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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 13, 2023

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Prosecutor drops child sex abuse charges

           Separate charges of sexual  assaults happened when Baird                                                                   “Additional investigation that
        abuse of both a Wayne and      was working as a school vision                            ”                                 we requested from the Westland
        Westland child have been dis-  specialist and alleged that at               We are certain that dismissing                 Police Department was crucial to
        missed by Wayne County         approximately noon on March 1,               these charges was warranted.                   the decision in this case. We are
        Prosecutor Kym Worthy.         2018 at a school in the 35100                                                               certain that dismissing these
           James Adam Baird, 44 of     block of Bayview Street he                      It is the right thing to do.                charges was warranted. It is the
        Plymouth, was charged in the   assaulted the then 10-year-old                                                              right thing to do. We have no fur-
        two separate incidents on Feb. 1.  Wayne victim.  He was charged  In this incident, Baird was  Office of the Westland Police  ther comment, as there is pend-
        The original complaint alleged  with one count of first-degree  charged with one count of first-  Department. As a result of the  ing civil litigation in connect with
        that Baird had sexually assaulted  criminal sexual conduct - person  degree criminal sexual conduct,  police investigation, the Wayne  these matters,” Worthy said in a
        a then 10-year-old Westland girl  under 13.                   and one count of second-degree  County Prosecutor's Office   prepared statement.
        who is now 13 years old. He was  In the second incident, it was  criminal sexual conduct.   moved the court to dismiss all   On June 28, Baird's two
        also charged with the sexual   alleged that at approximately    As a result of information  charges without prejudice.     Garden City sexual assault cases
        assault of a then 11-year-old  noon on Feb. 11 of 2020, Baird  received in the case, further   Visiting  Judge    Randy    were also dismissed by the prose-
        Wayne girl who is now 15 years  assaulted a then 11-year-old  investigation was requested by  Kalmbach granted the motion to  cutor's office without prejudice
        old. It was alleged that the   Westland girl.                 the Wayne County Prosecutor's  dismiss the case on July 5.   by Kalmbach.
        Inkster police planning National Night Out festival

           The Inkster Police Department  truck, bowling and face painting.  enhances the relationship  in National Night Out across  events with safety demonstra-
        is celebrating National Night Out  The event is free and open to the  between neighbors and law  thousands of communities from  tions, seminars, youth events, vis-
        with a special family festival at  public.                    enforcement while bringing back  all 50 states, U.S. territories and  its from emergency personnel,
        the police station on Michigan   “National Night Out is an    a true sense of community.    military bases worldwide on the  exhibits and much, much more.
        Avenue.                        annual community-building cam-  Furthermore, it provides a great  first Tuesday in August (Texas  In Inkster, the free festival will
           The event which will take   paign that promotes police-com-  opportunity to bring police and  and select areas celebrate on the  take place at 26279 Michigan Ave.
        place from 5 until 10 p.m. Aug. 1 at  munity partnerships and neigh-  neighbors together under positive  first Tuesday in October).  in the police station parking lot.
        the Inkster Police Station will  borhood camaraderie to make  circumstances,” according to a  Neighborhoods host block par-  Free booths are still available for
        include games, food, music, a  neighborhoods safer, more caring  prepared statement.        ties, festivals, parades, cookouts  organizations. For information,
        bounce house, a video game     places to live. National Night Out  Millions of neighbors take part  and various other community  contact (313 )460-4992.
        Blues, Brews and BBQ set in Westland Aug. 4 and 5

           One of the most anticipated events of  The festival will take place at Thomas
        the summer will return to Westland in  H. Brown Central City Park and is pro-
        August.                                duced jointly by the City of Westland, the
           Blues, Brews & Barbecue will return  Westland Downtown Development
        Friday, Aug. 4 and Saturday, Aug. 5 with  Authority and the Westland Chamber of
        live music, a 200 drone light show, fire-  Commerce. Sponsorship packages for the
        works, top BBQ pitmasters and ice-cold  event are now available starting from
        draft brews.                           $250. To sponsor Blues, Brews and
           Live entertainment set for Aug. 4 this  Barbecue, contact the Westland Chamber
        year will include: 5-6:30 p.m. DownRiver  of Commerce at (734) 326-7222.
        Dan; 7-8:30 p.m. Broken Arrow and from 9-  “Each year, Blues, Brews and Barbecue
        11 p.m. Larry McCray.                  gets better than the year before and this
           On Saturday, Aug. 5, performances   year will be no different. From the music
        include: 4-5:30 p.m. The Randy Brock   and food, to time spent with family, Blues,
        Group; from 6 until 8 p.m. Kenny Parker  Brews and Barbecue is always a major  The Kenny Parker Band will perform at the Westland Blues, Brews and Barbeque festi-
        Band with special guests Jim McCarty and  event not only for Westland, but the whole  val this year.
        Johnny Bee and from 8 until 10 p.m.  Chris  metro Detroit area as well,” said Mayor
        Canas.                                 Michael P. Londeau.
                                                                                                    CITY OF ROMULUS
                                                                                                    BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                    WEDNESDAY, August 2, 2023

