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August 27, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland rededicates park to honor civic leader

           City of Westland officials  working alongside eight
        celebrated the official re-  other commissioners to
        dedication of the Virgil  write the Westland City
        Gagnon Jaycee Park last   Charter.
        week.                       Gagnon was elected to
           Mr. Gagnon and his fam-  the Westland City Council
        ily are among the earliest  in 1966 and served as the
        civic leaders in Westland,  first council president.  He
        officials said and he and  was appointed as Westland
        his wife, Harriet, were very  City Clerk in 1970 and
        active in the community   where he served for four
        with the PTA, Scouting,   years.
        and many other civic        Prior to his retirement
        organizations. In 1946, The  in 1974, Mayor Eugene
        Gagnons opened the        McKinney     and    the
        Hamburger House on        Westland City Council  pro-
        Michigan Avenue and in    claimed Dec. 17, 1973 as
        the 1950s they opened the  Virgil Gagnon Day.
        Gagnon & Son's Gulf Gas     “Virgil Gagnon worked
        Station at the corner of  tirelessly on behalf of the
        Wayne and Warren roads.   community and his work
        In 1962, the couple organ-  on the City of Westland city
        ized the Nankin Township  charter helped to make our
        Chamber of Commerce.      city what it is today,” stated
           Mr.   Gagnon     was   Mayor William R. Wild.
        appointed as a Nankin       “It is an honor to host
        Township trustee in 1964  this re-dedication ceremo-
        and served as secretary of  ny for a true public servant
        the Nankin Township       of the origination of our
        Charter    Commission,    beloved city.”            Virgil Gagnon, bottom right, was a member of the original Nankin Township Charter.
        Upgrades to Wayne Atwood Park playscape are delayed

           Wayne officials are promising that the                                                                          ported the Atwood Playscape when it was
        upgrades to Atwood Park will be worth the              We understand that the current playscape                    erected and those spindles are available at
        long wait.                                                                                                         the Department of Public Works. Anyone
           Despite an official announcement earli-               is unsightly and in deplorable shape.                     who wants to acquire a spindle(s), should
        er this year that the park would see a new             The city is doing its best to maintain it until             contact the DPW and make the necessary
        play structure in early spring or summer,                                                                          arrangements.
        no work has been done at the site, prompt-                  it is demolished and replaced.                            A contractor will be at the park site to
        ing questions from several residents in the                                                                        remove some trees which is necessary for
        area. In a response on the city Facebook                                                                           the installation of the new playscape.
        page, officials said COVID-19 “created  the project has been delayed until recent-  pleted in 2020,” according to the state-  Some other trees may also be removed if
        some significant delays with this project.”    ly, the statement continued.  ment.                                 they are or will be hanging over the play
           The play structure removal and new    Representatives from Wayne and        Workers from the Wayne Department of  structure area, officials said.
        installation is being funding using a grant  Wayne County will show the property to  Public Works have removed all of the spin-  “We understand that the current
        from Wayne County which includes strict  interested contractors who specialize in  dles around the fence line in preparation  playscape is unsightly and in deplorable
        guidelines regarding the process, officials  playscape buildouts this month, as a  for the demolition of the current structure.  shape. The city is doing its best to main-
        said.                                  mandatory walk-through is part of the bid-  The upper and lower portions of the fence  tain it until it is demolished and replaced.
           “In order to follow the grant guidelines,  ding process. Wayne County has issued bid  will be removed in the very near future,  Please be patient with us as we work hard
        the city and the county have to go through  requests for the project and those are due  officials said.            to get this project on track. The new
        a formal bid process. Once a bid is accept-  by the end of the month. When those bids  The spindles have names of individu-  playscape is going to be beautiful,” the
        ed, the city and county will work with the  are received, representatives from the city  als, families and organizations who sup-  statement concluded.
        selected contractor to schedule the project  will work with the county to select a con-
        timeline,” officials said.             tractor for the project.
           Several projects were delayed this year  A timeline and construction schedule
        due to the social distancing requirements  will be determined working with the con-
        and many of the executive orders put in  tractor and the city, representatives said.
        place regarding construction. Therefore,  “It is still the city's goal to have this com-
        Photography exhibit continues

           The Gallery at Westland City Hall in  ago.
        August is hosting an exhibit of the fine art  His award-winning style of photogra-
        photography of Allen Brooks.           phy has been displayed throughout
           Brooks, a former Westland portrait stu-  Southeast Michigan.  The exhibit is free
        dio owner turned his talents to fine art  and open during regular hours at
        photography upon retiring several years  Westland City Hall.
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