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City hall now open
Inkster City Hall began safe.
reopening to the public last A few restrictions will be in
week. place as the city hall reopens.
The opening of the building, The city has requested all visi-
closed for several weeks due to tors to observe proper social dis-
the coronavirus pandemic, will tancing at all times.
be gradual, officials said, in an Only nine visitors will be
effort to ensure the safety of allowed in city hall at a time, and
employees and the public. those inside must stand on their
Some departments will be mark 6-feet apart from the next
open from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. person in line.
Monday through Friday to allow For more information, call
for additional cleaning at the end Inkster City Hall at (313)563-4232.
of each day as part of an ongoing City hall is located at 26215
effort to keep staff and visitors Trowbridge St. in Inkster.
Making it official
Single car crash The newest officers and directors of the Rotary Club of Belleville were officially installed July 7 at
Quirk Park Pavilion in Van Buren Township. Rotary District Governor 2020-2021 Dr. Noel Jackson,
also known as “Captain Rotary,” at left, administered the oath of office to President Debra Green,
kills Inkster man Vice president Jerry Richardson, Treasurer Brain Pearcy, Second Vice president Rachel Kozlowski
and directors Pattie Monroe, Keith Bruder and Dennis Davidson.
Michigan State Police troop- the sole occupant of the vehicle arts degree with high honors at Romulus, and has been a resi-
ers are continuing the investiga- and was pronounced dead at Ballot Michigan State University. dent of the court jurisdiction her
tion into a vehicle crash June 19 the scene. Day has served as the entire live. She is the manager of
which killed a 21-year-old According to Gillum's family, FROM PAGE 1 Belleville city attorney, the Taylor Law Firm and adjunct
Inkster man. he was grieving the loss of a Belleville prosecutor and the professor at University of Detroit
Dhundre Gillum was killed stillborn daughter and was and has practiced law for 30 Belleville Area District Library Mercy Law School.
in the crash which took place at loved by those who knew him. years after earing his Juris attorney. She earned her Juris Doctor
about 7:45 p.m. on Carlysle Family members and friends Doctor degree at the University Martin, 48, has been a resi- from the University of Detroit
Street west of Burton Street just have started a memorial at the of Toledo College of Law and his dent of Van Buren Township for Mercy School of Law, a bachelor
blocks from Gillum's home. tree where the fatal crash took bachelors degree at Eastern 13 years. She earned her bache- of arts degree in psychology from
According to police reports, place, only two blocks from Michigan University. He former- lor's degree from Harvard Michigan State University, and a
troopers driving in the area Gillum's home. ly served on the Van Buren University and her law degree master of business administra-
observed a vehicle coming from Michigan State Police Public Schools Board of from the University of Michigan tion from Eastern Michigan
the opposite direction traveling released dashcam video of the Education. This is his second bid Law School. She was appointed University.
at a high rate of speed in the incident and said it remains for election to the court. as an attorney magistrate at the She currently serves as the
neighborhood. The troopers unknown if alcohol or drugs Day, 65, is a long-time resident 34th district Court in May of 2018 chair of the Romulus Charter
turned their vehicle around were a factor in the incident of New Boston with a law prac- where she served until February Commission.
and attempted to catch up to which remains under investiga- tice in Belleville. He earned his of this year. This is her second The two successful candi-
the vehicle, but found the car tion by the Michigan State law degree, cum laude, at the bid for election to the judicial dates will face off on the Nov. 3
crashed into a tree near Box Police hird District University of Detroit School of bench at the court. ballot for the six-year term at the
Street. The driver, Gillum, was Investigative Response Team. Law following his bachelor of Taylor, 39, is a resident of court.