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July 13 – 19, 2023                                      NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 28                                                                                    www

                                       Mutual Aid

               Vol. 138, No. 28
             Sumpter     Township      10 community fire departments battle apartment blaze
          Deputy Supervisor/Trustee
          Tim Rush is among the           Firefighters and equipment
          members of the township      from 10 neighboring communi-
          parks and recreation board   ties responded to a serious fire
          hoping to revive several com-  at the Waverly Apartment com-
          munity events.               plex in Van Buren Township
                          See page 5.  last week.
                                          Van Buren Township fire-
                                       fighters were dispatched to the
                                       48000 block of Denton Road at
                                       about 8:30 p.m. July 5 in
                                       response to a report of a possi-
                Vol. 76, No. 28        ble structure fire. Responding
             During a special ribbon-  firefighters found heavy fire
          cutting ceremony during the  throughout the attic of the
          Canton Liberty Fest, town-   structure which had traveled
          ship officials celebrated the  through the roof of the build-
          reopening of the renovated   ing, according to official
          Heritage Park Splash         reports.
          Playground.                     Van Buren fire officials
                          See page 2.  immediately requested mutual
                                       aid from Ypsilanti Township
                                       and the cities of Belleville and
                                       Ypsilanti in response to the
                                       severity   of   the   blaze.
                                       Firefighters first verified that
                Vol. 76, No. 28        everyone was out of the build-
             The   Inkster   Police    ing and then instituted exterior
          Department is celebrating    defensive operations, officials
          National Night Out with a    said.
          special family festival at the  In an effort to control the
          police station on Michigan   blaze, fire officials requested
          Avenue.                      further mutual aid from
                          See page 6.  Canton Township and the City
                                       of Romulus.  Fire crews estab-
                                       lished ladders to accommodate
                                       aerial operations and flow
                                       water through the roof of the
                                       building, according to reports.
                Vol. 23, No. 28        As firefighters continued to
            Northville Township        battle the fire, mutual aid was
          Firefighter/Paramedic        also requested from Superior,
          Michael Obermiller has       Sumpter and Augusta town-
          been promoted to the rank of  ships along with the City of
          lieutenant.                  Wayne and additional fire units
                          See page 4.  from Romulus.
                                          The firefighters remained
                                       on the scene in attempts to
                                       quell the fire for several hours,
                                       officials said, finally bringing
                                       the fire under control. Officers
                Vol. 23, No. 28        from the Van Buren Police     at the scene in a support role.   the early morning hours the  rekindle, officials said.
             Renovations at Karl's     Department along with staff      After ensuring the blaze had  next day as the fire had rekin-  No injuries were reported
          Cabin, a mainstay of the     from HART Huron Valley,       been extinguished, firefighters  dled inside the building. Van  in the incident and the cause of
          Plymouth community, are      Huron Valley Ambulance and    left the scene but crews were  Buren, Belleville and Sumpter  the fire remained under inves-
          progressing and the Poulos   Belleville Fire Auxiliary were  called back to the building in  Township responded to the  tigation at press time.
          family hopes to reopen the
          76-year-old building this fall.  Plymouth Township denies Meijer special use land permit
                          See page 3.
                                          Members of the Plymouth    now prohibited from submitting  increased crime and traffic in  the increased traffic and that
                                       Township Planning Commission  another plan for the land for one  the already heavily trafficked  road improvements would be
                                       denied a special land use     year, according to township offi-  area. Others noted the opening  necessary before consideration
                                       request from Meijer by a 5-1 vote  cials.                   of a supercenter would negative-  of the proposed project.
                                       during a recent meeting.         The vote followed a 3-hour  ly impact the peaceful nature of  Meijer representatives sug-
                Vol. 138, No. 28          Representatives from Meijer  meeting during which township  the township.              gested the commissioners table
             It is now, officially, the  submitted plans for a super-  residents voiced their concerns  The concerns regarding traf-  the application and allow them
          William "Bill" Wadsworth     center on Five Mile Road, west  about the proposed construc-  fic were substantiated by two  to resubmit it with changes to
          Animal Shelter in the City of  of Beck Road on former Detroit  tion. Residents from both  traffic studies, both concluding  accommodate concerns voiced
          Romulus. The new sign at     House of Corrections property.  Plymouth and Northville voiced  that road improvements are nec-  during  the  meeting.
          the shelter was set to be    Meijer proposed a 159,000     their objections to the proposed  essary in the area prior to devel-  Commissioners denied that
          unveiled recently.           square-foot store and gas station  project. Residents told the com-  opment. Commissioners said the  request along with the special
                          See page 5.  on the 21-acre parcel. Meijer is  missioners  they  feared  current roads would not sustain  land use permit.

                                       Northville officials agree to opt out of LED lighting program

                                          A recent analysis shed some                                                               As part of the agreement in
                                       unfavorable light on the LED                             ”                                2021, the city had the option to
                Vol. 76, No. 28        conversion program in the City                  The study also found                      end the contract after two years
             The City of Wayne Police  of Northville.                                                                            by repaying the ERC investment
          Department is sponsoring        During a recent meeting of                inaccurate invoicing by DTE                  in the installation of the neces-
          volunteer training for Hope  the members of the city council,           before and after the conversion.               sary infrastructure. As no signifi-
          Not Handcuffs "angels" who   DPW Director Mike Domine rec-                                                             cant savings have been realized,
          are part of a Families       ommended the city exercise the                                                            Domine recommended that the
          Against Narcotics initiative.   buy-out option included in the                                                         council members authorize the
                          See page 5.  program agreement. An analysis  installation and maintenance of  A city study determined that  buy-out provision of the contract
                                       of the costs demonstrated that  the infrastructure necessary for  the project information used by  which repays the ERC invest-
                                       the program has not produced  the conversion at no cost to the  ERC, including meter location,  ment in lighting infrastructure at
                                       the level of energy savings pre-  city, valued at $149,000, accord-  number of lights and type of  a depreciated rate.
                                       dicted. Northville entered into  ing to officials. The replacement  lights prior to conversion, was  Council members authorized
                                       an agreement in January 2021  program, completed in March   not accurately recorded. The  Domine to start the buyout
                Vol. 76, No. 28        with the Energy Reduction     2021, was expected to generate  study also found inaccurate  process with ERC at a cost of
             Separate charges of sexu-  Coalition (ERC), an Ann-Arbor  enough funding in energy sav-  invoicing by DTE before and  $132,737. A budget amendment
          al abuse of both a Wayne and  based nonprofit, to convert city-  ings to pay for the cost of the pro-  after the conversion. While con-  was approved to draw $29,636
          Westland child by a school   owned lighting at the water   gram. Recent studies, however,  version to LED lighting     from the General Fund contin-
          vision specialist have been  tower, Northville Yards, and  demonstrated a far lower cost  decreased annual kilowatts per  gency, $16,430 from the
          dismissed by Wayne County    parking lots and structures to  savings on electric service than  hour used in some areas, it  Equipment Fund, $86,565 from
          Prosecutor Kym Worthy.       LED lighting.                 projected by ERC representa-  increased costs in others,    the Parking Fund and $107 from
                          See page 6.     The agreement included the  tives.                       according to the data provided.  the Water and Sewer Fund.

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