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Marijuana sales ordinance is modified by council
The first reading of the ordi- allowed in other cities. City Manager Lisa Nocerini
nance governing the sale of Director of Development Lori ” inquired as to the necessity of
recreational marijuana in the Gouin explained that before the We are only allowing he current reading the changes twice as is
City of Wayne did not go as second reading of the changes to businesses to continue, required for an ordinance.
smoothly as it might have. the current ordinance governing “Do we have to have the
Councilman Jeremiah marijuana in the city, changes and we will follow this closely. changes read twice,” she asked
Webster noted during the meet- could be made by the council and was advised that the revi-
ing earlier this month that the members. She explained that the sions could be included at the
new ordinance restricted the current changes include a ban on grower could ask for a permit to closely.” second reading as minor modifi-
hours of Sunday sales of the any micro businesses or pop-up operate at an already existing, While no date for the second cations to the ordinance.
recreational drug to noon until 5 places selling marijuana and that licensed seller. She explained reading of the changes to the The council opted to vote on
p.m. on Sundays, which did not no more than the current provi- that recreational sellers are con- ordinance was announced, coun- the changes of Sunday hours to 9
coincide with the hours allowed sioners or outlets would be per- sidered retailers in the ordi- cil members were assured that a.m. until 8 p.m. for the recre-
at other nearby license holders. mitted. nance and that medical sellers city attorney Steve Hitchcock ational sale of marijuana in the
He suggested a change in the “There will be no new loca- are considered facilities. would be available to answer city with Councilman Phillip
language allowing the sales in tions for recreational licenses,” “We are only allowing he cur- questions regarding any changes Wagner and Council woman
Wayne to be from 9 a.m. until 8 she told the council, explaining rent businesses to continue,” she council members wanted to Kelly Shiff casting the two no
p.m., which are the hours that while that was the case, a said, “and we will follow this include in the ordinance. votes on the change.
Murder-suicide, mall shooting investigations continue
Westland police are continu- the others, witnesses said. who was deceased from an
ing to investigate two shootings, All the individuals involved ” apparent self-inflicted gunshot
including an apparent murder- fled the mall on foot, they said. wound.
suicide, that both took place in Police said that there Westland officers said they were assisted Watson, a University of
the city July 5. appeared to be no injuries in the by numerous neighboring agencies Michigan graduate, was report-
Officers were dispatched to incident which remains under edly going to law school this fall.
Westland Mall July 5 after receiv- investigation. in efforts to search and secure the scene. He had worked for Detroit City
ing reports of shots having been Westland officers said they Councilman James Tate as a poli-
fired. were assisted by numerous cy analyst.
Witnesses told the responding neighboring agencies in efforts These incidents appear to be
officers that two or three Black to search and secure the scene. ing an OnStar panic button noti- apparent victim of a homicide. connected as the men were
men began arguing inside a per- The same morning, officers fication. During the investigation, offi- known associates, police said.
fume store in the mall. responded to the area of 37456 Upon arrival, officers discov- cers entered a nearby apartment Westland investigators are
One of the men pulled a hand- Willow Lane in the Willow Creek ered Deandree Watson, 30, of where they discovered the body continuing the ongoing investiga-
gun and fired two shots at one of Apartment complex after receiv- Detroit inside his vehicle, the of Deontez Jones of Westland, tion.
Council OK's $7,000 repair to DPW tree trimming truck
Tree trimming will continue “This is a 1997 High Ranger sider the purchase of a new vehi- service. Queen explained that work in the city is outsourced to
in the City of Wayne following the tree trimmer truck,” he told cle, which could cost as much as this was an emergency repair contractors but that as this time,
repair of the truck necessary for members of the city council at a $180,000. and that the vendor used was one they are all as busy as his depart-
the work. recent meeting. “It went out leav- “That's not a current request,” already approved by the city ment workers.
Department of Public Works ing an employee about 10-feet in Queen said. “We're still safe at which performed repairs on sev- City Manager Lisa Nocerini
Director Ed Queen told members the air. We had to use another this point, but it will have to be eral large trucks in the city. explained that the administra-
of the Wayne City Council that truck with a lift to get him back considered.” “It was an emergency repair tion has the ability to use the
the 23-year-old truck needed a down. The stabilizers were down Council member Kelly Skiff and we use what we know works emergency process for repairs of
$7,000 repair recently but was because the transmission failed,” asked if the request for the for us. This company does the this nature as they have done in
now back in service, after leaving he said. repair payment was for “some- fire trucks,” he responded. “We the past.
an employee “up in the air” He said the truck is inspected thing that was already done” and don't have time to wait for the Council approved the $7,000
when the transmission on the lift annually and that “down the if the repair had been completed long process of bidding.” payment from the general fund
device failed. road” the city would have to con- without any other bids for the He noted, too, that some tree by a unanimous vote.