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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 13, 2023




                                                                            The traditional Northville
                                                                            Fourth of July parade
                                                                            through downtown streets
                                                                            drew a record crowd again
                                                                            this year. The annual event
                                                                            featured celebrities, bands,
                                                                            floats, officials and fun for
                                                                            all ages. The event was
                                                                            organized by the Northville
                                                                            Chamber of Commerce,
                                                                            already planning for even
                                                                            more patriotic entries next

        Fire department promotes new lieutenant

           Northville      Township                                                                    Obermiller represents the
        Firefighter/Paramedic Michael                             ”                                 department on the Western
        Obermiller has been promoted to                                                             Wayne County Hazardous
        the rank of lieutenant.                Many children in Northville Public Schools           Materials Response Team as a
           Obermiller   joined   the                 know him as "Firefighter Mike."                hazmat specialist and team
        Northville Township department                                                              leader.
        in 2011 and "has consistently                                                                  He was also a former member
        shown unwavering commitment                                                                 of the Western Wayne County
        and professionalism in serving  peers honored Obermiller as the  ary training program and has  Special Operations team, serving
        our community," officials said.  Firefighter of the Year, a testa-  made a significant impact as an  as a tactical paramedic.
           Obermiller earned his bache-  ment to his dedication and serv-  elementary education specialist,  Additionally, as a former
        lor of science degree at Siena  ice, officials said.          officials said. Many children in  Northville High School graduate,
        Heights University and is cur-   Obermiller has held various  Northville Public Schools know  Obermiller was a founding mem-
        rently pursuing a masters degree  roles throughout his time with  him as "Firefighter Mike"  ber of the Northville Township
        in health care management busi-  the Northville Township depart-  because he delivers valuable fire  Firefighters Charity Fund in 2014
        ness administration at Columbia  ment. He has mentored new fire-  and life safety education every  and currently serves as treasurer
        South University. In 2018, his  fighters during their probation-  fall.                     of the organization.                       Michael Obermiller
        Beautification nominees sought

           Members of the Northville Township  of their work.
        Beautification Commission (NTBC) are     The evaluation process takes place
        taking long and evaluating assessments of  from mid-June to early July, encompass-
        landscaping work at businesses in the  ing all landscaping aspects.
        community.                               Anyone wishing to submit a candidate
           The group annually evaluates the    for acknowledgement can e-mail photos o
        efforts of local businesses in an effort to
        motivate proprietors to surpass the      The deadline for submission is July 9,
        mandatory landscape regulations in the  the spokesman continued and business
        township with a formal acknowledgement  owners can nominate themselves.
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