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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 20, 2023


        Township Fire Department Battalion Chief retires

           Northville Township Fire Department  and Rescue (WWUSAR) team. He served
        Battalion Chief Chris Koth's last day on  as a rescue specialist and water rescue
        the job was July 15, ending his 30-year-  specialist with Michigan Urban Search
        career in public safety.               and Rescue (USAR), Region 2, Task
           Koth's passion for helping others has  Force 1. In his off time, he teaches rope
        been the hallmark of his storied profes-  rescue around the state for the Michigan
        sional career, which was spent entirely in  USAR Training Foundation, a role he
        Northville Township but not always as a  will continue after retirement.
        firefighter/paramedic.                   “We've only had one rope rescue in
           He began as a reserve police officer in  Northville Township and that was when
        1992 where he was a member of the      a kid climbed up a tree and got stuck,”
        motorcycle patrol unit and a reserve   said Koth. He rescued the child using the
        field training officer. He rose to the rank  skills he first developed when he took up
        of reserve sergeant. In 1996, he furthered  rock climbing his first year at Northern
        his life-saving skills by becoming an on-  Michigan University, where he briefly
        call firefighter and then in 1998, was  studied engineering.
        hired as a dispatcher. Koth continued to  “Battalion Chief Koth has dedicated
        work in all three roles until he transi-  more than 30 years to the Northville com-
        tioned to full-time firefighter in 2000 and  munity,” said Northville Township Fire
        has worked for the Northville Township  Chief Brent Siegel. “We are grateful for
        Fire Department  since then.           the various roles he has filled and the
           “This suits my personality better and I  leadership he has provided to those who
        felt like I could do more good here and  have worked with him. He has done a
        experience less confrontation. And so  great job developing the new officers
        that's the direction I went,” Koth said.   who will fill his shoes.”
           Koth served as a paramedic, a lieu-   One of Koth's hobbies will be his new
        tenant and was then named to the rank  career. He and his wife, Kendra, are
        of battalion chief. His love for learning  opening a business in northern Michigan
        was apparent in every role he took, offi-  where they will provide fiberglass boat
        cials said, and even in his final weeks  repair services.
        leading up to his retirement, he         Koth developed a love for this skill  Township Battalion Chief Chris Koth retired from the department last week.
        approached every training the depart-  when he bought a 40-year-old boat and
        ment undertook with eagerness.         made his own repairs as part of a com-  coach's whistle about four years ago, he  said.
           “Learning and training is how you stay  plete rehab. He said he already has sev-  said. He coached both of his children,  And he added, he is always proud of
        safe on the job,” he said.             eral customers lined up.              Ashley and Jake, in the sport.        what he and his fellow firefighter/para-
           Koth's rope rescue expertise is well-  The Upper Michigan climate may also  Normally soft spoken, Koth admitted  medics accomplish.
        known throughout the state. He's a     provide a venue for another of Koth's  he becomes loud on the ice and while    “The chief asked me the other day
        founding member and team leader on     hobbies, hockey. While he isn't hanging  leading the department at an emergency.   what my proudest moment was,” Koth
        the Western Wayne County Urban Search  up his hockey skates, he hung up his    “On scenes, I'm totally different,” he  said. “I'm proud of all of it.”
        City of Northville presents 2023 police service awards

           Northville Police Ofc. Francis  Independence Day parade in  ribbon of honor. Other city council  the Advanced Educational  Kirby received the Staff &
        Cerulla was named Officer of the  Northville. In addition to the  members and City Manager  Degree Award. Captain Gregory  Command Award; Ofc. Scott Groff
        Year, the highest award in the  highest award, Cerulla also   George Lahanas attended the cer-  Hannewald received the Police  received  the  Advanced
        department.                    received the Attendance Award.   emony in support of the officers.  Service Award and the Staff &  Educational Degree Award and
           Seven police personnel were   Mayor Brian Turnbull and       Maciag was awarded the      Command Award. The MADD        recently hired Ofc. Bassem
        honored with a total of 13 awards  Police Chief Alan Maciag present-  Police Service Award, the Staff &  Life-Saving Award and Certificate  Karkaba received the Police
        for their service during calendar  ed the awards, which included a  Command Award, the FBI  of Merit were presented to Det.  Service Award for 20 years of law
        year 2022, just prior to the July 4  certificate, and corresponding  National Academy Award, and  Erin Larkin. Sergeant Andrew  enforcement seniority.
        Nominating petitions are

        due by Tuesday, July 25

           Hopeful candidates for Northville elect-  registered elector. Candidates cannot be in
        ed offices have until 4 p.m. July 25 to file  default to the city nor to any governmental
        nominating petitions with the city clerk's  unit of the State of Michigan and may not be
        office.                                an incumbent in any elective city office for
           Candidate packets containing nominat-  which the term of said office does not expire
        ing petitions, signature requirements, affi-  with the Nov. 7, 2023 city election. An incum-
        davits, and other information pertaining to  bent whose term does not expire with the
        the Nov. 7 city election are available at the  Nov. 7, 2023 election must resign their elec-
        city clerk's office, 215 W. Main St. between 8  tive office prior to filing, according to the
        a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday,  Northville City Charter.
        according to a prepared statement.       Candidates with questions about incom-
        Qualified individuals can petition to run for  patible offices must contact personal legal
        mayor, a two-year term and for two council  counsel as the city clerk's office does not
        member seats, each a four-year term. For  offer legal advice.
        more information call (248) 349-1300 during  Petitions can be filed in advance of the
        business hours.                        filing deadline. Filing earlier may allow
           State law (MCL 168.737a) requires that all  extra time to submit a supplemental nomi-
        write-in candidates who seek election to a  nating petition filing (if applicable) by the fil-
        city office file a declaration of intent with  ing deadline, officials said.
        the city clerk no later than 4 p.m. on the sec-  Contact City Clerk Mike Smith by email
        ond Friday immediately preceding the elec-  on the city website with questions or to
        tion.                                  make a filing appointment. While “walk-
           Candidates must be a resident of the city  ins,” are accepted, an appointment is recom-
        of Northville for at least two years immedi-  mended to ensure the city clerk is available
        ately prior to July 25 and be a qualified and  to accept the filing.


