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August 22, 2019                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                 PLYMOUTH - ROMULUS

        Romulus readies for annual city Pumpkin Festival

           The weather may still seem like sum-  p.m. Sept. 19 along with entries in the
        mer, but Romulus officials are gearing up  Sunflower Growing contest. This year, sin-
        for the annual Pumpkin Festival set to  gle blossoms only can be entered to com-
        begin with a number of contests Sept. 19  pete for the largest face and the tallest,
        and continue with  craft show, live enter-  measured from the top of the root to the
        tainment, the Boy Scout pancake break-  bend before the blossom.
        fast, a car show and a spaghetti dinner, all  Winners of all these contests will be
        celebrating the arrival of fall.       announced at 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept.
           Those Romulus residents canning the  20 in the Hospitality Tent, organizers said.
        bountiful harvest of tomatoes, green     The festival will begin, as has become a
        beans, pickles and fruits must have their  city tradition, with the Parade of Lights
        entries into the Canning Contest at the  presented by the Romulus Rotary Club at
        Romulus Senior Center, 36525 Bibbins   8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 20.
        before 1 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19.     Boy Scout Troop 872 will host a
           Only those items listed will be accepted  Pancake Breakfast from 8-11:30 a.m.
        into the canning contest this year, officials  Saturday, and there will be a White
        said.                                  Elephant Sale at St. Aloysius Church, a
           Those who want to enter the Pie     Car Show, craft and food vendors, a Kid
        Baking contest must prepare their best  Zone of inflatable, a Pumpkin Painting  The Romulus Pumpkin Festival traditionally includes free live entertainment on the Main
                                                                                     Stage during the weekend.
        version of pumpkin, sweet potato, peach  Tent, children's games, the famous Punkin'
        or apple pies and have them at the Senior  Chuckin' contest and the Spaghetti Dinner  ing on the Main Stage Friday and Just A  Saturday entertainment on the stage
        Center by 1 p.m. Sept. 19 for judging. Pie  from 5-6:30 p.m. Saturday.       Few Cats performing on the Main Stage on  will also include Step in Line from 2:30
        entries must be covered with cellophane  The Pumpkin Pub will be open serving  Saturday.                           until 3:30 and Karaoke with Jeff Lowery
        or plastic wrap to be accepted for judging.  beer and wine from 6 p.m. until 1 a.m. both  Just A Few Cats was co-founded by  from 5-7 p.m.
           And the judges will again this year be  Friday and Saturday.              Grammy nominated songwriter Alven        Festival organizers said they expect
        looking for the largest pumpkin grown in  Highlighting the musical entertainment  Garrett and American Idol winner Ruben  large crowds for the annual community
        Romulus. Those entries, too, are due by 1  this year will be the DTour Band perform-  Studdard.                    event again this year.
        Eagle Scouts install ‘Buddy Benches’ at elementary schools

                                                                        Eagle Scouts Justin Crouch  friendships, more self-esteem.  Isbister elementary schools.
                                                                      and Sean Cowell are good “bud-  The kids can make more genuine  Cowell was unable to attend the
                                                                      dies.”                        friends.”                      recent Rotary lunch meeting due
                                                                        The pair joined forces recent-  Accompanied by parents Kim  to Plymouth-Canton Marching
                                                                      ly to install “Buddy Benches” at a  and Julius Crouch, Justin spoke  Band practice.
                                                                      number of local elementary    recently about the project to the  Crouch worked with others on
                                                                      schools to each earn the highest  members of the Noon Plymouth  Buddy Benches for Plymouth-
                                                                      rank Boy Scouts of America can  Rotary Club.                 Canton  Gallimore and Field ele-
                                                                      bestow on a member. The Scouts    “It's extremely valuable; a  mentary schools as well as at
                                                                      said they learned teamwork,   great project,” commented club  Wayne-Westland David Hicks
                                                                      planning, and how to work with  President Carol Souchock, who  Elementary School.
                                                                      adults, including school princi-  is also the director of the  The teens belong to Troop
                                                                      pals, while working on the proj-  Plymouth Library.          1537 of the First United
                                                                      ect.                             She said she is glad the club  Methodist Church of Plymouth.
                                                                        The Buddy Bench concept     could help support the Buddy   Justin Crouch showed slides to
                                                                      works against school bullying  Bench project, with the Scouts  the Rotarians of the work, and
                                                                      with children approaching those  thanking club members for that  thanked Chuck Lang as well.
        Justin Crouch and Sean Cowell (not pictured) installed Buddy  seated on the Buddy Bench to  support.                          Lang is a retired Boy Scout
        Benches at local elementary schools to earn their Eagle Scout rank.  initiate a friendship.    Cowell worked with others to  executive and Rotarian and is
        Justin is shown with parents Julius and Kim Crouch as well as   Crouch, a Canton High School  put Buddy Benches at Plymouth-  still active with the Eagle Scout
        Plymouth Noon Rotary Club President Carol Souchock, at right.  student, noted, “We can create  Canton Miller, Hulsing and  program.

                                      LEGAL NOTICE

                                    CANCELLATION OF
                                 1954 PA 188 PROCEEDINGS

         Charter Township of Plymouth
         Wayne County, Michigan
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the special assessment hearing for the Plymouth Notch Subdivision
         that was scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Plymouth Township Hall,
         9955 N. Haggerty Rd, Plymouth, Michigan 48170 has been cancelled by the Township Board of
         the Charter Township of Plymouth.
         This hearing will be rescheduled at a later date.
                                                                    Jerry Vorva, Clerk
                                                           Charter Township of Plymouth
                                                              9955 North Haggerty Road
                                                              Plymouth, Michigan 48170
                                                                      (734) 354-3224
         Publish: August 22, 2019                                   PT0263  - 082219  2.5 x 3.625


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