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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 23, 2020

                                             WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                             WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Court                                  detailed numerous cost-saving items
                                               which were not included in the numbers.
                                               “That is not reliable information,” she
        FROM PAGE 1                            said.
                                                 Camiller explained that the numbers
        that both were informed that a merger  and totals were simply examples and not
        with the Romulus Court was now “off the  intended as the final calculations.
        table,” as was any further negotiation with  “Any such agreement is still the object
        the 18th District Court in Westland, where  of negotiation,” he said. He reminded the
        judges have consistently rejected merger  members of the council that the Romulus
        overtures from Wayne for more than a   court wanted to assume the workload but
        decade.                                did not want another judge. Officials com-
           In discussing any potential merger with  mented that preliminary talks with
        the Inkster court, Rhaesa, along with sev-  Westland had included adding a judge to
        eral members of the council, questioned  that court which currently has two full-
        the rumored state regulation which     time judges and a magistrate.
        requires any merger of district courts be  O'Leary explained that the courts were
        in contiguous communities. O'Leary said  now using zoom and other methods for
        she had not done any research personally  many court procedures and that this is  “We should consider the people here,  sion for them, as well as Wayne.
        on the question but offered suggestions as  also a cost savings measure, both for the  citizens having to drive along with police  Rhaesa asked O'Leary if she could have
        to court authorities and agencies the city  courts and for the respective police  transporting (prisoners). There is no rea-  the report at the next meeting of the coun-
        could ask in writing for any such ruling.  departments. She suggested that perhaps,  son we can't go back and speak with  cil at the end of the month. O'Leary agreed
        City Manager Lisa Nocerini said that she  in light of these new procedures, the opin-  them,” he said of the suggestion to again  and said that current court administrator
        had attempted to research the law, but  ions about a merger with the Westland or  approach the neighboring courts.  Linda Gable would be able to work on
        could not find any determining statute  Romulus courts may have changed.       O'Leary said that she would attempt to  compiling the data.
        which would require the communities to   Camiller agreed noting that COVID   contact the judges in the two communities  In closing, O'Leary reminded the mem-
        be contiguous.                         may have changed the opinions and prac-  to see if any discussion would be of inter-  bers of the council of the number of meas-
           O'Leary explained that the merging of  tices of court.                    est. She suggested such a conversation  ures that have already been taken at the
        courts would need some legislative action  Mayor Pro tem Tom Porter noted that  would be far more productive if she had  court to control expenses including the
        at the state level as it would create a new  while both Wayne and Romulus officials  accurate case-load and financial data  scheduling of police officers on their regu-
        voting base for election of judges. O'Leary  were willing to consider a merger and  from the courts to analyze costs and bene-  lar shifts so as not to incur overtime costs.
        reiterated her concern with the financial  both rejected the proposal, council should  fits in an effort to show officials that the  “Other courts may not take many of
        information presented to the council and  take another look at the issue.    merger could be a sound financial deci-  these things into consideration,” she said.
        Suspect facing multiple charges in mall shooting

           A Detroit man is facing 15  officers, as well as officers from  ly outside of the store were hit  not a random act of violence
        criminal charges in connection  other law enforcement agen-   with glass shards, according to  and that the parties involved
        with a non-fatal shooting report-  cies, responded to a call about  police reports.         had interactions prior to the
        ed at Westland Mall July 9.    shots fired inside Westland Mall.  The defendant fled the scene  confrontation at the mall. Police
           According to the office of  Witnesses told officers the    on foot and police officers   have requested anyone with
        Wayne County Prosecutor Kym    shooter met with some acquain-  searched the mall in an attempt  information about the incident
        Worthy, Gregory Travis Jones,  tances while in a store in the  to immediately locate him,   contact the detective bureau at
        24, is facing charges including  mall.                        police said.                  (734) 467-7914.
        two counts of assault with intent  A subsequent discussion      An investigation by Westland   Jones was arraigned July 13
        to murder, two counts of assault  among the group escalated into  police officers and the U.S.  in 18th District Court and
        with intent to do great bodily  an argument and the defendant  Marshal Fugitive Apprehension  received a $1 million cash or
        harm, two counts of felonious  drew a weapon and initially    Team located the defendant and  surety bond from Judge Mark
        assault, discharge of a firearm  fired it into the air and then  placed him under arrest July 13.  McConnell. Should he post
        in a building, carrying a con-  fired the weapon toward the   Westland investigators are con-  bond, he will be required to
        cealed weapon and seven        fleeing acquaintances, accord-  tinuing the investigation and  wear a GPS tether and remain
        counts of felony firearm.      ing to investigator's reports.  attempting to identify the other  in his home.
