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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 23, 2020


        Continued from page 3                  Commission and has been a member of   cessful in her campaign for election as  bid for public office.
                                               the American Radio Relay League since  Sumpter clerk.
        Democrat,                              1982.                                   She also is an art teacher for the     Peggy A. Morgan, 61, a 35 year resident
        received his bache-                                                          Charter   Township    of   Ypsilanti  of the community, is seeking election to
        lor of business                          Don Swinson, 57, is seeking reelection  Department of Recreation and in Detroit  the Sumpter Township Board of Trustees.
        administration in                      to the board of trustees. A life long resi-  at the University Preparatory Academy  She is not related to incumbent
        accounting and                         dent of the area, he is a 23-year veteran of  Schools.                      Supervisor John W. Morgan.
        strategic manage-                      the sales team at Atchinson Ford. As a  Barnes said she has Michigan State     Morgan was appointed as the township
        ment from Eastern                      trustee, Swinson is liaison to the Parks  University Safe Food Certification and is a  treasurer in February 2017 and served in
        Michigan                               and Recreation Commission. He also    sponsor of Nate Barnes Tributes and Soul  that office through November of 2018. She
        University and is a                    works with the Sumpter Country Fest   Roll Festivals.                       also served as trustee from November
        general manager                        Committee, making sure that all aspects  She is a member of Southwestern    2004 through January 2017.. She also
        and a small busi-                      are covered, along with the Annual Easter  Wayne County Democratic Club and  served on the Board of Review, the
        ness owner.             Matthew Oddy   Egg Hunt, the Annual Family Fun Day,  Belleville Area                       Economic Development Committee, and
           He was elected                      and the Annual Turkey Shoot, and in 2019,  Council for the                  volunteered for the Neighborhood Watch
        as a Sumpter Township trustee in 2016,  the first Gabby Games (in memory of  Arts.                                 Program in the 1990s. She was board liai-
        after being appointed and serving on the  Gabby Barrett), where he worked closely                                  son to the Parks and Recreation
        board of trustees in 2014. Oddy has 27  with the police and fire departments.  Ken Myers, 37,                      Commission, the Fire Department and the
        years of accounting, budgeting, and man-  He served as chairman and co-chair-  has  lived  in                      Water Department.
        agement experience and 12 years of pub-  man for the Parks and Recreation    Sumpter Township                         She belongs to the Michigan
        lic service experience.                Commission and served five years on the  for seven years. A                 Democratic Party, Southwestern Wayne
                                               Planning Commission. Swinson also was  Democrat, he is a                    County Democratic Club, Sumpter
           Tim Rush, 61, is                    appointed to the Belleville Area Chamber  Sumpter Township                  Seniors and the Women of the Moose 1135.
        the          lone                      of Commerce. He is a member of the BYC  firefighter, EMT
        Republican seek-                       (Belleville Yacht Club).              and WC Technical           Ken Myers     Eric Partridge, 56,  has lived in the town-
        ing reelection to                        He is a 1980 graduate of Belleville High  Rescue  Team                    ship for 30 years. A Democrat, he is the
        the township board                     School, master-certified through Ford  member and a businessman in the con-  owner/operator of a construction compa-
        of trustees He is a                    Motor Co., and achieved a Level 3     struction field. His education includes  ny. He said he has two associate degrees
        32-year township                       Employee Excellence Award. He graduat-  high school, trade school, and Michigan  one in liberal arts and another in sci-
        resident.                              ed from Dale Carnegie, majoring in effec-  Residential  Builder       and   ence/mathematics but did not list the
           He graduated                        tive speaking and human relations; com-  Fire/Hazmat/EMS training. This is his first  schools or universities he attended. This is
        from the National                      pleted Dynamics of Personnel Leadership
        Institute      of           Tim Rush   and Industrial Engineering Methods.                   Remember to Vote
        Technology in 1986
        and was class valedictorian. He is a     Four candidates are hoping to replace
        licensed Federal Communications        the incumbent board members.                                Aug. 4, 2020
        Commission engineer and for 27 years has
        been employed as a corporate/private     Sheena Barnes, 60, is a lifetime resident  Sumpter Township Primary Election
        security consultant. He also works with  of the township seeking a seat on the
        the Washtenaw County Emergency         board of trustees. She graduated from
        Services Division as the Amateur Radio  Airport High School in 1977 and attended
        Communication Coordinator for SKY-     Wayne County Community College, CID
                                                                                                                    Sumpter Township
        WARN, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency    Trade Business School. She is Resources                            Special Board Meeting
        Service and Amateur Radio Emergency    Coordinator for Ann Arbor, a part of the                        Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 6:00 p.m.
