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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 27, 2020

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

           Friends, family celebrate life,

           and legacy of Mary L. Menard

             The family of Mary L        The couple was married in 1967  leaf of autumn fall from the  (Morgan Gillette) Menard and
           Menard has asked her many     and started their family, being  trees and leaving before the  Molly (Bill) Meeks; her grand-
           friends and acquaintances to  blessed with two daughters.    first snowflake settled. She  children, Dr. Dylan Goodrich,
           raise a glass of Chardonnay and  In the early 70s, the couple  would always return in the  Garrett Meeks and Gavin
           celebrate her life with a toast to  moved their family to Southeast  spring, however, to spend time  Meeks; siblings, George (Cindy)
           her memory.                   Michigan where they began    with her grandsons, whom she  Noth, Joseph (Diane) Noth, Dr.
              Mrs. Menard, 72, died peace-  their custom home construction  loved dearly.           James (Anne) Noth, and Irene
           fully Aug. 19, surrounded by her  business, now known as Menard  She was devoted to her  (Paul Largay) Parker, and a mul-
           family.                       Builders.                    Jazzercise classes where she  titude of dear friends.                    Mary L. Menard
             She arrived in the world on   With the business still flour-  attended more than 3,200 ses-  A sister, Leanne (Gordon)
           Dec. 20, 1947, part of a proud  ishing after more than 40 years,  sions and enjoyed many  Campbell preceded her in     made to Friends of the Penn,
           Chicago brood of six children.  and their daughters with fami-  “Happy Hours” with all her  death.                     760 Penniman Ave., Plymouth,
           Mrs. Menard originally aspired  lies of their own, Mrs. Menard  friends.                   A funeral mass took place on  Ml 48170.
           to a life in the religious commu-  spent the past decade as the  In addition to her loving hus-  Tuesday at Our Lady of Good  Arrangements were entrust-
           nity, but that changed when she  ultimate snowbird, packing for  band, Mrs. Menard is survived  Counsel Catholic Church in  ed to the Vermeulen-Sajewski
           met the love of her life, Walter.  Florida upon seeing the first  by her daughters, Melissa  Plymouth. Memorials may be  Funeral Home in Plymouth.

        Canton offering multiple outdoor fitness programs

           Canton Leisure Services is    “We are thrilled to be able to                                                            may be taken off during class
        now offering an outdoor pro-   provide some of our most popu-                            ”                                 time. Refusal to wear a mask
        gramming lineup which includes  lar fitness classes in an outdoor    All of these programs have been developed             during specified times will result
        an assortment of fitness classes.  environment,” said Health and   to allow for safe physical distancing, with smaller     in exclusion from participation
        Participants can choose from:  Wellness Specialist Jennifer                                                                in the class.
        Yoga; Cardio & Core; Zumba;    Franz.  “All of these programs     class sizes, and other important safety protocols...       Yoga mats are also available
        Plyometric Sculpt; Total Body;  have been developed to allow for                                                           for purchase online at www.can-
        Circuit Training; Bootcamp;    safe physical distancing, with  Registration for each class will  minutes before class for check- Mats will
        Cycle, and several others, organ-  smaller class sizes, and other  open two weeks before and will  in. Late arrivals will not be per-  not be provided in class.
        izers said.                    important safety protocols which  close 24 hours prior to the class.  mitted into class and will not be  Strength equipment will be pro-
           Each 55-minute class takes  include equipment sanitizing   These classes are not included  issued refunds.              vided, however, participants are
        place at either the Heritage Park  procedures, and more.”     in Summit on the Park member-    Masks or face coverings must  encouraged to bring their own.
        Amphitheater, located behind     Fees are just $5 for Canton  ships, which are currently    be worn during check-in, when    For additional information
        the Summit on the Park at 46000  residents and $7 for non-resi-  frozen.                    exiting class, at any time inside  about these outdoor fitness class-
        Summit Parkway or the Summit   dents. No onsite registration will  Classes have limited space  the Summit on the Park when  es,   visit    www.canton-
        on the Park Community Court,   be available. Pre-registration is  and are reserved on a first-come,  utilizing the indoor restrooms,,  email
        located in the Summit west park-  only available online at    first-served basis. Participants  and whenever a 6-foot distance, or call
        ing lot, weather permitting.    are asked to please arrive 15-  cannot be maintained. Masks  (734) 394-5360.
        New traffic signal installed, work on township roads continues

