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June 22, 2023                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                         INKSTER - ROMULUS - WAYNE
                                          INKSTER - ROMULUS - WAYNE

        Jury awards Romulus man $9.3 million in lawsuit

           Evidence from a police body  of Dearborn, the Dearborn                                                                  Gonzales-Hall suffered severe
        camera convinced a Wayne       Police Department and several            The only time a citizen has a real voice           injuries, including six fractures
        County jury to award a         police officers. In addition to                                                             in his foot which resulted in a
        Romulus man $9.3 million as    the violation of his constitution-          is when there's a video camera,                 permanent limp. His injuries
        compensation for violations of  al rights, the lawsuit charged                  and that's what's scary.                   have required several surgeries
        his constitutional rights during  false imprisonment, arrest, bat-                                                         and fusions, Elder said. The
        his 2018 arrest by a Dearborn  tery - and the wrongful charg-                                                              charges made against Gonzales-
        police officer.                ing of a crime.                the officer were correct.     the encounter, the officer inter-  Hall during the arrest were
           Luther Gonzales-Hall, now     Body camera footage from       The officer's body camera   cepts Gonzales-Hall in the     subsequently dismissed as
        25, told members of the jury in  the arrest in 2018 was shown to  footage shows an almost imme-  parking lot and a violent physi-  without probable cause,
        his lawsuit charging a violation  the jury members during the  diate confrontation between  cal confrontation ensues during  according to Elder.  The attor-
        of his constitutional rights that  seven-day trial. Gonzales-Hall,  the officer who enters the  which Gonzales-Hall is heard  ney said the evidence provided
        he suffered “injuries that will  who said he got lost while rid-  restaurant and demands to  repeatedly asking the officer  by the video of the encounter
        never completely heal even     ing his bike home from visiting  know what Gonzales-Hall is  what he did wrong and apolo-   demonstrated the reality of the
        though I did nothing wrong. I  a friend, is shown asking the  doing.  When Gonzales-Hall    gizing. “I was just asking for  arrest to the jury.
        just asked for directions.”    police officer for directions.  responds he is attempting to  directions, bro,” Gonzales-Hall  “The only time a citizen has
        Gonzales Hall said he contin-  Following    the    officer's  clarify the directions the officer  is heard shouting. As the physi-  a real voice is when there's a
        ues to suffer nightmares about  response,    Gonzales-Hall    provided, the officer tells him  cal encounter continues,    video camera, and that's what's
        being arrested and beaten by   entered a nearby White Castle  to “hold tight.” Gonzales-Hall  Gonzales-Hall is heard repeat-  scary,” Elder said. “(The body-
        police. Attorney Azzam Elder   restaurant and again asked for  responds “thank you” and then  edly saying “you're choking  cam) protects good police offi-
        represented Gonzales-Hall in   directions to ensure, he told the  begins to leave from a different  me.”                   cers and also protects the citi-
        his lawsuit filed against the City  jury, that the instructions from  restaurant exit. On the tape of  According to his attorney,  zen's rights.”
        Rocky Horror Society

        plans special showings

           Members of the Michigan Rocky Horror  Oct. 14 at the Capitol Theatre in Flint along
        Preservation Society based in Wayne have  with special guest Patricia Quinn, who
        been invited to perform at two of the old-  played Magenta. More information about
        est, largest and most iconic theaters in the  that performance is available at https://the-
           Both the special presentations sched-  Members of the group will perform Oct.
        uled for October will feature celebrity  21 and again Oct. 28 at the State Wayne  On a roll
        guests from the original cast of the Rocky  Theatre on the final two Saturdays of the
        Horror Picture Show movie, according to a  month. Ticket information for those shows  Members of the Wayne Memorial High School Bowling Team were officially rec-
        prepared statement from a group        is available at  ognized and honored with a plaque during a meeting of the Wayne City Council
        spokesperson.                            The group will continue to perform at  last week. The team won the 2023 Michigan High School Athletic Association
                                                                                       State Bowling Championship earlier this month. Mayor John P. Rhaesa presented
           The group will perform Oct. 12 at the  the State Wayne Theatre on the second and  the team with an official plaque congratulating the young bowlers on their
        Fisher Theatre in Detroit along with spe-  fourth Saturday of every month leading to  achievement and championship performance. Members of the team include:
        cial guest Barry Bostwick, who played  the special October events. The State   Elliot Hill; Jeremiah Hodge; Davin Raisanen; Santray Trottier; Donovan Uselman;
        Brad Majors. More information about the  Wayne Theatre is located on Michigan  Kyle Webster and Mark-Vincent Wells.  The team is coached by Christine Day and
        event is available at https://www.broad-  Avenue West.                         assistant coach Andrea Santiago while Stephanie Grajek is the team athletic train-   Tickets and information are available at  er.
           The Wayne group will perform again on  the links listed above.
        New ethic intimidation law heads to state legislators

