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August 13, 2020                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Township voters

        favor incumbents

           Voters in Plymouth Township  Nancy Conzelman, who was
        will choose the names to appear  defeated by Vorva in her cam-
        on the Nov. 3 ballot during the  paign for reelection as clerk in
        primary election set for Aug. 4  2016.  Her tenure was filled with
        from a field including only one  controversy and after her exit an
        Democrat.                      unusual number of records and
           Incumbent       Township    files were reportedly missing.
        Supervisor Kurt Heise will serve  Officials from the federal Drug
        another four-year term as he is  Forfeiture Funding program at
        unopposed for the office on the  the time informed the police
        primary ballot.                chief that the office had to expel
           Also unopposed on the ballot  Plymouth Township from that           Supervisor Kurt Heise              Clerk Jerry Vorva         Treasurer Mark Clinton
        is incumbent Treasurer Mark    program due to the failure of  Conzelman had also filed a peti-  ing trustee posts are Audrey  To All Taxes,” registered with the
        Clinton, who like Heise, has   both the clerk's and then treasur-  tion to seek a term as a trustee  Monaghan, and former state rep-  state election commission as
        served in his respective office for  er's office to provide sufficient  but withdrew that petition by the  resentative and one-term town-  Defeat PARC Millage. The group
        four years.                    records and financial docu-    filing deadline.              ship trustee John Stewart, who  was allegedly formed to block a
           Township Clerk Jerry Vorva,  ments.  After her loss to Vorva in  Seven candidates have filed  ran unsuccessfully as an inde-  township public safety millage
        however, who has also served   the August 2016 primary elec-  nominating petitions for the five  pendent for the 7th Senate  and defeat the PARC ballot pro-
        one term, will be challenged by  tion, Conzelman campaigned as  available  trustee  terms.  District in 2010.              posal. The ballot proposal,
        another Republican candidate,  a write-in candidate in        Incumbents Gary Heitman and      Others seeking trustee seats  defeated in November 2018, to
        long-time resident and former  November and was reported to   Jack Dempsey have opted not to  are Don Schnettler, Dan      fund the Plymouth Arts and
        Deputy Clerk Sandy Groth who   have received only about 130   seek reelection.              Callahan and Becky Krupa, all  Recreation Complex was one of
        abruptly resigned her position  votes.                          Incumbents on the ballot will  Republicans.                the most contentious issues fac-
        last year.                       Conzelman's name will        be Chuck Curmi and Bob           Krupa was associated with   ing voters in both the city and
           Whichever of them is success-  appear on the primary ballot as  Doroshewitz, both long-time  the political action group “Say  township, including accusations
        ful Aug. 4 will face Democrat  she is unopposed as a Democrat.  members of the board. Also seek-  No to PARC” and then “Say No  of vandalism by each side.
        Local VFW Post falling victim to pandemic effects

                         Don Howard    VFW Post 6695 in Plymouth is                              ”                                 ing the rent and keeping the
                          Staff Writer  facing the financial peril that the                                                        lights-on at the post with no ban-
                                       pandemic has caused throughout            VFW Post 6695 in Plymouth is facing               quet hall rental fees and no
           They have survived gunfire,  the area. The post has served             the financial peril that the pandemic            fundraisers possible for nearly
        bombings and hand-to-hand      community veterans since the                                                                six months has left the post in a
        combat in Vietnam, and as long  1930s and has been a traditional           has caused throughout the area.                 dire financial condition. Monthly
        ago as Korea and even World War  and honored presence through-                                                             rent amounts to thousands of dol-
        II. They have survived helicopter  out the area. The appearance of                                                         lars, not to mention insurance,
        flights into enemy territory   the veterans at each national mil-  bers located in more than 6,500  financial peril due to the pan-  utilities and other fixed expens-
        under extreme conditions and   itary holiday celebration is   posts worldwide. Their mission  demic.                       es, King said.
        been willing to sacrifice their  always welcomed with loud    is veterans' services, legislative  Ron King, commander of Post  Desperate for help, friends of
        lives for their country.       applause as they proudly march  advocacy and military and com-  6695, is a retired United States  the post have established a GO-
           But they could soon suffer the  and conduct heartfelt memorials  munity service programs. The  Air Force major and Vietnam  FUND-ME account to try and
        effects of a silent, unseen killer  for those who have served.  nonprofit civic and social organi-  veteran who served 22 years in  help provide some financial help
        which threatens one of the facili-  The VFW is the largest and  zation is headquartered in  active duty. King is reaching out  to keep the doors open for the
        ties that has provided them with  oldest major war veteran's organ-  Kansas City, MO.       to the public in an effort to keep  veterans who look to the post for
        comfort, fellowship and solace  ization in the country, founded in  The Plymouth VFW Post has  the post that has helped so many  friendship and help.
        for more than six decades.     1889 and chartered by Congress  not escaped the ravages of   for so long open in light of the  To access the fund or donate,
           The COVID 19 pandemic may   in 1936. There are almost 1.7 mil-  COVID 19 and like so many busi-  current economic stress.   go to gofundmeplymouthVFW.
        soon claim another victim as   lion VFW and Auxiliary mem-    nesses and start ups faces serious  King says the burden of pay-  com.
        Northville voters approve

        operating millage, edge

        out current office holders

           Northville Township voters approved  votes, 53.13 percent, while Shako was the
        the request for an operating renewal and  choice of 2,093 or 46.78 percent of voters.
        increase by a 2-1 margin during the pri-  The top vote getter among the
        mary election last week. Voters cast 6,472  Republican candidates for trustee was
        yes votes on the question or 64.60 percent  Mindy Hermann who received 20.99 per-
        of the votes and 3,546 no votes or 35.40  cent of the votes or a total of 3,123. That
        percent of the total.                  total was followed closely by candidate
           In the race for supervisor of the town-  Chris Roosen who received a total of 2,863
        ship, Republican voters cast 2,447 or 50.38  votes or 19.25 percent of the total. Cynthia
        percent of the votes in favor of Mark J.  L. Jankowski was the third highest vote
        Abbo, a former supervisor. Incumbent   getter with a total of 2,719 or 18.28 percent
        Robert R. Nix received 2,408 votes or  and Scott Frush garnered 2,639 votes or
        49.58 percent of the total.            17.74 percent of the total cast on the
           Republican voters also opted for roger  Republican side of the ballot.
        Lundberg as the candidate of choice for  Those four candidates will appear on
        township clerk, giving him 2,326 votes, or  the Nov. 3 General Election ballot vying
        50.31 percent, narrowly edging out incum-  for terms on the township board of
        bent Clerk Marjorie F. Banner who      trustees. Candidate Steve McGuirk
        received 2,292 votes, 49.58 percent.   received 13.89 percent of the votes for a
           The race for treasurer also saw incum-  total of 13.89 and Kevin C. Johnston was
        bent Fred Shadko defeated by challenger  the choice of 1,451 or 9.75 percent of the
        Jason Rhimes. Rhimes received  2,377   voters.
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