        Service.                               Community Action Network, Student                            23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111
           He also has served on the Zoning    Advocate Center, Ann Arbor Housing                                      Minutes
        Board of Appeals and Planning          Commission, Peace Neighborhood Center  Meeting called to order by Supervisor Morgan at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Supervisor J. Morgan, Clerk E. Hurst, Trustees: Oddy, Rush
        Commission for Sumpter Township.       and Pine Lake Community Center.        and Swinson. Treasurer K. Bednark and Trustee LaPorte excused. Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Finance Director
                                                                                      Cole, Fire Chief Januszyk, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke and 1 resident.
           Rush is an alternate member of the    Barnes, a Democrat, was appointed as
        Sumpter Township Parks and Recreation  a Sumpter Trustee in 2018 and was unsuc-  3. Agenda: Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
                                                                                      4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: None.
                                       Sumpter Township                               5. Warrants: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the warrants totaling $90,014.23 for 3/31/2020, $90,362.78 for
                                      Special Board Meeting                           4/15/2020, $153,570.03 for 4/29/2020 and extension for bills payment authorization through May 29, 2020. Roll call vote: Yes:
                                 Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 6:00 p.m.                  Rush, Swinson, Oddy, Supervisor Morgan and Clerk Hurst. Nay: None. Excused: Treasurer Bednark and Trustee LaPorte. Motion
                                23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111               carried.
                                                                                      6. New Business:
         Meeting called to order by Supervisor Morgan at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Supervisor J. Morgan, Clerk E. Hurst, Trustees: Oddy, Rush,  A. Motion by Oddy, supported by Swinson to approve the cancellations of May 12th and May 26th Board Meetings,
         Swinson and LaPorte. Treasurer K. Bednark excused. Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Finance Director Cole,  due to Stay Home Order. Motion carried.
         Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, HR Bellingham and 5 attendees.      B.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve to post signage that, when facilities are reopened to the public, upon
                                                                                             entering the Township Hall and Senior Center a mask or face covering is required. Motion carried.
         3. Agenda: Motion by Rush, supported by Hurst to approve the agenda. Motion carried.  C.  Motion by Rush, supported by Swinson to approve the fire renewal language to be placed on the August 4, 2020
                                                                                             ballot and Resolution # 2020-09. Motion carried.
         4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: None.                                    D.  Motion by Rush, supported by Swinson to approve Resolution 2020-10 approving Duty Pay as identified for essen-
                                                                                             tial employees that are currently working; with edits suggested by Trustee Oddy. Motion carried.
         5. New Business:                                                                  E.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Rush to approve purchasing a UniMac commercial turnout gear washer for the fire
            A.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve all township mail (containing payments) delivered to the Treasurer’s  department from Universal Laundry Machinery at the cost of $7,596.00. Motion carried.
              office whether by mail or drop box or hand delivered will be opened and processed for deposit by the Treasurer, Deputy  F.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve adopting a salary amendment to the Finance Director’s contract.
              Treasurer and/or Treasurer’s Office Clerk office personnel. Motion carried.    Motion carried.
            B.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to approve Review of  Township Attorney Opinion letter, MTA response to  G.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve advertising for a building department clerk, due to resignation of
              Supervisor’s inquiry regarding statutory obligations of the Treasurer, consider the recommendations of the Township  Brad Wheelock. Motion Carried.
