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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 22, 2019

                                                                        Calendar of events

        Farmers Market is open                   Nessel recently announced a biparti-  Church plans yard sale              1780.
           The Romulus Farmer's Market is open  san Elder Abuse Task Force focused on  The Lighthouse Home Mission will
        from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. every        developing strategies to mitigate the  host a yard sale from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m.  Garden Club to meet
        Wednesday through Sept. 25.            issue of elder abuse. At the town hall,  Friday, Aug. 30 through Saturday, Sept. 7.  Country Garden Club of Northville
           Each Wednesday includes a theme     Jones and his guests will provide infor-  All proceeds go to the mission pantry  members will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday,
        day giveaway and those who enroll in the  mation about the task force, share avail-  to purchase food for those in need.  Sept. 11 at Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile
        free market Kid's Club receive a $2    able resources and discuss legislative  Volunteers are needed on Tuesday Aug.  Road in Northville.
        coupon each month.                     issues impacting seniors.             27 to help set up and on Sept. 7 to help  There will be social time with snacks
           The market takes place at the         The event will take place at the    tear down the sale.                   and speaker Tim Nowicki will discuss
        Romulus Historical Park Pavilion, 11147  Booker T. Dozier Recreation Center, 2025  There will be gently used items of all  Birds of Michigan. There will also be a
        Hunt St. in Romulus. For more informa-  Middlebelt Road in Inkster.          types for sale.                       business meeting.
        tion, call (734) 955-4531.               Jones serves House District 11, which  Lighthouse Home Mission is located at  New members and guests are wel-
                                               includes Inkster, Garden City and por-  34033 Palmer Road in Westland.  For  come.For more information, call (248)202-
        Gabby's Games set in Sumpter           tions of Dearborn Heights, Livonia and  information, call (734) 326-3885.   1518.
           The Sumpter Township Public Safety  Westland. He can be contacted at (517)
        Department along with the Rawsonville  373-0849, toll-free at (833) BUILD-11 or by  Overdose Awareness Day planned  Sears homes is topic
        Woods mobile home community are        email at with  The Northwest Wayne Families           The Wayne Historical Society will host
        sponsoring Gabby's Games from 11 a.m.  any questions or concerns.            Against Narcotics will celebrate      guest speakers Andrew and Wendy
        until 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23.                                                International Overdose Awareness Day  Mutch who will discuss the history of
           The free event is designed for those 5-  Jazz at the Elks is planned      from 6-9 p.m. Aug. 31 in the south pavil-  Sears Kit houses in Michigan at 7 p.m.
        16 years old and will include inflatables,  Jazz trumpeter Jake Lee will perform  ions 4 and 5 and amphitheater at  Sept. 12.
        Dance Revolution, educational seminars,  from 7-10 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 27 at the  Heritage Park in Canton.            The meeting will take place at the
        prize raffles, the Animal Magic Exotic  Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge.         The day is dedicated to remembering  Historical Museum, 1 Town Square, at
        Animal Show, police and fire vehicles, a  Backing Lee will be Sean Dobbins on  those who lost their battles fighting drug  the corner of Main and Biddle, in down-
        Huron Valley Ambulance vehicle and     drums, Corey Kendrick on keyboards and  addiction. There will be speakers, live  town Wayne.
        other games and entertainment.         Rob Bickley on bass.                  music, food and a candlelight vigil. The  The meeting is free and open to the
           Lunch will be provided while supplies  The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge  event is free and open to the public.  public.
        last.  Participants must register to attend  325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road,  Visitors are urged to bring a photo of
        and be accompanied by a parent or      Plymouth.                             their lost loved one for a memorial dis-  Library to host book sale
        guardian.                                For more information, call (734) 453-  play.                                 Friends of the William P. Faust Public
           The event is limited to residents of  1780 or visit or email  Heritage Park is located at 46000  Library of Westland will host a book sale
        Sumpter Township, although children              Summit Parkway in Canton and the      from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on Friday Sept.
        from surrounding communities will be                                         pavilions are just east of the Summit on  13 and Saturday, Sept. 14 and from noon
        admitted, space permitting.            GriefShare meetings begin             the Park building.                    until 3 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15. Sunday is
           Gabby's Games will take place at the  GriefShare, a grief recovery seminar                                      also bag day when a bag of books can be
        Rawsonville Woods clubhouse, 10825     and support group, meets at Plymouth  Township hosts blood drive            purchased for $4.
