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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 13, 2020

           Plymouth Canton classes

           FROM PAGE 1

           learning activities will be incorporated  Schools Roadmap or the district
           into this distance learning model. The  Virtual Academy, according to a pre-
           virtual learning plan will include sup-  pared statement.
           port for all students, including those  As guided by the Roadmap, the task
           with IEPs, 504s, ELs, and other spe-  force has been engaged in detailed
           cialized services.                  planning for the health and hygiene
             Another option which was discour-  measures that will be utilized upon in-
           aged by the members of the task force  person reentry to schools. While the
           was a combination model, called     Roadmap lists the wearing of face cov-
           Option C. This included two days a  erings as a strong recommendation for
           week of in-person instruction and   K-5 and a requirement for 6-12, face       MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING
                                                                                                                     July 27, 2020
           three days of remote virtual learning.  coverings will be a requirement for all  Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174
           Based on the feedback from the      staff and  students in elementary, mid-
           Reentry Task Force and stakeholder  dle, high, and post-secondary schools /  Roll Call
           input sessions, this model presented  programs unless the individual has a      Present: Kathy Abdo, Celeste Roscoe, Tina Talley, William Wadsworth, Eva Webb, Virginia Williams
           too many instructional and logistical  medical-based exception with a doc-      Absent / Excused: John Barden
                                                                                           Administrative Officials in Attendance:
           challenges, and not enough choice for  tor's note. This is consistent with the  Leroy Burcroff, Mayor
           our families.                       most recent recommendations from            Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
             The Plymouth Canton Community     local, state, and national levels. The      Stacy Paige, Treasurer
           Schools will offer a virtual academy  district will also be providing hand  1. Agenda
           independent of the options, with a  sanitizer stations throughout school
           minimum of a one-semester commit-   buildings and dedicated times for         A. Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Kathy Abdo  for  Approval of the Agenda
                                                                                           Roll Call Vote:
                                                                                                       Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
           ment. The virtual academy will be   hand washing will be routine and                        Nays - None
           available for the entire school year, for  required during the school day.                  Motion Carried Unanimously
           any student that chooses this option.  Daily COVID-19 screenings will      2. Minutes
           This will be a unique opportunity sep-  occur for all staff and students who
           arate from the other options that is an  will be entering school locations.   A. Res. # 20-171 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb, for  the approval of the min-
           individual choice available to families,  During this time period, only essential  utes from the regular meeting held on July 13, 2020
                                                                                                       Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                                                                           Roll Call Vote:
           a district spokesman said. The acade-  visitors will be allowed into the school.            Nays - None
           my will be staffed by district teachers  Social distancing will be practiced                Motion Carried Unanimously
           utilizing curriculum K-8, utilizing  wherever possible, and schools will      B. Approval of minutes from the special meeting - study session held on July 13, 2020.
           Michigan Virtual curriculum at the  include visual markings to help stu-        Res. # 20-172 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Celeste Roscoe for approval of  the minutes from
           high school level. More details about  dents with these expectations. Floors    the special meeting - public hearing held on July 13, 2020.
           the virtual academy program will be  in common areas of the buildings will      Roll Call Vote:  Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                                                                                       Nays - None
           shared as they are finalized.       have markings on them, and our build-                   Motion Carried Unanimously
             Phase 5 will offer families a choice  ing principals and program leaders
           of returning to five days a week in-per-  will lead the work within their individ-  3. Petitioner - None
           son instruction which would include  ual facilities to  support processes for  4.  Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
           all minimal required health and safety  social distancing during the school   Chairperson Talley asked Jazmine Danci, Community Development/Marketing Director, to provide an
           protocols, guided by the MI Safe    day.                                      update on the small business grant program.
                                                                                         Chairperson Talley asked Council if they would like to cancel the Aug. 3, 2020 meeting due to the primary
                                                                                         election being held the next day - August 4, 2020 and the consensus of Council was not to cancel the meet-
           Northville classes                                                            A. Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Kathy Abdo, to  the accept the Chairperson's Report
                                                                                         ing. Chairperson Talley gave a reminder about the 2020 Census.

