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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 15, 2021

                                                   ROMULUS - WESTLAND
                                                    ROMULUS - WESTLAND

        Good neighbors

        Westland police department slates series of community meetings

           The    Westland    Police   now move to tackle the con-    Road.
        Department has developed a     cerns in other areas of the com-  An additional meeting will
        new community policing initia-  munity.”                      take place at 10 a.m. July 31 at
        tive called the Westland Police  With the cooperation of      Curtis Woods Park with a spe-
        Neighborhood Safety Program.    Westland residents, the       cific focus on the neighbor-
           Working in partnership with  Westland Police Department    hoods south of Cherry Hill to
        neighborhood residents, the    will be able to identify neigh-  Palmer and from Newburgh
        Westland Police Department     borhood traffic concerns;      East to Wayne Road. Curtis
        will identify and resolve specif-  neighbor disputes; vandalism;  Woods Park  is located at 36400
        ic quality of life problems or  potential drugs; thefts and   Palmer Road.
        concerns, police officials said.  safety concerns. Police officers  Wild, Police Chief Jeff
           “Our police department      will provide neighborhood spe-  Jedrusik and members of the
        kicked off the Neighborhood    cific crime statistics and safety  Westland Community Police
        Safety Program in June at      tips, officials said.          Team will be in attendance for
        Stottlemyer Park and we had a    The next neighborhood safe-  both of these meetings.
        lot of great discussion and    ty meeting will take place at 10  There will be regular meet-
        engagement from residents in   a.m. Saturday, July 17 at Voss  ings scheduled throughout the
        the surrounding area,” com-    Park with a specific focus being  year in order to specifically
        mented Mayor William R. Wild.  on the neighborhoods south of  focus individually on Westland
        “Recognizing that every neigh-  Cherry Hill to Palmer and from  neighborhoods, Wild said.
        borhood has different concerns  Venoy east to Henry Ruff. Voss  Further information will  and https://www.face-  Community-Partnership-
        and public safety needs, we    Park is located at  30600 Palmer  available at www.cityofwest-   548583351829011

        Romulus reinstates delinquent water shut-off penalties

           Those with late water bills in  effective July 2 and includes the  only applies to the current charges  periods before July 1, 2021 must  previous payment plan, officials
        Romulus could be subject to a shut  former provisions which include  if the balance is not paid in full by  contact the water department to  said. Residents can contact the
        off of service, city officials cau-  water shut off for delinquencies of  the due date, officials said.   make arrangements for a payment  water department at (734) 942-7560
        tioned.                        $300 or more.                    Accounts with delinquent water  plan on the past due amount.  for more information or to make
           The delinquent water policy in  There is also a 10-percent  bills more than $300 will be subject  All customers will be eligible  payment arrangements. Business
        the city, deferred during the  penalty fee assessed to water bills  to disconnection. Those residents  for a new payment plan, regard-  hours are 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.
        COVID pandemic, was reinstated  beginning in July. The 10-percent  who have unpaid water bills for  less if they have defaulted on a  Monday through Friday.
        Candidate appeals removal from mayoral primary ballot

           Whether William Asper's     ally a Canton Township resi-   name added to the list of candi-  which he has owned since 2018  stamped “vacant.”
        name appears on the Aug. 3 pri-  dent.                        dates vying to replace incum-  and that he owns several other  He has admitted that he was
        mary election ballot in          Mayor William R. Wild and    bent Wild.                    properties    in   Westland.   not a Westland resident when
        Westland will be determined by  City Council President Jim Hart  Asper has admitted that he  According to city records, the  he filed his petition for office
        Michigan Secretary of State.   serve on the commission and    only registered to vote in    Allegan property has not had   but claims he will reside in the
           Asper's name was removed    made the unanimous decision    Westland the same day he filed  water service since June of 2020  Allegan Court home. He is ask-
        from the list of viable mayoral  to remove Asper's name from  his petition to seek election and  and does not have a valid cer-  ing the secretary of state to
        candidates by Westland City    the ballot based on his residen-  that he was not a Westland resi-  tificate of occupancy. Mail sent  force the city to invalidate any
        Clerk Richard LeBlanc follow-  cy status.                     dent when he filed seeking the  to Asper at the address he pro-  already returned absentee bal-
        ing a meeting of the city elec-  Asper has filed an appeal of  office.                      vided on his candidacy paper-  lots and then issue new ballots
        tion commission where it was   the June 2 decision to the secre-  He claims that he was reno-  work was returned to LeBlanc's  that include his name as a can-
        determined that Asper is actu-  tary of state hoping to have his  vating a home on Allegan Court  office as undeliverable and  didate for mayor.


        FROM PAGE 1
        Miles said. “I can stand here
        today and say that we are proud
        to partner with the City of
        Romulus on the development
        and announcement of Ecorse
        Commons. Romulus is an up-
        and-coming community, and
        Northpoint is pleased to be the
        jet fuel.”
           The grand openings of
        LaserShip, Pitney Bowes,
        Hearn Industrial and DHL fur-
        ther demonstrate the rapid
        growth taking place across
        Romulus, with nearly 30 new
        businesses having launched in
        the city over the past 18 months
        as a result of FAST TRACK, an
        economic initiative implement-
        ed by the city to streamline the
        review and planning process,
        officials said. The 850,000-
        square-foot Amazon develop-
        ment is one that utilized the
        FAST TRACK program, as well
        as the 135,000-square-foot
        Kroger fulfillment center.
           'When we think about what's
        happening here today in
        Romulus, it's about more than a
        $45 million dollar investment,”
        Rahal said. “This is an old
        Brownfield site that's going to
        create jobs and increase invest-
        ments, creating revenue for the
        city, the county, the region and
        local schools. This is a phenom-
        enal development for this com-
        munity, and I'm thrilled to be
        here to celebrate its success.”
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