                                                                                      Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus Board of Zoning Appeals will hold the
                                                                                      following public hearings beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at the
                                                                                      Romulus City Hall, 11111 Wayne Road to consider the following petitions:

                                                                                           1.   TEMP-2023-003; Deranged Haunted Attraction (Michael Fini), request-
                                                                                           ing temporary use approval in accordance with Section 22.03(e), Temporary Uses
                                                                                           and Buildings of the Zoning Ordinance for an outdoor haunted attraction with a
                                                                                           walking trail and temporary structure from 9/16/23 through 11/1/23 located at
                                                                                           35560 Goddard (Parcel ID #80-068-01-0027-002).
                                                                                           2.   BZA-2023-013; Christopher Leduc, requesting a variance from Section
                                                                                           3.04(3)(b), Accessory Buildings of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a pole barn that
                                                                                           exceeds the allowed total square footage of accessory buildings (up to 1,500 sq. ft.
                                                                                           is allowed and 2,283 sq. ft. is requested).  The property is located at 13450
                                                                                           Cogswell (DP #80-118-01-0018-000) and zoned R-1B, Single-family Residential.
                                                                                           3.   BZA-2023-008; Romulus Distribution Center (Ashley Capital) - Building
                                                                                           Height, requesting a variance from Section 8.04(a) Area, Height and Placement
                                                                                           Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance to increase the height of two buildings
                                                                                           from the allowable 35' to 47'. The property is located at 36711 Ecorse Road, a
                                                                                           159-acre parcel between Ecorse Rd. and Wick Rd., west of the CSX Railroad and
                                                                                           zoned M-1, Light Industrial and R-1A, Single-family Residential.
                                                                                           4.   BZA-2023-009; Romulus Distribution Center (Ashley Capital) - Light
                                                                                           Pole Height, requesting a variance from Section 13.05(e) Lighting Regulations of
                                                                                           the Zoning Ordinance to increase the light pole height from the allowable 14' with-
                                                                                           in 300' of a residential district to 25'. The property is located at 36711 Ecorse
                                                                                           Road, a 159-acre parcel between Ecorse Rd. and Wick Rd., west of the CSX
                                                                                           Railroad and zoned M-1, Light Industrial and R-1A, Single-family Residential.
                                                                                           5.   BZA-2023-010; Romulus Distribution Center (Ashley Capital) requesting
                                                                                           a use variance in accordance with Section 22.03(d) Use Variances of the Zoning
                                                                                           Ordinance to allow a detention basin associated with a warehouse/distribution
                                                                                           development on 5.7 acres of property zoned R-1A, Single Family Residential
                                                                                           where M-1, Light Industrial zoning is required. The 159-acre property is located at
                                                                                           36711 Ecorse Road between Ecorse Rd. and Wick Rd., west of the CSX Railroad
                                                                                           that is zoned M-1, Light Industrial and R-1A, Single Family Residential.
                                                                                           6.   BZA-2023-011; Sheetz requesting a variance from Section 14.01(f), Off
                                                                                           Street Parking Requirements of the Zoning Ordinance to allow 4 additional park-
                                                                                           ing spaces, increasing the maximum allowable spaces from 51 to 55 spaces for a
                                                                                           drive-thru restaurant, convenience store and fueling station. The subject property is
                                                                                           located at 33380 Wick Road (DP# 80-039-99-0001-707) and zoned RC, Regional
                                                                                           7.   BZA-2023-012; First Class Self Storage, LLC requesting the following
                                                                                           variances from the Zoning Ordinance for property that is located at 29109 Beverly
                                                                                           Road (DP# 80-003-99-0006-000) and zoned M-1, Light Industrial:
                                                                                           a. A variance from Section 11.12(a), Use Standards - Self-Storage Facilities to
                                                                                           allow a 37,000-sq.ft. self-storage building on property that is 2.16 acres where a
                                                                                           minimum of 4 acres is required; and
                                                                                           b. A variance from Section 8.04(a) Area, Height and Placement Requirements to
                                                                                           allow a 10' setback adjacent to residential property where 50' is required.
                                                                                      Copies of the applications are available for review in the Planning Department located at
                                                                                      the Department of Public Services (12600 Wayne Road) during regular business hours
                                                                                      which are 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Any questions regarding the appli-
                                                                                      cation should be directed to Carol Maise, City Planner in the Planning Department at 734-
                                                                                      955-4530. Written comments may be submitted and should be addressed to the Planning
                                                                                      Department, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus, MI  48174-1485. All interested parties are
                                                                                      encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to comment on said requests.
                                                                                      Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assistance under the
                                                                                      Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact the Planning Secretary (734-
                                                                                      955-4530) 48 hours prior to the meeting.  Our staff will be pleased to make necessary

                                                                                      Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
                                                                                      City of Romulus, Michigan

                                                                                      Publish:  July 13, 2023                                   RM0748 - 071323  2.5 x 10.859
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