                                                                                           Roll Call Vote:
                                                                                                       Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                                                                                       Nays - None
           FROM PAGE 1                                                                                 Motion Carried Unanimously
           and gradually increase in-person    Scenario.                              5. Mayor's Report - LeRoy D. Burcroff, Mayor
           attendance through September until    “We will continue to monitor the
           all students attend school five days per  emerging guidance from the federal,   Res. # 20-173 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth to adopt a resolution to
                                                                                           recognize recent city retirees Sheila Stewart, Nate Davis, and Karl Hunt for their years of service.
           week.                               state, and local health and education       Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
             Parents/families across the district  agencies as the start of the school year            Nays - None
                                                                                                       Motion Carried Unanimously
           will have the option to elect a Full  approaches, and inform you of any         Res. # 20-174 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to adopt a memorial resolution for
           Virtual/Distance Learning option that  changes necessitating any adjustments    the family of Jarmin Roach.
           will continue uninterrupted from the  to the Reentry Plan and/or opportuni-     Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
           start of the school year, or may opt for  ties to move more quickly toward a full           Nays - None
                                                                                                       Motion Carried Unanimously
           the September Virtual Start that transi-  return to school,” said Superintendent
           tions into the identified In-Person  of Schools Mary Kay Gallagher.           A. Res. # 20-175 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Virginia Williams to award ITB 19/20-31
                                                                                           Contract for Annual NFPA Compliant Firefighter Physicals.
                                                                                           Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
             Romulus,  Van Buren and Wayne Westland Schools                                            Nays - None
                                                                                                       Motion Carried Unanimously
             In Wayne Westland, members of the board of education were expected to       B. Res. # 20-176 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Eva Webb to concur with the administration
           approve the final back-to-school plan this week. The plan includes three scenar-  and consent to piggyback on the MiDeal Contract #071B770085 for the purchase of one (1) John Deere
           ios: online learning, part-time classroom learning and full-time classroom learn-  Tractor with Broom and Snow Blower attachments at a cost of $16,945.63 for the Department of Public
           ing.                                                                            Works.
                                                                                           Roll Call Vote:    Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
             Right now, the state is in phase four of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's reopening                Nays - None
           plan. If classes start in phase four, students and teachers will return to classrooms       Motion Carried Unanimously
           in interchanging groups. The district would combine online and in-person learn-  C. Res. # 20-177 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to  approve the Introduction of
           ing so buildings were never at full capacity. If the state moves into phases five or  Budget Amendment 20/21-1 to cover the cost of the purchase of patrol car modems.
           six, students and staff will return to buildings full-time.  Should the state regress  Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
           to phase three or lower, all classes would move online. Dignan said the district            Nays - None
                                                                                                       Motion Carried Unanimously
           would work to provide students in need with computers and internet access.
           Teachers likely will do more to connect socially and emotionally with students,  D.  Res. # 20-178 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to concur with the administra-
           too.                                                                            tion and introduce budget amendment 20/21-2 to cover the cost of the purchase of patrol car printers.
                                                                                           Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
             In Romulus, the return to school plan is also awaiting finalization and the Van           Nays - None
           Buren Public Schools are also still considering options for the safety of students,         Motion Carried Unanimously
           teachers and families.                                                     6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
                                                                                         City Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg gave a reminder that voters must vote a straight party ticket at the Election of
                                                                                         August 4, 2020.
                                 ORDINANCE NO. 2020- 003
                                    CITY OF ROMULUS                                      A. Res. # 20-179 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth, to approve Second
                                  APPENDIX A - ZONING                                      Reading, Final Adoption of an Ordinance to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Romulus by
                                                                                           rezoning 69.48 acres of property at 37350 Ecorse, Parcel #80-024-99-0005-703 from Conditional M-T,
                                    AMENDMENT 1.247                                        Industrial Transportation to M-2, General Industrial.
         An Ordinance to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Romulus by rezoning certain prop-  Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb
         erty from Conditional M-T, Industrial Transportation to M-2, General Industrial.              Nays - Williams
         THE CITY OF ROMULUS ORDAINS:                                                                  Motion Carried Unanimously
         SHORT TITLE:  This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the Amended Zoning Ordinance.
         SECTION 1:    To rezone 69.48 acres of property at 37350 Ecorse, Parcel #80-024-99-0005-703  B. Res. # 20-180 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by William Wadsworth to approve the proposed
                                                                                           Amendment to the 457(b) Plan to Sections 5.1 and 6.1.
         from Conditional M-T, Industrial Transportation to M-2, General Industrial District.  Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
              LEGAL DESCRIPTION                                                                        Nays - None
              06R1A1                                                                                   Motion Carried Unanimously
              PT OF SE 1/4 SEC 6 T3S R9E DESC AS BEG N00DEG 19M 30S E 60FT AND S88DEG
              13M 20S W 112.65FT FROM SE COR SEC 6 TH S88DEG 13M 20S W 1200.43FT TH   7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer
              N00DEG 25M 10S E 1258.54FT TH N00DEG 18M 40S E 635.81FT TH N00DEG 23M 00S
              E 650.53FT TH N88DEG 10M 00S E 1179.78FT TH S00DEG 04M 57S E 2545.32FT TO  A. Res. # 20-182 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by William Wadsworth to concur with the request
              POB                                                                          from City Treasurer, Stacy Paige, to not move forward with the DivDat Agreement.
              69.48 AC                                                                     Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                                                                                       Nays - None
                                                                                                       Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                      8. Public Comment
                                                                                           A resident spoke about property on Inkster Road.
                                                                                           A representative from Div Dat Kiosk Network Co. spoke about his company's proposed agreement.
                                                                                           A representative from D & G Building Co. spoke about property on Inkster Road.

