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August 22, 2019                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Have gavel, will travel

        Supreme Court Justice pays visit

        to 29th District Court in Wayne

           Those with matters before the 29th  understand their hard work and daily con-
        District Court in Wayne got a special value  cerns," said Clement. "We view community
        last week: two judges hearing their case  engagement with the courts as a top prior-
        instead of one.                        ity, because we want the public to feel that
           Michigan Supreme Court Justice      the courts are fair and accessible to all."
        Elizabeth T. Clement joined 29th District  Clement, Chief Justice Bridget M.
        Court Chief Judge Laura Redmond Mack   McCormack, and Justice Megan Cavanagh
        on the bench to hear and decide cases on  each will visit three courts around
        Wednesday and Thursday. Clement was in  Michigan to launch "Have Gavel, Will
        Wayne to participate in the new initiative  Travel." In each instance, the justices will  Chief Judge of the 29th District Court Laura Mack, left, and 18th District Court judges
        called "Have Gavel, Will Travel" through  sit with a local judge on the first day, and  Mark McConnell and Sandra Cicirelli meet with Michigan Supreme Court Justice
        which justices will be traveling to district,  on the second day will be hearing and  Elizabeth T. Clement.
        circuit, and probate courts statewide and  deciding cases on their own as a visiting  and to appreciate the critical work that is  said Mack. "Fostering engagement and
        sitting on the bench. The goal of the pro-  judge.                           being done in courtrooms from Wayne   trust with local communities is imperative
        gram is to increase engagement and build  In addition to the benefits of engaging  County to Kent County to Marquette, offi-  to creating a court system that is respon-
        ties between courts and the community.  the local community and court system, the  cials said.                     sive, engaging, and transparent."
           "We have never served as trial court  three justices have never served as trial  "We are excited to welcome Justice  Clement took time to meet, too, with
        judges before, so 'Have Gavel, Will Travel'  court judges, so the experience will be  Clement to the 29th District Court, so she  Westland 18th District Court Judges
        will be a great opportunity to engage with  invaluable to understand the day-to-day  can visit our community and learn how  Sandra Cicirelli and Mark McConnell dur-
        judges and local communities to better  concerns judges see in their courtrooms,  judges decide cases in the district court,"  ing her visit last week.
        Man found guilty in                                                             Claim                               vide adequate information about the

        vicious knife attack                                                            FROM PAGE 1                         ongoing litigation to the board.
                                                                                                                              Hines also claims that the male
                                                                                                                            board members are responsible for her