           The charges stem from an      The bullets struck and shat-  individuals pictured in surveil-  The  Probable    Cause
        incident reported at 5:38 p.m.  tered the store display window  lance video of the incident.  Conference in the case is sched-
        July 9 when Westland police    and two bystanders immediate-  Police said that the incident was  uled for July 23.                   Gregory Travis Jones
        Nominations sought for AARP senior service awards

           Active seniors in the area are due for  they've learned in life to make a difference  and inspired other volunteers. The award  Couples or partners who perform service
        some honors from AARP (American        in the lives around them,” said AARP  recipient will be announced in early fall.   together are also eligible; however, teams
        Association of Retired People) Michigan.   Michigan State Director Paula D.    AARP Michigan Andrus Award for      are not eligible.
           The group is now accepting nominations  Cunningham.                       Community Service nominees must be 50    Officials said that this is not a posthu-
        for the 2020 Michigan Andrus Award for   Nomination deadline is Sept. 15 and  years or older and the achievements,  mous award. For more information or ques-
        Community Service, which honors 50-and-  Nomination forms are available at   accomplishments, or service on which the  tions about eligibility and award rules, visit
        older Michiganders who are sharing their          nomination is based must have been per-, email, or
        experience, talent, and skills to enrich the  Nominations will be evaluated by AARP  formed on a volunteer basis, without pay.  call AARP Michigan at 1-866-227-7448.
        lives of their community members.      Michigan volunteers based on the ways the
           “AARP Michigan is excited to shine a  nominee's work has improved the communi-  To subscribe to The Eagle email
        light on volunteers who are using what  ty, supported the AARP vision and mission,

                                       Classified                                                            NOTICE OF ELECTION
                            TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900                                      City of Romulus, Michigan
                                                                                                            August 4, 2020 Primary Election
                              CATED ROUTES ROMEO     Wanted to Buy or Trade           TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ROMULUS:
                              CALL KIRT 586-752-4529  CA$H for cylinders and          LUS ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2020.  THE POLLS WILL BE OPEN FROM 7:00 a.m. to
                              EXT 1032              cans. R12 R500 R11 R113           8:00 p.m.
             1944 Ford                              R114. Convenient. Certified       PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the following offices will appear on the ballot:
            Taurus SHO        GENERAC       Standby  Professionals. Call 312-         United States Senator, Representative in Congress - 13th District, State Legislature - 12th District,
             70,000 miles,    Generators. The weather is      Wayne County Prosecuting  Attorney,  Wayne County Sheriff, County Clerk, County  Treasurer,
          never driven in winter,   increasingly unpredictable.                       Register of Deeds, County Commissioner - 11th District, Delegate to County Convention, Judge of
            no rust, red with   Be prepared for power out-                            3rd Circuit Court - Non-incumbent position, Judge of 34th District Court - Incumbent position.
           gray leather interior,  ages. FREE 7-year extend-  Need a job?             The following proposals will appear on the ballot:
                $9,500.       ed warranty ($695 value!)                                                      WAYNE COUNTY PROPOSAL O
                Call          Schedule your FREE in-    Looking to buy?                                         Operating Millage Renewal
           313-980 5096       home assessment today.     Looking to sell?             To renew the millage authorized in 2009, shall Wayne County be authorized to continue to levy
                              Call    1-866-445-7237                    this millage at the estimated 2019 rollback rate of 0.9529 (about 95 cents per $1,000 of taxable
                              Special financing for quali-  Need to rent?             valuation) for ten more years (2020 through 2029), and proceeds used to continue existing
                              fied customers.                                         County services, including programs for arrest, detention and prosecution of criminals, juve-
                                                          Find it fast in             nile court and related services, public health, recreation, County parks, job training, senior cit-
                              Wesley Financial Group,                                 izen services, and programs for meeting medical needs of the poor, the disabled, and the aged?
