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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 16, 2020


        Inside/Out brings reproductions to Northville

           Four reproductions from the  paw.
        Detroit Institute of Arts have been  The books and other objects
        installed in Northville as part of  seen in the work relate to the
        the Inside/Out program. All four of  saint's intellectual pursuits and
        the masterpieces are located with  take on symbolic meanings. The
        walking distance of the Northville  hourglass is traditionally equated
        Art House in downtown Northville  with the passage of time and
        and will remain on display      human mortality. The glass bottle
        through October.                is undisturbed by the light passing
           The works on exhibit include  through it just as the virginity of
        the Self Portrait of Vincent van  Mary was undisturbed by the Holy
        Gogh from 1887. “For want of a  Spirit when she conceived Jesus.
        better model,” Van Gogh often   The jar labeled tyriaca (an anti-
        chose to paint his own portrait.  dote for snakebite) surmounted by
        While in Paris between 1886 and  a pomegranate (a symbol of the
        1888, Van Gogh lightened his    resurrection) refers to Christ as
        palette under the influence of the  the savior of the world. Based on
        brilliant colors of the impression-  the inscription on the folded letter
        ists, but he soon reserved the use  on the table, it has been suggested
        of such light colors to express par-  that the figure of Saint Jerome is a
        ticular moods. Van Gogh's stay in  disguised portrait of Cardinal
        Paris was a relatively happy one,  Niccolò Albergati.
        and in this painting, created dur-  Leisure House by John Everett
        ing the summer of 1887, he por-  Millais from 1864 is also on dis-
        trays himself with an almost light-  play. The subjects,  Anne and
        hearted appearance.             Marion Pender were the daugh-
           Also on display is a portrait of  ters of Sir John Pender, a wealthy
        Sir William Brereton, completed  textile merchant from Glasgow,                                                         Leisure Hours by John Everett Millais
        in 1579. Although the artist has not  England. The girls' identical red
        been determined, the viewer is  velvet gowns and plush surround-
        able to learn about the sitter  ings convey their affluence and
        through his elaborate dress and  proper Victorian society upbring-
        sword, coat of arms, and Latin  ing, yet one may feel that they
        inscription, which translates as  have been placed on display much
        “Picture of William Brereton, a  like the two fish in the bowl before
        soldier, who founded this house in  them.
        his 28th year.” Sir William        In 1948, while a young student
        Brereton (1550-1631) was knighted  at the Royal Academy in London,
        in 1588 and served in the British  John Everett Millais co-founded
        Parliament between 1597 and     the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
        1622.                           emphasizing a style of painting
           A work by Jan van Eyck titled  characterized by Romantic and
        Saint Jerome in His Study from  Medieval themes with moral
        1435 is also among the reproduc-  undertones, bright colors, and
        tions on display in Northville.  close-knit, detailed compositions
           Delicate and intricate in its  over the classicizing style taught at
        execution and rich in its symbol-  the academy. However, by the mid-
        ism, this small panel painting  1850s, Millais was moving away
        attributed to the workshop of Jan  from the Pre-Raphaelite style to
        van Eyck depicts Saint Jerome,  develop a new form of realism in
        the fourth-century translator of  his art. Leisure Hours was painted
        the Bible, reading in his study.  a year after he was elected to be a
        According to legend, Jerome     full member of the Royal
        extracted a thorn from a lion's  Academy.                                        Unknown Artist, English Sir William Brereton 1579, 1579 oil on cradled wood panel
        On-line live betting from Northville Downs is now available

           While the pandemic is keep-  wagering due to Covid 19 restric-                                                            New account signups can take
        ing people quarantined, they will  tions. TVG features both              We're excited to launch in Michigan               advantage of a $200 Risk Free
        now be able to watch and wager  Thoroughbred            and                                                                offer on their first win bet with
        on live horse racing at Northville  Standardbred racing from major       in partnership with Northville Downs              TVG; Sign up with TVG using the
        Downs without leaving home.    racing venues in the US as well          and to provide an opportunity for fans             promo code RISKFREE, place a
           Events at Northville Downs  as top international racing from                                                            win wager on their first bet and if
        will now be available through  Europe, Japan, Australia and             to enjoy racing from around the world.             it loses TVG will refund the
        TVG, an affiliate of the FanDuel  Hong Kong.                                                                               wager amount up to $200.
        Group, and the largest Advance   “We're excited to launch in                                                                 In December 2019, the
        Deposit Wagering platform in the  Michigan in partnership with  which the bettor makes a deposit  Horse racing fans and bettors  Michigan Horse Racing Law of
        US and America's horse racing  Northville Downs and to provide  to fund an account and places  can watch TVG on cable -    1995 was amended to allow a
        network.                       an opportunity for fans to enjoy  wagers from that account on-line  DirectTV, Dish, Xfinity and  race meeting licensee to use con-
           TVG launched the service last  racing from around the world  via mobile phone or other   Spectrum as well as on satellite  tracted third-party firms to facili-
        week after being conditionally  from the comfort of their homes,”  device. It is authorized specifi-  and via its app, Watch TVG as  tate wagering on live and simul-
        approved in June by the        said Kip Levin, TVG CEO.       cally in 33 states in the US and  well as on OTT platforms includ-  cast pari-mutuel racing. In May,
        Michigan Gaming Control Board.   Advance Deposit Wagering     bettors must be at least 18 years  ing Apple TV, Amazon Fire and  the Gaming Control Board issued
        Northville Downs has been      (ADW) is a legal, regulated form  old to open an account in most  Roku as well as streaming on  regulations for operators in the
        closed for on-site simulcast   of wagering on horse racing in  states.                                   state.