                                                                                                                              “I allege my race and sex were fac-
           A Monroe man has been found guilty of  threatening the officers' lives.      cut her off when she speaks during  being harassed on social media.
        multiple felonies stemming from an attack  The victim told investigators that she  board meetings. She also claims that  tors in the hostile environment created
        on a woman in her Northville Township  had been shopping and when she           the male board members in question  by respondent's Caucasian male board
        home.                                  returned home, Gardner entered her       leaked information that “was not for  members,” she stated in her complaint.
           Christian Andrew Gardner, 52, was   home uninvited. As she tried to phone    the public” regarding Dr. Shelley Holt,  Cox refused to comment on the com-
        found guilty of charges including assault  police, she testified during the prelimi-  the suspended superintendent of  plaint or any of Hines' allegations.
        with intent to commit murder, assault with  nary hearing, he grabbed her and stabbed  schools currently involved in litigation  “The matter is in the hands of our
        a dangerous weapon and assaulting,     her. She said that she managed to escape  against the board of education.    attorneys,” he said. “I will not make
        resisting or obstructing police during a  the home and ask a neighbor to call for  Hines, who as a board member is  any public comment regarding the mat-
        bench trial before Wayne County Circuit  help.                                  also defendant in Holt's legal action  ter which will be settled by an objective
        Court Judge Bridget Mary Hathaway Aug.   She said that that she and Gardner had  against the school district, was in the  hearing of the claim by the agencies
        8. The judge also found him guilty of a mis-  previously dated.                 courtroom last week as Holt's $2 mil-  involved.  I will only say that I look for-
        demeanor domestic violence charge.       Township paramedics treated the        lion lawsuit against the board mem-  ward to that determination so that we
           According to court testimony, police  woman at the scene and she was trans-  bers and the district was being heard.   can all move on to do our jobs for the
        were called to the Northville Township  ported to St. Mary Mercy Hospital in      Hines denied allegations that she  children in this school district.”
        condominium home of a 44-year-old      Livonia for treatment for her injuries.  was in the courtroom in support of Holt  The Lusk Albertson law firm which
        woman just before 10 p.m. July 12, 2018.  Police engaged in a five-hour standoff  and said she was there as Board   represents the school district did not
        When the responding officers arrived,  with Gardner who refused to leave the    President David Cox has failed to pro-  respond to requests for comment.
        they discovered the victim outside suffer-  home, continuing to claim he was armed.
        ing from a bleeding knife wound to her  He eventually surrendered to officers and
        abdomen and wounds to her hands.       was arrested at the scene.                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF PLYMOUTH
           Gardner was also outside the condo-   He will be sentenced in Sept. 4 and                         ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS
        minium but immediately retreated inside,  faces up to life in prison on the multiple               THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2019
        telling officers that he had a gun and  felony convictions.                                                   6:00 P.M.
                                                                                      PLEASE NOTE that the Zoning Board of Appeals will hold its Regular Meeting on Thursday,
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                            September 5, 2019 commencing at 6:00 p.m., to consider:
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed  Application 1597, R78-005-99-0009-301, 15075 Beck RD, IND zoning district is requesting
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, September 5, 2019 for the following:  one variance to be allowed to have a sign area for a monument sign to be 101.38 square feet
                                                                                           whereas 45 square feet is allowed with a distance from the road of 12 feet with a road frontage
                                                                                           of over 200 feet. Variance requested is an additional 56.38 square feet of sign area.
         Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a  Application 1598, R78-016-02-0020-000 & Evergreen Park, Plymouth Oaks Business Park,
         sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-  IND zoning district and is requesting three variances:
         posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on  To be allowed to have (2) monument signs on the North and South side of the entrance-
         the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.  •
                                                                                             way of an industrial business park whereas only (1) monument sign is allowed. Variance
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK                                  required (1) additional monument sign at the entranceway.
                                                                                           • To allow for aluminum monument sign base whereas only brick or masonry block is
         Publish 8/22/2019                                             CN1924 - 082219  2.5 x 2.065  allowed. Variance required allowing aluminum monument base.
                                                                                           • To allow the logo to be 17" from the ground whereas sign copy must be 30" above ground
                                                                                             to allow for snow accumulation and plant growth. Variance requested logo to be 17" above
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                                   ground.
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept sealed  The meeting will be held at Plymouth Township Hall, 9955 N. Haggerty Road in the Town Hall
         proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3:00 p.m. Thursday, September 5, 2019 for the following:  Meeting Room.
                                                                                      Posted: Eagle Newspaper August 22, 2019                    PT0262 - 082219  2.5 x 4.116
         Proposals may be picked up at the Finance and Budget Department, on the MITN Purchasing Group website at or you may contact Mike Sheppard at: 734/394-5225. All proposals must be submitted in a
