency management
        Township in rare company,      director is now capable of plan-  After the multiple summer  establish some additional “table-  knowledge.
        Plymouth Fife & Drum Corps returns from annual summer tour

           For more than a half a centu-  interact with members of the
        ry, members of The Plymouth    local community and proudly
        Fife and Drum Corps have       represent their hometown of
        brought the history of America  Plymouth.
        to life.                         The Plymouth Fife and
           Founded in 1971, the corps  Drum Corps members travel
        members continue to represent  extensively every year perform-
        the tradition of America across  ing in numerous parades, his-
        the country with an educational  torical and patriotic celebra-
        tour of the eastern United     tions, concerts, and other civic
        States, performing at historic  events in Plymouth, throughout
        sites. This year, Corps members  Michigan and across the United
        travelled west for the first time  States.  The Corps members tra-
        to perform at Mount Rushmore   ditionally perform in both the
        and at the Gateway Arch in St.  Plymouth Good Morning USA
        Louis, Missouri.               Parade on the Fourth of July
           This dedicated group of 12-  and in downtown Plymouth,
        18-year-olds practices Monday  march in the Northville
        evenings at Salem High School  Independence Day Parade, per-
        beginning in January.  They    form at Kellogg Park and at the
        practice marching as a group   Plymouth Fall Festival.
        and in separate sectionals for   This year, the Corps mem-
        each instrument - fifes, drums  bers will be at the Plymouth
        and guard.  The Corps prepares  Fall Festival selling roasted
        a special routine each year    almonds to raise money to con-
        which is performed at each of  tinue performing throughout
        the sites on the tour.  The Corps  the year.                  a calendar of events, can be  the founding of the group with a  and from across the United
        members not only learn about     More information about the   seen by visiting  recent reunion at Plymouth    States gathered to celebrate
        American History at each per-  Plymouth Fife and Drum Corps,    Members of the Corps cele-  Township Park. Alumni from     and reunite with former Corps
        formance site, but they also   including videos, pictures, and  brated the 50th anniversary of  many years of performances  members.
        Northville Township Fire

        Department awarded grant

           The Northville Township Fire
        Department has been awarded a grant of                 ”
        $71,668 as part the federal Department of    Firefighters in Michigan
        Homeland Security program.                   risk their lives every day
           “Our firefighters in Southeast Michigan
        put their lives on the line to protect our         to keep our
        families, homes, and communities,” said         communities safe
        U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow in announcing
        the award. “These new resources will
        help keep the public safe and give our first  resources to continue safely and effective-
        responders the equipment they need to do  ly protecting their communities.”
        their jobs more safely and effectively.”   Eligible fire departments and
           “Firefighters in Michigan risk their  Emergency Medical Services organiza-
        lives every day to keep our communities  tions in Michigan and across the country
        safe,” said Sen. GaryPeters, Chairman of  can apply for Assistance to Firefighters
        the    Homeland      Security    and   Grants. These competitive grants help first
        Governmental Affairs Committee. “These  responders purchase the equipment and
        grants will help ensure first responders in  obtain the training needed to handle fire-
        Southeast Michigan have additional     related hazards.

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                              11 MIN   COOPER COU    1G1ZG57B58F235874
        Copart has vehicles up  WMWZB3C50BWH95285   10 CHEV  COBALT LS
        for public auction Friday  09 BMW   X5 XDRIVE4    1G1AB5F59A7111940              Sumpter Township, MI Employment Opportunity
        9/3/21 at 10 AM at    5UXFE835X9L170717     15 CHRY  200 LIMITE                              EMPLOYMENT POSTING       10 CHEV  EQUINOX LT    1C3CCCAB6FN652871
                              2CNFLGEW8A6401582     11 CHEV  TRAVERSE L    Sumpter Township is currently accepting resumes for Part-Time, Seasonal DPW Worker. This posi-
        08 VOLK  JETTA SE     11 FORD  ESCAPE XLT    1GNKRFEDXBJ193873     tion reports to the Superintendent/Director of the Water, Sewer & Public Works and will support activ-
        3VWRM71KX8M068400        1FMCU0D76BKC22683  05 CHRY  PACIFICA
        03 DODG  RAM 1500 S   11 CHEV  MALIBU 1LT    2C4GF48425R575998     ities and services as directed by the Superintendent.
        1D7HU18N73S286540     1G1ZC5E16BF210446
        17 MITS  MIRAGE G4     14 JEP   CHEROKEE L                         Please visit our Township WebSite at “”, COMMUNITY/JOB OPENINGS for
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        10 JEP   PATRIOT SP   07 HOND  CIVIC LX
        1J4NF2GB4AD577724     2HGFA15527H512027         Need a job?        This is a seasonal, part-time position from September to November, 2021. The successful candidate
        07 MAZD  CX-7         08 HOND  ODYSSEY EX                          must possess a valid Driver’s License with desired experience in lawn maintenance equipment, small
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        07 CHRY  300          02 FORD  RANGER SUP
         2C3KA43R07H619232        1FTYR44VX2PB54988
        11 DODG  GRAND CARA    12 VOLK  TIGUAN S      Looking to sell?     Please submit application, resume and cover letter to ATTN: Sumpter Township Supervisor’s Office,
        2D4RN7DG5BR696682     WVGCV7AXXCW504703                            23480 Sumpter Rd, Belleville, MI 48111.
        06 SATU  VUE           04 CHEV  TAHOE K150     Need to rent?
        5GZCZ53486S857371     1GNEK13Z54J196637                            Sumpter Township is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the
        11 FORD  EDGE SEL       07 MERC  MARINER LU                        workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion,
        2FMDK3JC1BBB39704     4M2YU81127KJ01935         Find it fast in    sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected
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        1G6KD54Y2WU802757     2GCEK19T9Y1179674
        04 CHEV  SILVERADO    13 HYUN  ACCENT GLS       The Eagle’s        Internal Posting:                          August 27th – September 3rd, 2021
        2GCEC19T341172078     KMHCT5AE9DU088083                            Publish Date - NOR:   Associated Newspapers/The Eagle   September 2nd, 2021
        03 TOYT  COROLLA CE   04 HOND  ACCORD EX        Classifieds.                     Publish Date – Ann Arbor News   September 5th, 2021
        1NXBR32EX3Z184168     1HGCM56614A118246                            Public Posting (Twp Boards/Doors, Departments, WebSite/Ch 12):   August 27th, 2021
        12 FORD  F250 SUPER     09 VOLK  JETTA S                                                                      (External Applications/Resumes accepted after September 3rd, 2021)
        1FT7W2BT0CEB28925                              734 - 467-1900
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