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Former firefighter charged with Plymouth home arson
A former Northville firefighter firearm while stalking her. The
is facing up to life in prison and ” couple owned Priority One, an
multiple fines if convicted of He was previously convicted emergency service equipment
arson in a 2019 Plymouth of aggravated stalking and was on probation supplier located on Belleville
Township house fire. Road in Canton Township. The
Patrick Michael Nolan, 40, until February of 2019 on that charge. company sells and installs equip-
faces one count of arson of an ment for police vehicles.
insured dwelling and one count According to the victim, Nolan
of second-degree arson in the was used in all three separate September of 2018 when he hacked into the business phone
burning of a home he owned on areas and that the fire was resigned his position as a fire- system and into her cell phone.
the 50000 block of Sheffield Court caused by an individual. fighter. She claimed he shut down utili-
in Plymouth Township on Jan. 1, Reports indicated that Nolan's Nolan's former wife notified ties at the business and closed
2019. The home was insured for truck was parked at the home authorities of her concerns several company bank accounts
$1 million due to fire losses, within two hours of a neighbor regarding his involvement in the and canceled credit cards. She
according to court documents. reporting the fire. That informa- fire at the home immediately told the court during a hearing
Michigan State Police investiga- tion was obtained, investigators after the blaze. He was previous- for a Personal Protection Order Patrick Michael Nolan
tors determined the fire started said, by a review of the electron- ly convicted of aggravated stalk- that she had moved four times passport and will be placed on a
in the master bedroom, a base- ics installed in the vehicle. ing and was on probation until during the legal process but that tether if released. His next court
ment storage room and a com- According to Northville offi- February of 2019 on that charge. he located her each time. appearance is set for tomorrow,
mon hall at the top of the base- cials, Nolan was employed with His former wife said he had ter- Nolan's bond was set at July 16, and a preliminary court
ment stairs. The investigators the Northville Fire Department rorized her with death threats $250,000 or 10-percent and he examination on the charges is
determined that an accelerant from August of 2017 until and used a helicopter and a must forfeit all weapons, his scheduled for July 23.
Chief Firefighter of the Year for
NCFD in 2019 and received
FROM PAGE 1 commendations from the Novi
Department of Public Safety
retention program to combat for assisting that agency.
the shortage of individuals “Ten years ago, I never
entering the fields of fire and would have thought I'd be
EMS. chief, but as soon as I started
What he likes most about in the fire service I learned it
firefighting and EMS work, he was my passion,” he said.
said, is “having greater “It became natural to con-
involvement in the community tinue to learn and move
and being able to help those in through the ranks.”
need.” While serving as an on-call
Samhat earned his bache- firefighter, he worked in con-
lors degree in Criminal struction as his main occupa-
Justice from Michigan State tion. He owns a property
University, and attended the investment and management
Fire Academy at NCFD. company, Samhat
When he learned that most Investments, which he will
runs involve a medical compo- continue to operate outside of
Digging in nent, he also earned his EMT his fire chief role. His con-
license. In addition to his fire-
struction company, however,
Members of the Northville Rotary Club spent part of the hot and humid July 4th weekend spreading fighting and fire officer certifi- will be put on hold, he said.
new mulch, weeding, and planting at Rotary Well Park. Rotary volunteers expressed their gratitude to cations, Samhat is a certified In his spare time, he plays
Gerry Burke and Scott Warren for hauling the loaded wheelbarrow back and forth and to favorite club State of Michigan Fire baseball and volleyball with
guest Vicky Bardsley for her hard work. Northville Beautification Commission member Diane Pittaway Inspector, and a member of his children, Max and Lila,
helped guide the project while the Northville DPW provided the mulch and use of the wheelbarrow. the Western Wayne County and enjoys hiking and camp-
Not pictured is volunteer David Jerome. Urban Search and Rescue ing with his wife, Annie, and
Team. He was named their children.