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Annual Inkster Police Memorial set for tomorrow
Tomorrow the City of Inkster rounds were fired from their
will mark the 35th anniversary of room.
the death of three officers A national news story, the
gunned down during a daylight ambush and murder of the offi-
ambush and the death of an offi- cers became a cautionary tale of
cer who was killed in 1994 during the danger police officers face
a drug arrest. every day, officials said.
Patrol Ofc. Clay Hoover, Sgt. Thousands of uniformed officers
Ira Parker, and Ofc. Daniel from throughout the state attend-
Dubiel were shot and killed ed the funerals for the men and
while attempting to serve a war- lined the streets, saluting, as the
rant for a bad check from a rental hearses carrying the men went
car agency on a 68-year-old past.
woman and her three sons at a All four suspects were sen-
motel at 28525 Michigan Ave. on tenced to three life terms in
July 10, 1994. prison for their role in the mur-
Dubiel and Hoover entered ders. The mother died in prison
the room first and were asked to on June 12, 2011. One of her sons
help one of the sons who had died in prison in 1996. Ofc. Clay Hoover Sgt. Ira Parker Ofc. Daniel Dubiel
recently had kidney dialysis Hoover had served with the
treatment. Dubiel then called Inkster Police Department for Police Department for 15 years. In July 2000 the suspect was daughters.
Parker to bring a summons four months. He was survived by He was survived by his wife and found guilty of first-degree mur- The Inkster police depart-
instead of arresting the individu- his parents, a brother, and fiancé. four children. der and sentenced to life in ment, officials and the communi-
als, and the officers waited with Dubiel had served with the Woodmore was shot and killed prison. In August 2002 the sus- ty honor the officers who have
the suspects. When Parker agency for 13 years. He was sur- after stopping a man on a bicycle pect was found guilty a second given their lives in service to
entered the room, the suspects vived by his wife and four chil- who had just completed a drug time in a second trial for the their community every year. The
opened fire, killing all three offi- dren. transaction near Pine Street and murder. Woodmore had served memorial service tomorrow is
cers instantly. The four suspects Parker was a United States Henry Street. The suspect pulled with the Inkster Police set for 11:30 a.m. at the Inkster
then held officers at bay during a Air Force Vietnam veteran and a 9 mm handgun and shot Department for 5 years. He was Police Department, 26279
ten-hour standoff as hundreds of had served with the Inkster Woodmore five times. survived by his two sons and two Michigan Ave. Inkster.
On a roll
The Wildwood Bikeway is the first project to be
implemented from the Westland Walk & Roll plan.
The bikeway is 3.5 miles of path along Wildwood
Road, on both sides, northbound and south-
bound, between Warren Road to Glenwood
Road. The bikeway involves two types of bicycle
facilities both with varied signs and pavement
markings, officials said. The first is a 5-foot-wide
dedicated bike lane, located in the areas where
there is no on-street parking. The second con-
sists of Sharrow markings and signage to alert
motorists that bicyclists can use the entire lane.
This pathway is located in the areas where on-
street parking exists. In these Sharrow marked
areas, motorists are required to drive behind bik-
ers or pass them with at least 3-feet of space. For
more information about Bike Safety or the Walk &
Roll plan, visit the Westland Bicycle Safety
Campaign webpage at: https://www.cityofwest-