              Attorney and MTA, consider the appointment of appropriate individuals to open Township mail as provided for in the  H.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Swinson to approve naming Supervisor as person authorized to call back furloughed
              MTA recommendation, and consider the retaining of outside counsel (law firm of Pentiuk, Couvreur & Kobiljak, 2915  workers. Motion carried.
              Biddle, Ste. 200, Wyandotte, Michigan 48192) to initiate a lawsuit seeking an order of the Court (Mandamus Writ)
              requiring the Treasurer to conduct and complete all statutory obligations of the Township Treasurer’s office; compliance  7. Open Floor: None.
              with directive being no later than close of business, 4:30 pm, June 11th, 2020. The Attorney is authorized by the Board
              to initiate actions with outside counsel. Motion carried.               8. Adjournment: Motion by Hurst, supported by Rush to adjourn at 6:16 pm. Motion carried.
         6. Open Floor: Two (2) attendees spoke.                                      Minutes prepared by,
                                                                                      Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         7. Adjournment: Motion by Hurst, supported by Rush to adjourn at 7:01 pm. Motion carried.  Sumpter Township
         Minutes prepared by,                                                         ____________________________________  ________________________
         Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk                                                Esther Hurst, Clerk                 date
         Sumpter Township
                                                                                      _____________________________________  ________________________
         ____________________________________  ________________________               John Morgan, Supervisor             date                      ST0013 - 072320  2.5 x 5.791
         Esther Hurst, Clerk                 date
         _____________________________________  ________________________
         John Morgan, Supervisor             date                                                                   Sumpter Township
                                                                        ST0010 - 072320  2.5 x 4.68
                                                                                                                  Special Board Meeting
                                                                                                               Tuesday, June 2, 2020, 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                            23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111
                                      Township of Sumpter                                                              Minutes
                                      Public Budget Hearing
                                        March 24, 2020                                Meeting called to order by Supervisor Morgan at 6:00 pm. Roll call: Supervisor J. Morgan, Clerk E. Hurst, Trustees: Oddy, Rush
                                23480 Sumpter Rd, Belleville, MI 48111                and LaPorte. Treasurer K. Bednark and Trustee Swinson excused. Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Finance Director
                                           Minutes                                    Cole, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke and 6 attendees.
         Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call: Supervisor J. Morgan, Clerk E. Hurst, Trustees:  3. Agenda: Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
         LaPorte, Oddy, Rush and Swinson. Treasurer Bednark excused. Also showing present: Attorney R. Young, Finance Director Cole,
         Deputy Clerk Burdick, Fire Chief Januszyk, Public Safety/Chief of Police Luke and no residents.  4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: One (1) comment received.
         Motion by Rush, supported by Swinson to open the public hearing for the 2019-2020 Township budget. Motion carried.  5. Warrants: Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the warrants totaling $395,764.37 for 5/13/2020, $202,493.96 for
         2020-2021 Budget presentation by Finance Director Cole.                      5/27/2020 and extension for bills payment authorization through June 30, 2020. Roll call vote: Yes: Rush, Oddy, LaPorte,
                                                                                      Supervisor Morgan and Clerk Hurst. Nay: None. Excused: Treasurer Bednark and Trustee Swinson. Motion carried.
            •   Please remember that, although expense items may be included in the Budget, the item must meet all Township direc-
              tives on expenditures approval prior.                                   6. New Business:
            •   The Budget is a planning document and not all items will be discussed, but highlights will be provided during the pres-  A.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to approve to upgrade network to fiber with Comcast, the total cost will be
              entation.                                                                    $1,400.00 per month for (60) months. Motion carried.
            •   Projected year end for 2019-2020 is favorable. Revenue and relative expenses are up. Collections have improved over-  B.   Motion by Hurst, supported by Rush to approve of the Sumpter Township COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.
              all. Controllable items recognized are staying on top of general fund expenditures.  Motion carried.
            •   Planned investments for next year are as follows;                        C.   Motion by Rush, supported by Hurst to approve new concrete parking lot, by C & S Construction beside the media cen-
                                                                                           ter and behind the water department building at a cost of $8,500.00 paid out of library funds. Motion carried.