                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              2015 FORD             2010 CHEVROLET        2017 CHEVROLET        2016 Nissan           from the  Plymouth    Vehicles may be deleted
                              3FA6P0G7XFR181373     2CNALPEW4A6204256     1GCVKREC8HZ150288     1N4AL3AP4GN373327     Police Department within  from this list at any time
                              2004 CHEVROLET        2009 DODGE            2012 YAMAHA           2018 Chevorlet        48 hours of the sale.  prior to the start of the
           CANTON POLICE      1GCEC19T24Z208253     3D4GG57V99T502145     JYE8HX007CA001093     1G1ZD5ST9JF258704                           auction. This is a cash
             DEPARTMENT       2014 FORD             2015 CHRYSLER         2000 HAULMARK         2010 Volkswagen       All Vehicles are sold in  only sale and all vehicles
                              1FADP3K22EL305217     1C3CCCAB4FN562148     16HCB1311YH068300     3VWRZ7AJ3AM057818     "as is condition". Bidding  must be paid in full at the
           THESE VEHICLES     2004 MERCURY          2001 HYUNDAI          2000 FORD             The above vehicles are  on all vehicles will start  conclusion of the auc-
          HAVE BEEN DEEMED    2MRDA20204BJ06364     KMHCG45C51U159251     1FTWW33F3YEE48872     impounded through the  at the amount due for  tion.
           ABANDONED AND      2007 CHEVROLET        2011 JEEP             2006 FORD             City of Dearborn Police  towing  and  storage.
           WILL BE SOLD AT    1G1ZS58F67F171505     1J4RR4GT6BC614924     1ZVFT80N165188838     Department. All paper-
           PUBLIC AUCTION.    2018 CHEVROLET        2004 TOYOTA           1995 GMC              work must be picked up
                              1G1BE5SM0J7126478     1NXBR38E14Z319045     1GDG6H1J0SJ517181     from the  City of
         THE AUCTION WILL BE  2000 HONDA            2007 CHEVROLET        2005 COACHMEN         Dearborn      Police
          HELD ON TUESDAY,    2HKRL1850YH611066     1GNDT13S872150178     1TC2B20445120839      Department within 48
            JULY 25TH ,2023   2012 FORD             2014 FORD             2005 MERCURY          hours of the sale.
              10:00 AM        1FAHP3H28CL234367     2FMDK3JC0EBA04976     1MEHM55S05A632186
           AT 6345 N HIX RD   2014 NISSAN           2010 DODGE                                  2022 Hyundai
              WESTLAND        JN8AS5MTXEW609010     3D4PH5FV6AT107164                           KMHLN4AJ9NU021891
                              2005 ACURA            2014 CHEVROLET        On Thursday, July 27th,  The above vehicles are
          THE VEHICLES WILL   1PUUA662X5A047999     2GNALBEK8E6325275     2023  at  11:30  am,  impounded through the
             BE SOLD AS.      2006 DODGE            2005 HONDA            Great  Lakes  Towing  Livonia       Police
           STARTING BID IS    2D4GP44L26R618122     5FNYF18565B017031     Impound and Recovery  Department. All paper-
             FOR TOWING                             2014 KIA              Division located at 42350  work must be picked up
            AND STORAGE.                            KNDJN2A23E7720313     Van Born Rd, Belleville,  from the  Livonia Police
                                 PUBLIC AUCTION     2009 CHEVROLET        Mi, County of Wayne, will  Department within 48
           ALL BIDS START       MARTINS’ TOWING     1G1ZH57B49F181210     conduct a public auction  hours of the sale.
          AT AMOUNT SHOWN       17180 Dix Toledo Rd  2012 CHEVROLET       of  Impounded    and
           FOR TOWING AND      Brownstown, MI 48193  1G1PG5SC8C7120146    Abandoned vehicles. The  2016 Dodge
            STORAGE FEES.          July 26, 2023    2013 HYUNDAI          following vehicles will be  2C3CDXJG6GH140778
                                    10:00 AM        KMHDH4AE5DU814215     offered for sale to the  2006 Dodge
        2000 CHRYSLER         2005 TOYOTA           2010 MAZDA            highest bidder.       1B3EL46XX6N115162
        2C3HC56G5YH433286     1NXBR32E65Z559427     JM1BL1S55A1253860                           The above vehicles are
        2011 FORD             1993 BUICK            2009 HYUNDAI          2007 Hummer           impounded through the
        1FAHP3HN5BW134122     1G4HR53L6PH499681     5NPET46C39H501941     5GTDN13EX78198638     Plymouth      Police
        2012 JEEP             2011 HYUNDAI          2012 JEEP             2017 Dodge            Department. All paper-
        1C4PJLAKXCW165861     3H3C532S5BT124160     1C4RJFBG3CC155503     3C4PDCAB0ET219961     work must be picked up
   1   2   3   4   5   6