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July 20 – 26, 2023                                      NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 29                                                                                    www

                                       School district rejects Canton Chiefs logo, mascot

               Vol. 138, No. 29           It may have been the minori-                          ”                                was the minority he was paying
             Sumpter     Township      ty opinion, but it was that minor-                                                        attention to. He said those who
          Manager Tony Burdick has     ity members of the Plymouth                 Those are the ones I think it is              feel the logo and mascot were
          suggested prohibiting swim-  Canton  Community Schools                                                                 unacceptable were not well
          ming in Sherwood Park in     Board of Education voted to            important for us to honor in this process.         served by the district in main-
          the community as a safety    protect last week.                                                                        taining the symbols.
          measure.                        A student-led effort to retire                                                            He said he understood the
                          See page 4.  the current mascot and logo at                                                            concern of alumni who would
                                       Canton High School was        was conducted which included  assembled audience.           remain Chiefs, but that he was
                                       approved by a 6-1 vote of board  6,206 responses, officials noted.  Others, however, supported  looking toward the generations
                                       members during a regular      Of those, 56.6 were opposed to  the change. One graduate of  of the future and those who find
                                       meeting last week. The decision  the change and 27 percent were  Salem High School who was in  the logo and mascot unaccept-
                                       follows nearly two years of dis-  in favor of eliminating both the  favor of the change said that as  able and offensive. “Those are
                                       cussion. The board decision fol-  name and the logo. Others were  a Native American, he had been  the ones I think it is important
                Vol. 76, No. 29        lows two requests from student  undecided or had no opinion,  subjected to racism while a stu-  for us to honor in this process
             A decoy customer visited  groups who claimed the chief  according to officials. Despite  dent in the district. He said it  and make sure we choose some-
          eight Canton Township        mascot and arrowhead logo     the majority opinion, members  was difficult to attend classes at  thing that is not offensive.”
          tobacco shops last week and  were disrespectful and insulting  of the citizens committee rec-  Canton High School and walk  Superintendent of Schools
          found that three were willing  to Native Americans. Students  ommended the change which  beneath the arrowhead logo.   Monica Merritt who supported
          to sell to minors.           first made the request in 2021  was criticized by the large audi-  The majority of opinion, how-  the change explained that the
                          See page 3.  and the same issue was brought  ence at the recent meeting of  ever, was shared by Trustee  community survey was not
                                       to the board by a second group  the board.                  Sheryl Picard who cast the only  designed or planned as the
                                       this year. Months of discussion  Some who opposed the       no vote on the motion to change  deciding factor in the decision
                                       regarding the issue prompted  change claimed to be of Native  the mascot and logo. She said  but was a component of the
                                       the empaneling of a citizens  American heritage and said the  she felt the board members  research process. The board
                                       advisory committee to research  name and the logo was not   should listen to the members of  members referred to a resolu-
                Vol. 76, No. 29        the issue before making a rec-  offensive or demeaning to their  the public who spoke out  tion of the Michigan State Board

             The   Inkster   Police    ommendation regarding the     culture. Several individuals  against the change at recent  of Education that, “strongly rec-
          Department is planning sev-  proposed change.              opposing the change spoke to  board meetings.               ommend[ed] the elimination of
          eral community events this      As part of the committee   the board members during the     School board treasurer
          summer including a ‘cool’    research, a community survey  meeting, to applause from the  Patrick Kehoe responded that it        See Chiefs, page 3
          Popsicle Giveaway this
          Saturday, July 22.
                          See page 6.     Friendly help

