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August 11, 2022                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        New recreation department director named

           Debra Bilbrey-Honsowetz has                            ”                                 approximately 42 percent of the
        been appointed as the interim                                                               operating budget. The city por-
        director of the Northville Parks             We look forward to seeing how                  tion comes from the general fund
        and Recreation Department.                  Deb's strengths positively impact               of the budget supplies about 8
           Bilbrey-Honsowetz has more                                                               percent of the operating budget,
        than 33 years of experience in              Northville Parks and Recreation.                according to officials.
        the parks and recreation field.                                                                Northville   Parks    and
        Most recently, she led the Canton                                                           Recreation Department provides
        Township Leisure Services      nity center manager, responsible  who held the position for nearly  parks, facilities, programs and
        Department for five years before  for daily operations of Summit  six years. His last day was July 27  services through three divisions.
        retiring in 2016.              on the Park Community Center.  and she began her new interim  The Recreation Division hosts
           She is known as a leader    She was promoted and served as  position July 29.            programming in special events,
        whose strengths include foster-  recreation and facilities manager  Northville  Parks  and  youth recreation, camps, teen
        ing development of innovative  from 2000-2009 and worked as   Recreation is a shared service  enrichment, adult recreation,
        recreation programs, while man-  the economic development man-  provided through an agreement  athletics and more. The Senior
        aging a $10 million operating  ager from 2009-2011 before mov-  between the Charter Township of  Services Division provides pro-
        budget and capital improvement  ing to director of leisure services.   Northville and the City of  gramming in health and well-
        projects, along with 56 full-time  “I'm excited to come to    Northville to jointly operate  ness, social, educational, enrich-
        and 300 part-time employees,   Northville,” Bilbrey-Honsowetz  parks and recreation, senior  ment and events. In addition,
        officials said.                said. “It's such a great community  services and Northville Youth  staff members provide a daily
           “I used to work with Deb,”  with so many wonderful ameni-  Network.                      curb-to-curb transportation pro-
        said Northville Township       ties and I am excited to be a part  About 50 percent of funding  gram for adults ages 60+ and
        Manager Todd L. Mutchler. “Her  of that. I look forward to deliver-  for the department is self-gener-  people with disabilities. The  Debra Bilbrey-Honsowetz
        expertise in the parks and recre-  ing services that the residents  ated revenue through rental and  Parks and Facilities Division is
        ation arena will impact the    desire.”                       program fees, grants, donations  responsible for a variety of neigh-  ways/trails, boardwalks and
        future of our program. She is    Bilbrey-Honsowetz will help  and scholarships. The other half  borhood and community parks  nature areas.
        approachable, solutions oriented  search for the next permanent  comes from both the city and  and pathways. The parks boast a  “We look forward to seeing
        and has a deep network.”       Northville Township Parks and  township. The township portion  variety of amenities, such as ath-  how Deb's strengths positively
           She began working in Canton  Recreation director.          is funded through the shared  letic fields, playgrounds, tennis  impact Northville Parks and
        Township in 1994 as the commu-   She replaces Mark Gasche,    services millage and amounts for  courts, pavilions, dog parks, path-  Recreation,” Mutchler said.
        Volunteers are sought for new Citizens District Council

           Applications from qualified  site is being reviewed by the                                                              City of Northville and is required
        volunteers interested in serving  Northville Planning Commission                         ”                                 to have a minimum of nine mem-
        on the Citizen's District Council  members and will then go to the    Members must be at least 18 years of age             bers and be representative of the
        (CDC) are being accepted by the  city council members for review.       and reside within the DDA boundaries.              DDA district.
        Northville City Council. A CDC is  The project may or may not                                                                Members must be at least 18
        required when a community      require changes to the DDA                                                                  years of age and reside within
        plans to modify the boundaries of  boundaries or a text amendment                                                          the DDA boundaries.
        the Downtown Development       to the DDA development plan,   on the issue. In order to not delay  three times to provide input. If it  For more information on the
        Authority (DDA) and there are  officials said.                the project further, the CDC is  is determined that no changes to  CDC, contact Lori Ward, DDA
        100 or residents within the dis-  By state statute, Public Act 57  being established now to be pre-  the DDA boundaries or the  director, at (248) 349-0345 or by
        trict.                         of 2018 requires that the CDC be  pared, should the need arise,  development are required, the  email.
           A proposal for the redevelop-  established for at least 90 days  officials said. The CDC members  CDC may be dissolved.   The application is also avail-
        ment of the Northville Downs   prior to scheduling any hearings  will meet approximately two to  The CDC is established by the  able on the city website.

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