        Rawsonville Road in Belleville.        Church of Christ in from 6:30 until 8:30  Plymouth Township and the American   The library is located at 6123 Central
        Registration forms are available at the  p.m. each Wednesday beginning Aug. 28.  Red Cross are hosting a blood drive from  City Parkway in Westland. For more
        Rawsonville Woods clubhouse, the         The church is located at 9301 N.    1-7 p.m. Sept. 4.  The effort will take place  information, call (734) 326-6123 x2844
        Sumpter Township Police Department or  Sheldon Road, Plymouth.               at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N.
        at  GriefShare features nationally recog-  Haggerty, Plymouth.              Veteran Health Summit set
        ~local/~Preview/Flyer5.pdf.            nized experts on grief recovery topics.  Fire Chief Daniel Phillips is coordi-  The Canton Community Foundation
           For more Information, call (734) 461-  Seminar sessions include “Is This  nating the effort.                    and Legal Help for Veterans will present
        4833 ext 305                           Normal?” “The Challenges of Grief,”     According to an official statement  the 10th Annual Veteran Health Summit
                                               “Grief and Your Relationships,” “Why?”  from the Red Cross, “The need for blood  2019 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Wednesday,
        Outdoor family movie planned           and “Guilt and Anger.”                is constant and only volunteer donors can  Sept. 18 at Schoolcraft College VisTaTech
           The William P. Faust Public Library   For more information, call Plymouth  fulfill that need for patients in our com-  Center.
        will host a family movie under the stars at  Church of Christ at (734) 453-7630.  munity. Nationwide, someone needs a  Topics at the free event include maxi-
        8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23. Guests should                                        unit of blood every 2 to 3 seconds and  mizing veteran's health care; veteran's
        arrive at 7:30 to find a seat, organizers  Chamber hosts golf outing         most of us will need blood in our life-  disability update, health care in the com-
        said, as a few seats will be provided but  The Romulus Chamber of Commerce   time.”                                munity, Ann Arbor VA Medical Center
        visitors are urged to bring their own blan-  will host the annual Golf Outing on                                   update and an update from the Michigan
        kets. Snacks and water will be provided  Thursday, Aug. 29, at the Links at  Blues at the Elks set                 Veterans Affairs Agency.
        for the whole family.                  Gateway Golf Course, 33280 Gateway Dr.  Nicky T. and The Snake Charmers will   There is no cost to attend for all mili-
           The library is located at 6123 Central  in Romulus.                       perform at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks  tary veterans, friends, family and care-
        City Pkwy. in Westland. For more infor-  Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. for  Lodge 325 from 7 until 10 p.m. Sept. 10.  givers.
        mation, call (734) 326-6123. No registra-  a 9:30 a.m. shotgun start.          The blues band includes former mem-    Registration is requested, however, as
        tion is required for the movie.          The event includes a banquet, awards  bers of The Alligators band.        there will be a boxed lunch provided at
                                               and prizes along with a special drawing.  The lodge is located at 41700 Ann  the close of the day.For information or
        Annual Ice Cream Social served         Fees are $110 per golfer before Aug. 1  Arbor Road in Plymouth.             registration call the Canton Community
           The Wayne Historical Society will host  and $120 per golfer after than date.  For more information, call (734)453-  Foundation at (734) 495-1200.
        the Annual Ice Cream Social from 1-3     To register, contact the Greater
        p.m. Aug. 25 at the museum.            Romulus Chamber of Commerce, 11189
           The museum is located at 1 Town     Shook Road, Suite 200, Romulus, or call
        Square, at the corner of Main and Biddle  (734) 893-0694.
        in downtown Wayne.
           Sundae supplies will be available and  Movie Night at police department
        there will be a dedication of a sesquicen-  The Inkster Police Department will
        tennial plaque for the City of Wayne,  host a free movie night at 8:30 p.m.
        donated by the historical society.     Friday, Aug. 30 at the Inkster Police
                                               Department parking lot, 26279 Michigan
        Elder Abuse Town Hall set              Ave. in Inkster.
           State Rep. Jewell Jones (D-Inkster)   There will be free popcorn, snow
        along with special guests Michigan     cones, hot dogs and other refreshments.
        Attorney General Dana Nessel, state Sen.  The movie will be The Secret Life of Pets.
        Betty Jean Alexander (D-Detroit) and     The viewing is outside so attendees
        other senior advocates will host an Elder  are encouraged to dress for the weather
        Abuse Town Hall from 2-4 p.m. Monday,  and bring a chair or blanket to sit on.
        Aug. 26.                                 Residents of all ages are welcome.
        Meeting                                Building green economies with products
                                               like electric vehicles is an important
                                               aspect of making that vision a reality.”
        FROM PAGE 1                              In March of 2020, the U.S. House Select
                                               Committee on the Climate Crisis will
        quality in the State of Michigan and we  release policy recommendations for
        continue to see the rise of asthma among  Congressional action to respond to the cli-
        our children.  We can fight for clean air  mate crisis.
        and bring good paying jobs to our commu-  Members serve on other committees of
        nities,” said Tlaib. “We are fighting for a  jurisdiction, including Energy and
        future where residents can drink clean  Commerce,    Transportation    and
        water, breathe clean air, live in healthy  Infrastructure, and Science, among oth-
        communities, and have the ability thrive.  ers.
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