           Crews have been at work this  Road Commission engineers as a  during the resurfacing project.  The new traffic signal at Beck  Officials said that speeding
        week on road repairs and traffic  2-inch mill and fill on the area of  Construction work is also contin-  and Michigan Avenue is an effort  drivers are an ongoing issue at
        controls in Canton Township.   the heavily-traveling north-south  uing on Cherry Hill and Ridge  to decrease the nearly 70 colli-  the intersection which previous-
           A new traffic light has been  road. The work was expected to  roads and the intersection of  sions that took place at the heavi-  ly had only stop signs to slow
        installed at Beck Road and     be complete and the road open  Canton Center and Warren road  ly-traveled intersection last year.  traffic.  The  Michigan
        Michigan Avenue while work on  to traffic this week.          will be under construction    Nine of the reported vehicle   Department of Transportation
        Sheldon Road between Warren      Repairs are also under way   throughout the next two months.  accidents resulted in injuries,  authorized a study of the inter-
        and Ford roads is under way.   along Haggerty Road between      The projects are being funded  according to statistics from the  section to determine the necessi-
           The Sheldon Road repair is  Ford and Warren roads where    by the road improvement bond  Canton    Township    Police   ty of a new traffic signal in the
        described by Wayne County      traffic lanes have been reduced  approved by voters last year.  Department.                 area.

                                                                                                                PLANNING COMMISSION
                                    PLANNING COMMISSION                                                      CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                                                    NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant
         PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON, WAYNE  to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton
         COUNTY, MICHIGAN.                                                            will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 14, 2020 at the Cherry Hill Village Theater located at 50400 Cherry Hill
                                                                                      Road, at 7:00 p.m. on the following proposed special land use request as provided in Section 27.03 of the Canton Township
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant  Zoning Ordinance:
         to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton  that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton
         will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, September 14, 2020, at the Cherry Hill Village Theater, 50400 Cherry Hill Road, at 7:00  HOME DEPOT OUTLOT SPECIAL LAND USES - CONSIDER REQUEST FOR SPECIAL LAND USE APPROVALS
         p.m. on the following proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance:            within proposed buildings as required in Section 6.08(D) of the Zoning Ordinance on a portion of Parcel No. 049-99-0001-718.
                                                                                      Property is located on the south side of Ford Road and east of Lotz Road.  Proposed special land uses consist of the following:
         HAVENS ORTHODONTICS MINOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PDD) -  CONSIDER REQUEST TO  carryout restaurant, standard restaurant, pickup window accessory to a restaurant, dental clinic, general retail, office building,
         ESTABLISH A PDD AS PERMITTED IN SECTION 27.04 OF  THE ZONING ORDINANCE INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL  training/educational, apparel, bookstore/stationary shop, convenience grocery, drugstore/pharmacy, barbershop/hair styling
         NO(S). 010-99-0013-000 and 010-99-0014-000. Property is located on the southeast corner of Joy and Canton Center Roads.  salon, clothing alterations/shoe repair, and personal fitness/health centers.
         Written comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received at the Canton Township Administration Building,  Written comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received at the Canton Township Administration Building,
         1150 Canton Center S. prior to Thursday, September 10, 2020, in order to be included in the materials submitted for review.  1150 Canton Center S. prior to Thursday, September 10, 2020 in order to be included in the materials submitted for review.
                                                                                      SEE ATTACHED MAP            Greg Greene, Chairman
                                                                                                                  Publish: Newspaper - August 27, 2020
         SEE ATTACHED MAP     Greg Greene, Chairman
                              Publish: Newspaper - August 27, 2020
         To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Canton  To mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Canton
         Township residents; Canton Township will follow CDC guidelines in conducting public meetings with social distancing prac-  Township residents; Canton Township will follow CDC guidelines in conducting public meetings with social distancing prac-
         tices.                                                                       tices.

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