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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 13, 2020

                                     BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                     BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Martin, Taylor will vie for 34th court seat

                                          Attorneys Lisa Martin and   the ballot in Belleville, Romulus,  Law School. She was appointed
                                       Alexandria Taylor will vie for the  Sumpter and Van Buren    as an attorney magistrate at the
                                       6-year term at the 34th District  Tuesday. The names of the top  34th District Court in May of 2018
                                       Court on the Nov. 3 General    two vote getters will then appear  where she served until February
                                       Election ballot.               on the Nov. 3 General Election  of this year. This is her second
                                          The two were the top vote get-  ballot.                   bid for election to the judicial
                                       ters in the primary election last  Incumbent David M. Parrott  bench.
                                       week which saw six candidates  received the third highest total  Taylor, 39, is a resident of
                                       vying for voters' approval. Martin  votes with 3,430 or 22.3 percent  Romulus and has been a resi-
                                       received a total of 4,213 votes, or  while Robert P. courts received  dent of the court jurisdiction her
                                       27.4 percent of the votes cast  2,150 or 14 percent of the votes  entire life. She is the manager of
                                       while Taylor received 3,800 or  while John R. Day garnered a  Taylor Law Firm and adjunct
                                       24.7 percent of the votes. The  total of 1,767 or 11.5 percent of  professor at University of Detroit
                                       34th District Court in Romulus  votes cast, according to reports  Mercy Law School.
                                       handles cases from Belleville,  from the Wayne County elections  She earned her Juris Doctor
                                       Romulus, Sumpter and Van       Office.                       from the University of Detroit
                                       Buren and candidates were on     Martin, 46, has been a resi-  School of Law, a bachelor of arts
                                       the primary ballots in those com-  dent of Van Buren Township for  degree in psychology from
                                       munities.                      13 years. She earned her bache-  Michigan State University and a
                                          Candidates for election to the  lor's degree form Harvard  master of business administra-
                                       judicial position at the 34th  University and he law degree  tion from Eastern Michigan
                           Lisa Martin   District District Court will be on  from the University of Michigan  University.                        Alexandria Taylor
        New district superintendent chosen for Romulus schools

           Dr. Benjamin Edmondson      ing community partnerships,    former teacher, principal, and  and a bachelor's degree in soci-
        has been selected as the new   raising academic standards     superintendent. Most recently  ology from The University of
        superintendent of the Romulus  and achievement, and increas-  he served as Superintendent of  Virginia.
        Community Schools.             ing enrollment in declining dis-  Ypsilanti Community Schools   His selection included com-
           Members of the Romulus      tricts, according to a district  (YCS), where he was known for  munity input on the qualities,
        Board of Education agreed dur-  spokesman.                    his abilities to empower stu-  experiences, and skills needed
        ing their Aug. 2 meeting to      School board president       dents, mobilize community     in the new superintendent. All
        enter into contract negotiations  Edward Martell said he was  members, and impact the cul-  interested parties were encour-
        with Edmondson following       pleased with the choice for the  ture and climate of the     aged to participate in the
        weeks of surveys, community    district.                      Ypsilanti school district and  process. An online survey was
        feedback and candidate inter-    “Dr. Edmondson has pre-      the surrounding community.    administered by the MASB
        views.                         sented an extensive 100-Day    Prior to his role as superinten-  Executive Search Service and
           The search was facilitated,  plan. I believe he is going to be  dent, Edmondson was a princi-  individual responses were com-
        according to officials, by the  a great fit for our district and I  pal in Ann Arbor and a teacher  bined with those from the virtu-
        Michigan Association of School  look forward to working with  in New Jersey.                al meetings with stakeholders
        Boards, a service organization  him to realign, reshape, and re-  Edmondson earned a doctor-  to provide important communi-
        that supports the work of school  imagine Romulus Community   ate in educational leadership  ty input to the Romulus
        boards throughout the state.   Schools.”                      from   Eastern    Michigan    Community Schools Board of
           Edmondson is the former       Edmondson was selected       University.                   Education in developing the
        superintendent of Ypsilanti    from a field of seven candi-     He holds a master's degree  superintendent selection crite-
        Community Schools and has an   dates. He has nearly 30 years  in educational theory and prac-  ria, according to a statement
        impressive record of establish-  educational experience as a  tice from Ohio State University,  from the district.               Dr. Benjamin Edmondson

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