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July 13, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                      ROMULUS - SUMPTER

        Hope not Handcuffs

        Wayne police will host training session for program ‘angels’

           The City of Wayne Police                                                                 Services for placement. If a per-  Wednesday, Aug. 23 at the police
        Department is seeking some                                ”                                 son has private insurance, the  station, 33701 Michigan Ave.
        angels.                                         A person struggling with                    program will provide them with  Volunteers are required to com-
           The department is sponsoring          any substance use disorder can come                treatment options covered by   plete the Angel application and
        volunteer training for Hope Not                                                             their plan. Regardless, the local  register to attend.
        Handcuffs “angels” who are part        to any of the participating police agencies.         team of “angels”will work to get  The form and information are
        of an  initiative launched by                                                               them into treatment as soon as  available at familiesagainstnar-
        Families Against Narcotics                                                                  possible.                      cotics.or/hopenothandcuffs-
        (FAN) in 2017. The Hope not    other drugs.                   accepted into the program, the   Currently, there are more   angel.
        Handcuffs program is a collabo-  A person struggling with any  individual will be guided    than 600 volunteer Angels, and   Last month, Hope not
        rative effort between FAN, law  substance use disorder can come  through a brief intake process to  one of them will help with  Handcuffs compassionately con-
        enforcement, and community     to any of the participating police  ensure proper treatment place-  paperwork and provide compas-  nected 171 men and women to
        organizations to find viable treat-  agencies or community partners  ment.                  sionate support until a treatment  the compassionate support and
        ment options for individuals   and ask for help. They will be   If a person is uninsured or  option is found.              recovery resources they needed
        seeking help to reduce their   greeted with support, compas-  has Medicaid, an “angel” will    Wayne is seeking more help  to restart their lives, according to
        dependence on prescription     sion, and respect, according to  work directly with the local  for the program and will host the  a social media post from the
        medication, alcohol, heroin, or  the organization website. If  Office of Substance Abuse    volunteer training at 11 a.m.  organization.
        Volunteers needed to help revive township events

           Sumpter Township Deputy     22. He explained that while the  added.
        Supervisor/Trustee Tim Rush is  volunteers and some township    Rush thanked fellow Trustee             We need volunteers if we are going
        among the members of the town-  employees were already in the  Matt Oddy who volunteered to
        ship parks and recreation board  process of preparing for the  help him cook during the day-               to be able to bring back some
        hoping to revive several commu-  event, volunteers were still need-  long family event. “We are cook-        of these community events.
        nity events impacted by the pan-  ed.                         ing with charcoal, and we've got
        demic.                           “Anybody who wants to volun-  those brand new grills out there.
           During the June 26 meeting of  teer should contact the clerk's  That'll be fantastic, “Rush said.     impact on current ammunition  final decision had been made.
        the board of trustees, Rush    office,” Rush said. “I figure we'll  Rush said volunteers are also  prices and other supplies for the  “We need volunteers for this
        explained that the township and  probably start setting up and  needed to bring back the popular  event.  He noted that the commit-  event, too. We need volunteers if
        the parks and recreation depart-  moving equipment from the   Turkey Shoot in the township. He  tee members had discussed  we are going to be able to bring
        ment were hosting Family Fun   parks and rec building probably  said members of the committee  increasing the participation fees  back some of these community
        Day from noon until 4 p.m. July  about 9:30 in the morning,” he  had been discussing the negative  or asking for donations, but no  events,” he said.

           Bowling evening planned                                                   Animal shelter officially renamed

                                                                                        It is now, officially, the William “Bill”
                                                                                                                           fundraising events such as the Bingo
             The Romulus Chamber of           are welcome organizers said. There     Wadsworth Animal Shelter in the City of  through various individual donations and
           Commerce and Friends of the        will also be 50/50 raffles, men’s and  Romulus.                              event during the Pumpkin Festival and
           Romulus Public Library have teamed  women’s high game prizes and a cash      Recently, under some threatening   the Annual Bowl-a-thon at Romulus
           up for a fundraiser set for next   bar will be available.                 skies, the new sign at the shelter at 12300  Lanes. Wadsworth was tireless in organiz-
           Saturday, July 22.                    The cost is $50 per couple or $25   Wayne Road was scheduled to be official-  ing fundraising efforts to build and con-
             Bowling Night is planned at 6:30  per person and includes three games   ly unveiled. Wadsworth, named as the  tinue to operate the facility. He secured
           p.m. Saturday, July 22, at Romulus  of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and pop  Greater Romulus Chamber of Commerce  monetary and in-kind donations to make
           Lanes. Check-in will begin at 6:30 and  and two mystery games.            Person of the Year in April, was instru-  the shelter possible, officials said.
           bowling will begin at 7 p.m. sharp,   Bowlers can register and pay in     mental in the construction of the animal  Romulus Mayor Robert McCraight was
           organizers said. Bowlers of all levels  advance at    shelter.                              scheduled to officially unveil the sign
                                                                                        More than $351,000 has been raised  honoring Wadsworth's tireless efforts.
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