                                          Volunteer group book sale helps fund programs at Romulus library

                                            The Romulus Public
                Vol. 23, No. 29           Library has some very special
                                          friends. A group of 40 or so,
            Northville Township Fire
          Department Battalion Chief      the Friends of the Romulus
                                          Library fund special pro-
          Chris Koth's last day on the    grams to enhance and pro-
          job was July 15, ending his     mote the library in the com-
          30-year-career in public safe-  munity. The latest effort of the
          ty.                             group is a Book and Bake
                          See page 2.
                                          Sale set for next Thursday,
                                          Friday and Saturday, July 27,
                                          28 and 29 at the library.
                                            In addition to the books
                                          and other materials on sale,
                                          group members opted to
                Vol. 23, No. 29           sweeten up the event with the
             Plymouth Township is         sale of cookies and quick
          accepting applications from     breads at a bake sale.  Book
          residents interested in serv-   Chairman Kathy Dick said
          ing on the newly created        they hope to add more sweets
          Veterans' Commission.           to the next book sale, depend-  The Romulus Public Library helped celebrate Juneteenth this year with a special booth during the
                          See page 5.     ing on the sales this year. The  city-wide event.
                                          Friends are also hosting a
                                          small flea market during the  end and a magic show for chil-  the library and the programs  attend the monthly meetings
                                          book sale, with some excep-  dren is also set for this month,  offered there.         and help plan events.
                                          tional bargains on gently used  Dick said.                  The upcoming Book and     Membership applications are
                                          items.                         The Friends provide fund-  Bake Sale is set during regu-  available at the library and on
                Vol. 138, No. 29            Members of the Friends    ing for library programs     lar library hours; 9:30 a.m.  the library website, Dick said.
                                          group are local residents who  designed for children, tweens,  until 8 p.m. Thursday, July 27;  Annual membership is $15 for
             The    5th     Annual        support the goals and services  teens and adults and the  9:30 until 6 p.m. Friday July 28  an individual and $25 for a
          Community Bike Ride is          at the library. While the librar-  group supports both the sum-  and 9:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.  family. The contribution is tax
          planned in for 2 until 5 p.m.   ians develop the programs   mer and winter reading pro-  Saturday, July 29.           deductible and receipts are
          next Saturday, July 29 in       and plan the special activities,  grams.  In addition, Friends  The Friends of the Library  available, according to the
          Romulus.                        the friends provide funding  are strong advocates of the  are also welcoming new mem-  website.
                          See page 6.     generated through fundrais-  library and volunteers from  bers to the group. Dick said  The library is located at
                                          ing events throughout the   the group will be on hand dur-  while there are about 40  11121 Wayne Road in the city.
                                          year. A bowling night (See  ing the upcoming Romulus     members, there are only      For more information, call
                                          page 6.) is planned this week-  Pumpkin Festival, promoting  about 12 or 15 who regularly  (734) 942-7589.

                Vol. 76, No. 29        New executive director named at Northville Art House
             Lieutenant Robert Amore
          was presented with the 2022                                   The Northville Art House has  Museum of Art, the Cincinnati
          Wayne Police Department                                    a new executive director.     Art Museum, and the Speed Art             ”
          Police Officer of the Year                                    Shannon Karol joined the art  Museum in Louisville, KY.  Most
          Award at the city council                                  facility June 12, just before the  recently, she served as the direc-
          meeting last week.                                         annual Arts and Acts Festival.  tor of museum education and       She has been a
                          See page 6.                                No stranger to the community,  community engagement at the    museum educator in art
                                                                     Karol is a 1999 graduate of   Kalamazoo Institute of Arts.
                                                                     Northville High School. She      Karol said the Arts and Acts  museums for 18 years.
                                                                     attended the University of    Festival was both exciting and
                                                                     Michigan, majoring in English  overwhelming with more than
                                                                     and art history and went on to  1,000 visitors to the art house
                                                                     earn a master's degree in art his-  during the weekend.
                Vol. 76, No. 29                                      tory from the University of Iowa  Karol said the Art House is  Artist Wall. She said that the art
             Five of the six mayoral                                 in 2005.                      currently observing summer    installations at the Tuscan Café
          candidates in Westland are                                    She has been a museum edu-  hours and is open from 9 a.m.  downtown would be changed
          featured on Community                                      cator in art museums for 18   until 3:30 p.m. Monday through  today and included work by
          Media/WLND      speaking                                   years, including the Kresge Art  Friday. While the main gallery is  Linda Pelowski and work by
          directly to city residents                                 Museum at Michigan State      currently dark, art work by stu-  well-known photographer Allen
          about their credentials.                                   University (now the MSU Broad  dents of Sandra Nursilo are on  Brooks will on view after July
                          See page 5.                 Shannon Karol  Art Museum), the Dallas       display as part of the Emerging  27.

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