         sealed envelope clearly marked with the proposal name, company name, address and telephone number and date and time of pro-  CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
         posal opening. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. The Township does not discriminate on  ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDA
         the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.
                                                                                                                   September 12th, 2019
                                    MICHAEL SIEGRIST, CLERK
                                                                                      Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals THURSDAY, September 12th, 2019 at 7:00
                                                                                      PM. The meeting will be held in the Board Room at the Township Administration Building located at 1150 S. Canton Center
         Publish 8/22/2019                                             CN1925 - 082219  2.5 x 2.065  Road, Canton, MI 48188.
                                                                                      7:00 P.M.
                                        SYNOPSIS                                      Call to Order
                                   REGULAR MEETING
                          CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                              Pledge of Allegiance
                                   BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                  Roll Call: Jim Cisek, Vicki Welty, Craig Engel, Greg Greco and James Malinowski.
         DATE:            Thursday, August 15, 2019                                   Alternate: Gregory Demopoulos
         TIME:            7:00 p.m.
         PLACE:           44405 Six Mile Road                                         Approval of Agenda for September 12th, 2019
         CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Nix called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.         Approval of Minutes:
         PRESENT:         Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee          August 8th, 2019 Meeting Minutes
                          Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk  Symantha Heath, Trustee
                          Fred Shadko, Treasurer    Mindy Herrmann, Trustee           General Calendar:
                                                    Christopher Roosen, Trustee          1. Applicant Ali Soweidan, for vacant lot located on the west side of Canton Center Road between Ford and Hanford
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                             Roads, Zoning C-2, appealing Section 2.24C  Setbacks from wetland areas and watercourses  Parcel ID 71-036-01-0016-
         1. Agendas:                                                                       701 (Planning)
            A.      Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items – Approved
         2. Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:                    2. Applicant Paul Deters, for property located at 41211 Ford Road, on the south side of Ford Road between Haggerty and
                                                                                           I-275, Zoning C-4, appealing, Section 6A.06, Non-conforming Signs Parcel ID 71-050-99-0009-004 (Building)
            A.  WTUA Budget Presentation – Aaron Sprague – Presented
            B.  Landfill Working Committee Report – No Report                            3. Applicant Jeri Sunisloe, for property located at 44005 Southampton Drive on the south side of Southampton Road
         3. Public Hearing: None                                                           between Boniface and Sheldon Roads, Zoning R-5, appealing Article V Fences, Walls and Borders, Chapter 78-131
                                                                                           Zoning District Restrictions Parcel ID71-037-02-0206-000 (Building)
         4. Brief Public Comments: None
         5. New Business: None                                                           4.   Applicant Joe and Lauren Giaimo, for property located at 7474 Embassy, on the north side of Warren Road between
         6. Unfinished Business: None                                                      Canton Center and Beck Roads, Zoning R-4, appealing Article V Fences, Walls and Borders, Chapter 78-131 Zoning
         7. Ordinances:                                                                    District Restriction Parcel ID71-016-01-0034-000 (Building)
            A. Zoning Ordinance Amendments – Article 33 & 37 – Introduced                5. Applicant Kesava Kunapareddy, for property located at 1695 Beck Road, on the west side of Beck Road between Ford
         8. Check Registry:                                                                and Saltz Roads, Zoning RR, appealing Chapter 2.24C, Setbacks from Wetland Areas and Watercourses.  Parcel ID71-
         A. In the amount of $1,984,109.76 for the period of 7/6/19 to 8/2/19 – Approved   065-99-0008-000 (Building)
         9. Board Communication & Reports:
            A.     Robert R. Nix II, Marjorie Banner, Fred Shadko, Scott Frush, Symantha Heath,   Written comments need to be submitted prior to 4:00 PM on the date of the hearing.  All written comments must be sent to the
            Mindy Herrmann, Christopher Roosen, Chip Snider                           Charter Township of Canton. Clerk's Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI  48188, Phone 734-394-5120.
         10.Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
         11.ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.                                                          CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                               ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS
         A draft of the minutes will be available on August 27, 2019.                        In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who require special
         Respectfully submitted:                                                              accommodations, auxiliary aids or services to attend participate at the meeting/hearing should contact
         Robert R. Nix, Supervisor                                                                      Kerreen Conley, Human Resources Manager, at 734-394-5260.
         Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk                                                                      Reasonable accommodations can be made with advance notice.
                                                                    NT0014 - 082219  2.5 x 5.125  A complete copy of the Access to Public Meetings Policy is available at  CN1930 - 082219  2.5 x 1.294
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