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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 27, 2020

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Shooting suspect faces first-degree murder charges

           Raymond Lee Bailey was        The deceased were subse-     transported Bailey back to the   Bailey has been charged with
        arraigned last Wednesday in 34th  quently identified by police as  township where he remained in  four counts of first degree mur-
        District Court on four counts of  Laura Tanner, 35 and her sister,  custody until his arraignment on  der and four counts of felony
        first degree murder and four   Sarah Grupa, 38 of Detroit, and  the charges.                firearm.  Bail was denied by the
        counts of felony firearm.      brothers, Forrest Sampson, 28    “The allegations in this case  court during Bailey's hospital
           Bailey, 37, of Kinross, faces  and Neal Sampson, 30, both of  are the quintessential example  arraignment.
        the felony murder charges in   Van     Buren     Township.    of domestic victimology,” com-   His next court date is Sept. 2.
        connection with four homicides  Prosecutors allege that at the  mented   Wayne     County      A GoFundMe account has
        that occurred Aug. 15 in Sumpter  time of the shooting, Laura  Prosecutor Kym Worthy. “As a  been established by friends and
        Township.  Sumpter Township    Tanner was having ongoing prob-  result, four people are now tragi-  family members to help with the
        police officers responded to a  lems with Bailey, her former  cally deceased. We clearly    funeral expenses for the four vic-
        911 call at about 12:30 p.m.   boyfriend.                     understand the social psychology  tims. Last week, more than
        reporting gunshots at a home in  Bailey allegedly fled the    of the domestic violence victim  $36,000 had been pledged.
        the 24900 block of Martinsville  scene, and eventually turned  and we strive mightily to support  Anyone with information
        Road.  When officers arrived at  himself into Bay City police at  them. So please, if you are a vic-  regarding the incident is asked
        the home, they discovered four  about 10:13 p.m. Aug. 16. His  tim of domestic violence, help is  to contact the Sumpter Township
        victims, two men and two       truck had been found aban-     available. Call the First Step 24  Police Department detective
        women, who had apparently      doned in the area. Sumpter offi-  Hour domestic violence hotline  bureau at (734) 461-4833, option
        died of gunshot wounds.        cers traveled to Bay City and  at (734) 722-6800,” she urged.   4.                                     Raymond Lee Bailey
        Back to the future

        Romulus Movies in the Park set in old-fashioned drive-in venue

           The City of Romulus has     a local small business, to pro-
        gone back to the future with the  vide the nearly 25 car loads of
        showing of the annual summer   participants with pre-movie
        Movies in the Park in an old-  bingo and other activities.
        fashioned drive-in style venue.  “Movies in the Park has been
           The drive-in movies are an  a beloved summer activity the
        effort to protect the community  Romulus community for the
        amid the COVID-19 pandemic     last few years,” said Mayor
        and still provide the evening  LeRoy Burcroff. “I'm grateful
        movies which have become a     for my team for their quick
        tradition in the city. The films  thinking and innovative
        will be shown beginning at     approach to provide the com-
        dusk on the last Fridays in    munity a twist on this favorite
        August and September in a      summer classic-at a safe dis-
        field on Olive Street between  tance.”
        Grant and Bibbins streets.       Upon arrival, moviegoers
           The movie for Friday, Aug. 28  will be assigned a socially-dis-
        will be Trolls World Tour while  tanced parking space on a first
        the film for Friday, Sept. 25 has  come, first-served basis. Guests
        not yet been announced, city   will be required to stay in their
        officials said.                vehicles or within their desig-
           The first drive-in style    nated parking spaces, except
        “Movies in the Park” took place  when using the restroom. When  not available, but attendees are  the public will be invited to  For more information about
        July 31 when the city showed   exiting vehicles to use the rest-  welcome to bring their own  help choose the last movie of  Movies in the Park, call the
        Sonic the Hedgehog. Romulus    room, guests are required to   snacks.                       the season via a poll on the city  Parks & Recreation Depart-
        partnered with Colorful Events,  wear a mask. Concessions are   Beginning Friday, Aug. 28,  Facebook page.                 ment at (734) 941-8665.
        Business to Business workshop goes to virtual format

           The City of Romulus launched  development and provide sup-  County, the Michigan Economic  vide updates on grants and other  LeRoy Burcroff. “This series will
        a virtual Business-to-Business  port for local businesses during  Development Corporation and  available business resources.  help us learn what is working for
        Networking Series last week in  the COVID-19 pandemic.        Detroit Regional Aerotropolis    “I see the city of Romulus as a  businesses and what is not. We're
        an effort to promote economic    Representatives from Wayne   joined the conversation to pro-  business-friendly municipality,  in a different world since the
                                                                                                    and I think the future looks good  onset of COVID-19, but I continue
                                                                                                    for businesses in Romulus,” said  to be proud of the innovative
                                                                                                    Wayne County District 11       ways our community has adapt-
                                                                                                    Commissioner Al Haidous dur-   ed and come together to support
                                                                                                    ing the meeting. “The city of  small businesses.”
                                                                                                    Romulus is a hotspot for econom-  Romulus officials are in the
                                                                                                    ic development.”               process of organizing additional
                                                                                                       While city officials have previ-  virtual Business-to-Business net-
                                                                                                    ously hosted Business-to-      working events to keep the con-
                                                                                                    Business Networking events in-  versation going.
                                                                                                    person, COVID-19 restrictions    “We organized the series as a
                                                                                                    meant the city needed to pivot to  way to connect local businesses
                                                                                                    identify a virtual option. The  with all the resources and tools
                                                                                                    event allowed city officials to  available to them,” said Jazmine
                                                                                                    connect with local businesses,  Danci, director of Marketing and
                                                                                                    share resources, answer ques-  Community Development for
                                                                                                    tions and receive feedback at a  Romulus. “Today's networking
                                                                                                    safe social distance.          event provided local business
                                                                                                       “Our role as city officials is to  owners a direct line to key city
                                                                                                    support and connect local busi-  departments and community
                                                                                                    nesses with the people, programs  partners, as well as an under-
                                                                                                    and resources they need to be  standing of how they can access
                                                                                                    successful,” said Romulus Mayor  available resources.”

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