                              LLC         Timeshare       The Eagle’s
                              Cancellation Experts. Over                              This renewal is projected to generate $42,129,703 in 2020.             YES     [     ]        NO     [    ]
                              $50,000,000 in timeshare    Classifieds.                                       WAYNE COUNTY PROPOSAL P
        Help Wanted - Truck Driver  debt and fees cancelled in  Call 734-467-1900                                Parks Millage Renewal
        CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,  2019. Get free information-                            To renew the millage authorized in 2016, shall Wayne County levy this millage at the estimat-
        3  MONTHS    MINIMUM  al package and learn how   to place your                ed 2020 rollback rate of 0.2459 mills (about 25 cents per $1,000 of taxable valuation) for five
        EXPERIENCE,   EXCEL-  to get rid of your timeshare!                           more years (2021 through 2025) to continue to improve and operate several parks and related
        LENT PAY, BENEFITS SIGN  Free consultations. Over  classified ad or email     facilities, including Hines Park, Elizabeth Park, Chandler Park, and improvements to munic-
        ON BONUS, 401k, DEDI-  450 positive reviews. Call                             ipal parks in the 43 communities as provided in an implementing ordinance through an annu-
                                                                                      al allocation by commission district of the greater of $50,000 or 15% of the total funds gener-
                                                                                      ated from that district on the condition that for any year for which this continued levy would
                                                                                      be imposed.  Wayne County must budget from other sources an amount equal to its 1995-1996
                                    PUBLIC NOTICE                                     fiscal year appropriation for parks?  This renewal is projected to generate $10,871,753 in 2021.
                                       City of Romulus                                        YES   [    ]        NO  [   ]
                                    Public Accuracy Test
            To the qualified electors of the City of Romulus, Wayne County, and State of Michigan:  Full text of the ballot proposal may be obtained at the Romulus City Clerk's Office, 11111 Wayne
          NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Accuracy Test for the electronic equipment that will  Road, Romulus, MI 48174, or by calling (734) 942-7540.
                            be used in Precincts 1-12 for the August 4, 2020          All electors who are registered with the City of Romulus Clerk are eligible to vote at this election.
                                 Primary Election is scheduled for                    To comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available on audio
         Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 1:30 p.m. in the Romulus City Hall Community Room (lower  tape and in Braille.  Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be
         level) 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI.                                        made by contacting the Romulus Clerk in advance of the election.  All polling locations are acces-
         The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer programming used to tab-  sible for voters with disabilities.
         ulate the votes cast at the election meets the requirements of Michigan Election Law.   1, 7 & 10  Romulus Middle School, 37300 Wick Road
         (MCL 168.798(1)                                                                   2 & 4    Halecreek Elementary School, 16200 Harrison Road
                                 THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING                                   3, 8, & 9  Romulus Elementary School, 32200 Beverly Road
            This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act),  5  Romulus Senior Center, 36525 Bibbins Street
                    MCLA 41.72a (2) (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).    6        West Village Estates, 7040 Shawnee Drive
          Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should contact the City of Romulus Clerk's  11  Barth Elementary School, 38207 Barth Road
                              Office by writing or calling the following:                  12       Romulus Athletic Center, 35765 Northline Road
              Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174, 734-942-7540.              (All located in Romulus, MI)
                                                                                      Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the local clerk to
         A copy of this notice is on file in the Office of the City Clerk.            obtain an application for an absentee voter ballot.
                                                                                      Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City of Romulus Clerk
                                                                                      11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI 48174
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk                                             734-942-7540
         Publish:  07-23-2020                                            RM0512 - 072320  2.5 x 3.521  Publish:  07-23-2020                           RM0513 - 072320  2.5 x 7.972
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