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July 20, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND
                                                  PLYMOUTH - WESTLAND

        City cable channel features mayoral candidates

           Westland voters will choose  are Ali Awadi, Kevin Coleman,                                                              pages for information.
        two candidates to vie for the  Jim Godbout, Anthony Jones,                               ”                                   Community Media/WLND
        office of mayor during the Aug. 8  Mike Londeau and Ronald               Five candidates accepted and their                extended an opportunity to the
        primary election in the city. One  Sassak. Each hopes to win the        speeches are available alphabetically              six mayoral candidates to speak
        of those candidates will be the  nonpartisan four-year mayoral                                                             to directly to Westland residents
        first new mayor of the city in  position which pays about                 on the community cable channel.                  for up to eight minutes. Five can-
        nearly two decades following the  $121,574 annually.                                                                       didates accepted and their
        resignation of long-time Mayor   Awadi, 54, holds a doctoral                                                               speeches are available alphabet-
        William Wild who took a job in  degree in public administration  the city council for 23 years and  Londeau, 44, is currently serv-  ically on the community cable
        the private sector.            and works as a consultant. He is  as president for 13 years. He  ing as interim mayor and was  channel. Each candidate will
           Voters will select two candi-  a former police chief.      works as vice president of    appointed by city council in   also have their speeches aired
        dates from six who will appear   Coleman, 40, is serving his  Midwest Recycling.            January. He is a former city   separately on the WLND/City of
        on the ballot and those two will  third term in Lansing as a state  Jones, 56, works as a truck  councilman and chaired the  Westland YouTube channel with
        move on to the November gener-  representative. He is a former  driver. He also has a background  downtown development authori-  closed captioning capability at:
        al election.                   Westland City Council member.  in coaching and refereeing hock-  ty.              
           Hoping to win voters' favor   Godbout, 68, has served on   ey games.                        Sassak had no social media  cityofwestlandmunicip.../videos

                                                                                                             Hitting the high notes

                                                                                                             Members of the Plymouth Canton Educational Park
                                                                                                             Choir recently participated in the Music in the Parks
                                                                                                             Festival at Cedar Point and took home eight first place
                                                                                                             awards as well as three individual awards. The individ-
                                                                                                             ual awards were presented to the Plymouth-Canton dis-
                                                                                                             trict soloist, student conductor and best conductor. The
                                                                                                             choirs competed against other high school choirs from
                                                                                                             across the country.  Each of the Plymouth Canton
                                                                                                             choirs swept their category performing two selections
                                                                                                             for two judges and received the highest scores and
                                                                                                             rankings. Lauren Hummer received a medal for Best
                                                                                                             Student Conductor, Malek Benedict-Blue received a
                                                                                                             medal for Best Student Soloist and the Plymouth
                                                                                                             Canton Madrigal Singers achieved Best Overall Choir
                                                                                                             with the highest point total of 198.5/200 of any choir in
                                                                                                             the two day competition. All Plymouth Canton
                                                                                                             Educational Park Choirs are directed by teacher
                                                                                                             Jennifer Neumann.

        Commission members are sought

           Plymouth Township is accepting applica-  and their families, increase visibility of vet-
        tions from residents interested in serving on  erans and veterans' issues, inform the veter-
        the newly created Veterans' Commission.  an community of available services, pro-
           The commission will have nine members  grams, and resources, and advocate for
        and will be initially led by organizing chair-  issues important to veterans and their fami-
        person Jen Buckley, who is veteran and a  lies, officials said. Requirements to serve
        current township trustee.              include Plymouth Township residency.
           The commission was established in an  A form to submit interest in the commis-
        effort to help foster greater understanding  sion is available at
        and appreciation for the veteran community  CToP_Board-Commission.

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