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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 11, 2022

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Mayor's ‘One Romulus’ meeting set for Aug. 17.

           Romulus city officials will be  Aug.17 at Romulus City Hall,                                                            the city has several free events
        hosting “One Romulus” commu-   11111 Wayne Road                                          ”                                 planned for the summer where
        nity meetings, a listening tour  “When I was campaigning                     We want our residents to feel                 residents can mingle with their
        that provides residents the    across Romulus, I repeatedly                comfortable sharing their ideas.                neighbors, including Sounds in
        opportunity to speak with Mayor  heard community members                                                                   Downtown, a live concert series
        Robert McCraight, elected offi-  express a desire to meet face-to-                                                         from 7 until 9 p.m. every second
        cials, public safety leaders and  face with their elected officials,”                                                      and fourth Friday and Movies the
        neighbors.                     McCraight said. “The 'One      update on the latest city news  continued. “We want our resi-  in Park every third Friday.
           Launched as part of a continu-  Romulus' community meetings  and announcements, which will  dents to feel comfortable sharing  For more information about
        ing effort to foster collaboration  will provide this invaluable face-  then be followed by a question  their ideas, and we encourage  upcoming events in Romulus,
        among residents and city leaders,  time while sparking partnerships  and answer session and network-  them to come prepared for an  view the Community Calendar
        the “One Romulus” community    and collaborations that will   ing.                          engaging and constructive con-  on the city website or visit the
        meetings will occur throughout  strengthen our city.”           “These meetings won't be one-  versation.”                 City of Romulus and Romulus
        the summer at 6 p.m. in selected  To open each meeting,       sided with me doing all of the   In addition to the “One     Downtown       Development
        locations including Wednesday,  McCraight will provide an     talking at residents,” McCraight  Romulus” community meetings,  Authority Facebook pages.
        No action is taken on demand for trustees’ resignations

           Sumpter Township trustees   including the township attorney                                                             business session. So make no mis-
        took no action on a demand to  and the township police chief                             ”                                 take, I don't apologize for asking
        resign their positions immediately  immediately,” Barrington said.         Your comments were out of order                 somebody to be quiet while the
        during the July 26 meeting by an  The board members, by a                    and at an inappropriate time.                 board is in session.”
        “elected precinct delegate.”   unanimous vote, adopted Roberts                                                               Morgan said other residents
           Ronald Barrington told the  Rules of Order, the uniform code                                                            had spoken during past board
        board members that during the  of meeting procedures some time                                                             meeting without being cautioned
        meeting July 12, they had violated  ago, and conduct meetings under  believe that all residents have a  “You attempted to speak while  or “shut down.” Officials remind-
        his rights guaranteed under the  those rules.                 right to speak.”              the board was in session and were  ed her that those individuals were
        First Amendment to the constitu-  Trustee Peggy Morgan attempt-  Trustee Matt Oddy, however,  out of order,” he said. “I don't apol-  authorized to speak by the chair of
        tion by refusing to allow him to  ed to placate Barrington and apol-  said he wanted to make it very  ogize. Your comments were out of  the meeting and had not violated
        make comments during the pro-  ogize “for you being told no.” She  clear that he did not and would  order and at an inappropriate  the adopted rules of meeting con-
        ceedings.                      said she didn't agree with the rul-  not apologize for conducting the  time,” he told Barrington.   duct.
           “Consequently, I am demand-  ing by Supervisor Tim Bowman  meeting as prescribed in the stan-  “Your comments came while  No resignations have yet been
        ing this whole board resign,   who chairs the meetings. “I    dard, accepted procedures.    the board was in the middle of  submitted.
        Board members laud reduction of overdue water bills

           Members of the Sumpter      rather than many things “not rele-  by $232,000. That's huge and some-  death of Treasurer James Clark.  move on to the General Election
        Township Board of Trustees took  vant to the business that needs to  thing that should be talked about.”  Warren, who has lived in  Nov. 8 by candidate Sheena
        time to acknowledge the perform-  take place when we come in here  LaPorte reinterated that a reduc-  Sumpter since 1958, has earned a  Barnes. He received 376 votes
        ance of Township Treasurer     each week.” LaPorte said he want-  tion by that amount of money in  master's degree in counseling and  while she garnered 446 votes.
        Vincent Warren during their meet-  ed to take the opportunity to focus  one department is something that  a baccalaureate degree in liberal  Barnes, 62, was appointed as a
        ing July 26.                   on the accomplishments of Warren  “should be talked about in a posi-  arts. He is employed as a peer  trustee in 2018 for a partial term.
           Trustee Don La Porte told the  who was appointed to the treasur-  tive manner.”          advocate for veterans at the   She has previously sought election
        board that he felt that recent board  er's position in 2021.    “Thank you. You are doing a  Department of Veteran Affairs in  to the township offices of trustee,
        meetings had failed to acknowl-  In that time, LaPorte said, “Mr.  fantastic job,” he told Warren, who  Ann Arbor.         clerk and treasurer.
        edge many of the positive things  Warren and his team in there have  was appointed by a unanimous  During the primary election last  The partial term expires Nov.
        taking place in the township   reduced the delinquent water bills  vote of the trustees following the  week, he was defeated in his bid to  20, 2024.

           Library                     with Disabilities Act.         Metro Airport is awarded grant
                                       Braden with a formal resolu-     Metro Airport in Romulus has  service is crucial for economic  important markets and destina-
           FROM PAGE 1                 tion approved by members of    been awarded $6,578,145 in fed-  development, commerce, and  tions,” said Peters. “This federal
                                       the city council declaring Aug.  eral grant funding for improve-  tourism,” said Stabenow.   support will help ensure airports
           countertop, and outlets for  4 as Library Day in Romulus   ments at the facility. The funds  “This funding is another criti-  throughout the Detroit Metro
           patrons to prepare drinks or  to applause and cheers from  are from the Federal Aviation  cal infrastructure investment  area can continue transporting
           snacks for their groups along  those in attendance.        Administration grant program,  coming to our state and will  travelers safely and efficiently
           with the new carpeting in the  Renovations were funded     explained Sen. Debbie Stabenow  improve Oakland County and   for years to come by making nec-
           updated sections extending  through the library budget     and  Sen. Gary Peters.        Detroit Metro airports for years  essary upgrades to critical infra-
           throughout the adult services  and taxpayers will not see an  Metro airport will receive  to come,” she added. Stabenow  structure.”
           area.                       increase in taxes to support   $5,405,409 to purchase 40 pre-  supported the grant application.   More information on the
             New shelving is now com-  the funding of the renovations,  conditioned air units and      “Michigan airports play a crit-  Department of Transportation
           pliant with the Americans   officials stressed.            $1,172,736 to repair taxiways.    ical role in keeping communities  grant program can be found at
                                                                        “Having reliable and safe air  and businesses connected to


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