                                                                                      9. Unfinished Business
                                                                                           Res. # 20-183 Moved by Eva Webb, seconded by Kathy Abdo to  adopt a memorial resolution for the
                                                                                           family of Faye Sudduth.
                                                                                           Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
                                                                                                       Nays - None
                                                                                                       Motion Carried Unanimously
                                                                                           Mayor Burcroff commented about the property on Inkster Road.
                                                                                           City Attorney Steve Hitchcock will get a copy of the City Zoning Ordinances to City Council.
                                                                                      10. New Business
                                                                                      11. Warrant
         Effective Date.  This ordinance shall take effect upon publication thereof in an official
                       newspaper, which publication shall be made when the minutes passing the   A. Res. # 20-184 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Celeste Roscoe to  approve Warrant # 20-14,
                       ordinance are published subject to revocation at will of the City of Romulus at   Checks presented in the amount of $1,369,621.73.
                       any time.                                                           Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
         Complete copy of the ordinance is on file in the City Clerk's Office, 11111 Wayne Rd. Romulus,  Nays - None
         MI.                                                                                           Motion Carried Unanimously
         ADOPTED, APPROVED AND PASSED by the City Council at the City of Romulus this 27th
         day of July, 2020.                                                           12. Communication
         I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City Council of  13. Adjournment
                                                                                           Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Eva Webb to adjourn the meeting at 9:14 p.m.
         the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held in the City Council Chambers in said City on  Roll Call Vote:   Ayes - Abdo, Roscoe, Talley, Wadsworth, Webb, Williams
         the 27th day of July, 2020.                                                                   Nays - None
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Romulus City Clerk                                                      Motion Carried Unanimously
         Introduced:   July 13, 2020
         Adopted:      July 27, 2020                                                  I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true
         Published:    Aug 13, 2020                                    RM0521 - 081320  2.5 x 7.284  copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on July 27, 2020. RM0522 - 081320  2.5 x 18.628
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