        Village                        resent another aspect of town-  color continued to appear in  that they spent many hours of  the entire development is walk-
                                                                                                                                     Nix reminded the crowd that
                                       ship history when airplanes
                                                                                                    research before the final design
                                                                      historic documents, prompting
                                       were built in the community    her to choose to incorporate it  and metalwork on the installa-  able and goes into the township
        FROM PAGE 1                    during the 1920s and flown     into the design.              tions.                         park area.
                                       from the manufacturing site to   “I think it denotes happiness  “I made a lot of models of    “This was all done at no cost
        to be proud of.”               nearby airports.               and a simulation of flight and  airplanes when I was younger  to the township,” Nix said. “We
           The two bright red sculp-     Sculptor Nancy Thayer said   joy,” she said. Her husband and  and this incorporates some of  think it is a wonderful asset for
        tures installed in the park rep-  her during her research the red  collaborator agreed and noted  that look,” Russell Thayer said.  the community.”

                                       Classified                                                          PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE

                           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900                                         CITY OF  ROMULUS
                                                                                                                 STREET VACATION
                              (Robin) Minch, Edward  2005 TOYOTA
                              Minch and many dearly  2T1BR32E15C505163                Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Romulus has scheduled a Public Hearing
                              loved nieces and nephews.  1998 FORD                    to be held in the Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan
                              A memorial will take place  1FMPU18L9WLB18011           48174 on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of taking testimony on the proposed
                              at a later time.      2001 GMC                          vacation of the following streets:
                              Cremation  rites  were  1GKEK13T01R144290                      That portion of Cordell south of Hildebrandt and Lorman from Lorraine east to Cordell.
                              accorded by Generations  2014 FORD                      Written comments may be submitted to the attention of City Clerk Ellen Craig-Bragg, CMC, City
                              Funeral Service.      1FAHP2D86EG172676                 Clerk,  11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan 48174-1485, no later than 12:00 o'clock noon,
                                                    2008 DODGE                        Monday, July 27, 2020.
                                                    1999 MERCURY                      Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, CMC, Clerk
                                                    2MEFM75W9XX635586                 City of Romulus, Michigan
                                 PUBLIC AUCTION     2016 YAMAHA
                                    MARTIN’S        JYARN42E2GA000610                                         THIS IS AN OPEN MEETING
          Brian Thomas Walden        TOWING                                           This notice is posted in compliance with PA 167 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCLA
                                 17180 DIX TOLEDO   1997 FORD                         41.72a (2) (3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA).
          Brian Thomas Walden,    BROWNSTOWN        1FDEE14L9VHA23962   Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should contact the City of Romulus Clerk's
                                                    2008 FORD
                                                                                      office by writing or calling City Clerk Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk, 11111 Wayne Road, Romulus,
                                     MI 48193
             51, of Wayne,                          1FAHP34N78W281914
           died June 29, 2020.     JULY 22, 2020    2001 TOYOTA                       MI 48174; 734-942-7540.  A copy of this notice is on file in the office of the City Clerk.
        Mr. Walden was born in      10:00 AM        4T1BG22K51U776046                 Publish:  July 16, 2020
        Hannibal MO. on Nov. 12,                    2001 OLDSMOBILE                          July 23, 2017
        1968, the son of Linda  2000 MERCEDES       1G3NL52E61C176425                                                                              RM0508 - 071620  2.5 x 3.522
        Diane Minch and John  WDBNG70J9YA043114     2014 CHEVROLET
        Leroy Minch, Jr.      2011 GMC              1G11C5SL8EF249482
        He was preceded in death  1GKKRRED0BJ376178  2005 FORD
        by both his mother and a  2001 HONDA        2FMZA51635BA34939
        brother, John S. Minch.    2HGES267X1H521886  2000 FORD
        In addition to his father, Mr.  1994 FORD   3FAKP1133YR114174
        Walden is survived by his  1FTCR14U9RPB23967  2001 CHRYSLER
        former wife Tina Marie  2007 CHEVROLET      2C3HD36J01H527529
        Darnell; siblings, Dawn  1G1ZS57F87F271400  2003 MAZDA
        Breazeal, Michele Walden,  2001 TOYOTA      JM3LW28J430342132
        Robert  Minch,  Donald  JTEHF21A410031334
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