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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 15, 2021

                                                     INKSTER - PLYMOUTH
                                                      INKSTER - PLYMOUTH

        Concours d’Elegance to leave Plymouth St. John’s

                         Don Howard
                          Staff Writer
           When the anticipated crowd of
        nearly 15,000 arrives at St. John’s
        Golf Course in Plymouth on
        Sunday, July 23, to view millions
        of dollars worth of classic auto-
        mobiles from around the world,
        they may not realize this is the
        final Concours d'Elegance of
        America in this venue.
           Big changes are in store for
        the ultimate classic car show that
        is considered to be one of the
        most prestigious automotive dis-
        plays in the world when next year
        it moves to the inner city of
           Representatives from Hagerty,
        the classic car insurance compa-
        ny, historically a major sponsor of  Plymouth to the Detroit Institute  mobiles. The contract between  designers for more than a year on  contaminated.
        many automotive events, said   of Arts Museum, located on     Concours and the Inn at St. John's  the proposal and company repre-  Last year the ConcoursUSA
        they would take over the       Woodward Avenue in the         was set to expire at the end of  sentatives submitted plans to con-  Board of Directors made the
        Concours d'Elegance of America  Midtown area. Not only is the  2018 after eight consecutive years  struct a private, gated community  decision to postpone due to
        starting next year. Other recent  prestigious event moving from  and renewal at that time was said  made up of 174 townhomes on  Covid-19 pandemic concerns.
        Hagerty acquisitions in addition  the suburbs to the city, but will  to be uncertain, but an agreement  the back portion of the 200-acre  This year, the event is scheduled
        to the Concours d'Elegance     also move from July to         subsequently went forward after  grounds, located at Five Mile and  for three days, July 23-25 and will
        include Amelia Island Concours  September. The classic car insur-  some vacillation.        Sheldon roads.                 attract an estimated15,000 atten-
        d'Elegance -  another one of the  ance company is taking over the  In the interim period,      The plans for the development  dees and car aficionados.
        premiere automotive events in  event from Bill Warner, who    Plymouth Township planners in  at the upscale Plymouth         Exhibition at the Concours is
        the country, plus California Mille  founded the Concours in 1996.  2017 approved a new $100 million  Township Golf Course came to a  by invitation only and the vehi-
        and the Greenwich Concours       Concours d'Elegance of       luxury condominium develop-   screeching halt in 2018 and no  cles are carefully juried by
        d'Elegance. Hagerty takes part in  America moved from Meadow  ment slated to be built at St.  official reason for the termina-  experts before the coveted invita-
        more than 2,500 car events annu-  Brook Hall to the Plymouth loca-  John's Golf Course owned by the  tion of the plans on the golf  tions are issued to owners around
        ally                           tion in 2000 to take advantage of  Archdiocese of Detroit. Luxury  course property was revealed.  the world. Enthusasts claim the
           Hagerty showcased plans for  the location and ambience of the  homebuilder Toll Brothers  While an Archdiocese spokesper-  Concours d'Elegance of America
        the new location and the move  rambling golf course on which to  worked with civil engineering  son refused comment, it was  has a diverse field unrivaled by
        from the Inn at St. John's in  display the rare and vintage auto-  firms, architects and golf course  rumored that planned area was  any other Concours event.
        Inkster youth is charged in drive-by shooting of 13-year-old

           A 16-year-old Inkster youth has  option to sentence him as an adult  to a parked SUV. The vehicle was  to police reports.  The 16-year-old has been
        been adult-designated and      or a juvenile, or even order a  occupied by three males ages 13,  Prosecutors allege that the 16-  charged with five counts of assault
        charged in the non-fatal wounding  blended sentence if it is deter-  16, and 17, of Inkster, and another  year-old respondent fired a hand-  with intent to murder, one count
        of a 13-year-old boy in a drive-by  mined that the teen has not been  15-year-old male, of Westland.  It is  gun that shot the 13-year-old, caus-  of discharging a firearm at a
        shooting during which the      rehabilitated.                 alleged that a subcompact SUV  ing a non-fatal wound to the chest,  motor vehicle, carrying a con-
        accused allegedly sprayed gunfire  The charges stem from an inci-  occupied by the 16-year-old defen-  and fired at the four other victims  cealed weapon, and five counts of
        at five other youths.          dent reported to Inkster police at  dant drove west on Mt. Vernon  in the car before driving from the  felony firearm.
           Wayne County Prosecutor Kym  about 9:23 p.m. June 18. The  passing through the intersection  scene. Additional bullets struck  Because of the ages of those
        Worthy said that the teen has not  young victim was reportedly in the  with Brentwood, when gunshots  the SUV parked on Brentwood  involved, no names have been
        been charged as an adult, but if  front yard of a home in the 250  were heard and observed by the  but did not hit any of the other  released by police or the office of
        convicted, the judge has the   block of Brentwood, standing next  victims and witnesses, according  four teens.            the prosecutor.


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