              General Fund Expenditures:                                                 D.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve of fence bid from Outdoor Amenities chain link fencing beside library
                                                                                           in the amount of $20,400.00 paid out of library funds. Motion carried.
              •   Technology, computers. Overall assessment in network applications, technology improvements, telecommunica-  E.  Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve to cancel the June 9th and June 23rd Board Meetings, and any Township
                 tions and advancements. Approximate investment: $40,000.00                Commissions’ June 2020 Meetings, due to the extended Stay At Home Order. Motion carried.
              •   Police Interceptor Vehicle(s). This may not include all instrumentation(s) and appliance(s) within the new vehicle(s).  F.  Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve to purchase two (2) Ford Police Interceptor Utilities from Atchinson
                 Approximate Investment: $85,000.00                                        Ford at a total cost of $81,282.00 under the police department’s 2020/2021 budget. Motion carried.
              •   Police Department building repairs. Approximate Investment: $15,000.00  G.  Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve to hire Jon Tackett as building official (in order to sign plan reviews)
              •   Radios, equipment. Approximate Investment: $20,000.00                    until further notice, cost is $50.00 per plan. Motion carried.
              •   Clerk’s Office. File cabinets. Approximate Investment: $12,000.00      H.  Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to approve and confirm that all water/sewer mail/payments will be opened and
                                                                                           processed and stay in the Treasurer’s office. Motion carried.
              Fire Fund Expenditures:
                                                                                      *Supervisor Morgan entertained several Board and Management announcements;
              •   New Fire Engine/Primary Front Line  Truck Certification. Regulatory requirement.  Approximate Investment:
                 $150,000.00 (year 1 initial loan from General Fund, 7-year payback)     •   Deputy Supervisor Armatis advised that Sumpter Road will be resurfaced from Willis Rd to Hull Road.
                                                                                         •   Trustee LaPorte advised that;
              Water Fund Expenditures:                                                       -The new Fire Engine was picked up from Romulus.
                                                                                             -Chief Januszyk’s contract renewal is forthcoming.
              •   Water Meters. Replacement(s). Approximate Investment: $13,000.00           -Annual fire hose inspection resulted in several hoses that require replacement.
              •   Grinder Pumps, 5-year plan. Replacement(s). Approximate Investment: $117,600.00  •   Trustee Rush wanted to express appreciation and extend recognition to all of Sumpter Township’s First Responders.
              •   Fund replacement for (2) entrances. Approximate Investment: $10,000.00  •   Supervisor Morgan expressed appreciation for Deputy Armatis’ support and efforts during the experienced Township
                 Net position increase of approximately 9.0%.                              closure and extended recognition to all the essential workers.
                 Royalty improvements upward trend from 2012 forward.                    •   Clerk Hurst thanked the DPW Team for all of their support and quick response to service issues and safety projects that
                 1 manpower addition, part-time Driver, Community Center                   made essential work within the Township possible.
                                                                                         •   Trustee Oddy agreed and added that Ken Kunka, the DPW Supervisor has been rotating his staff for their safety and
         No questions from the attendees.                                                  exposure control while maintaining residents’ service needs and response to emergencies.
         Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to close the public hearing. Motion carried.  7. Open Floor: Two (2) attendees spoke.
         Motion by Rush, supported by Swinson to adjourn at 6:16 pm. Motion carried.  8. Adjournment: Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to adjourn at 6:35 pm. Motion carried.
         Minutes prepared by                                                          Minutes prepared by,
         Anthony Burdick                                                              Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         Deputy Clerk                                                                 Sumpter Township
         __________________________ _________   ________________________              ____________________________________  ________________________
         Esther Hurst                        Date                                     Esther Hurst, Clerk                 date
         __________________________ _________   ________________________              ____________________________________  ________________________
         John W. Morgan, Supervisor          Date                       ST0011 - 072320  2.5 x 6.885  John Morgan, Supervisor   date                 ST0009 - 072320  2.5 x 7.329
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