           A new bill making the rounds in     impact of the proposed legislation at  behavior is illegal in Michigan, but also  individuals who target others for their eth-
        Lansing aims to strengthen the state eth-  Focus: HOPE headquarters.         makes it easier to hold those accountable  nicity, sexual orientation, gender identity,
        nic intimidation law, which some prosecu-  “As a longstanding organization dedi-  who use hate as a weapon.”       age, or disability and prohibit the deface-
        tors have deemed too weak to be effective.  cated to racial healing, it's bittersweet to  HB 4474 is part of a legislative package  ment, destruction, and vandalism of insti-
        Focus: HOPE, along with grassroots part-  still need the law changed to keep diverse  (HB 4474-4477) that would update sentenc-  tutions such as churches or nonprofits.
        ner, the Ethnic Intimidation Law       populations from being targeted,      ing guidelines related to criminal acts of  The reform marks the first time the state
        Amendment Work Group, has led the fight  harassed, and victimized,” said Portia L.  hate against persons and buildings. The  Ethnic Intimidation Law has been updat-
        to give teeth to the law and hosted a  Roberson, Focus: HOPE CEO. “HB 4474   bills would make it easier to prosecute  ed in 35 years.
        “Community Conversation” regarding the  not only makes it clear that such vile
                                                                                                           Sumpter Township Regular Board Meeting
                                                                                                               Tuesday, May 9, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
                               Sumpter Township Regular Board Meeting                                       23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111
                                Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 6:00 p.m.                                                  Minutes
                               23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, MI 48111
                                           Minutes                                    The meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:29 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.
         The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Bowman at 7:19 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll call: Supervisor Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Treasurer Patterson, Trustees: Morgan, Oddy, LaPorte, and Rush. Also showing pres-
                                                                                      ent: Township Manager Burdick, Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Public Safety Director/Police Chief Luke, Fire Chief
         Roll call: Supervisor Bowman, Clerk Hurst, Trustees: LaPorte, Morgan, Oddy, and Rush. Treasurer Patterson excused. Also  Brown, Finance Director Holtz, Water Superintendent Danci, and 3 attendees.
         showing present: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk Armatis, Finance Director Holtz, Public Safety Director/Police Chief Luke, Fire
         Chief Brown, Township Manager Burdick, Water Director Danci and 7 attendees.  3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Morgan to approve the Agenda with the following changes:
                                                                                      Remove Items A, Band E. Change date to June 1, 2023, in Item C and correct parcel number in Item D (eliminate 114).
         3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve the Agenda with the following addition:  Roll Call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Add item G. Consider approval for Ashley Harris to be interim deputy treasurer from 12:00 pm through 5:00 pm, February 28,
         2023; and to be compensated at the deputy pay for 5 hours.                   4. Public Comment/Open Floor: One (1) attendee spoke.
         Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      5. Minutes:
         4. Public Comment: Three (1) attendee spoke.                                 A. Motion by Oddy, supported by Patterson to approve the regular board meeting minutes of April 25, 2023.
                                                                                      Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         5. Minutes: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 14, 2023 and accept
            the planning commission minutes of November 10, 2022.  Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  6. Warrants:
                                                                                      A. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve warrants totaling $110,460.82.
         6. Warrants:  Motion by LaPorte, supported by Morgan to approve warrants totaling $2,732,937.02. Roll call vote: Yes: All in  Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      7. Supervisor's report: Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to receive and file the Supervisor's report.
         7-11. Reports. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to receive and file all reports.   Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      8. Attorney's Report: Attorney Young reported on sand/ gravel mining legislation being passed, that the local municipalities
         12. Board Response: Trustee LaPorte thanked the fire and police departments for their efforts during the recent ice storm.  will have NO say so on any part of thls. Motion by LaPorte supported by Oddy to accept the attorney's report.
                                                                                      Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         14. New Business:
                                                                                      9. Police Report: Chief Luke reported the increase in runs for both police and fire and his desire to advertise for a police
            A. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission for re-zoning par-  officer. Also, the work program from the 34th District Court is starting back up. Motion by Patterson, supported by Oddy
              cel #81-013-99-0026-000 (45476 Harris Road) from R-2 to C-1.            to accept the police report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
               Roll call vote: Yes:  All in favor.  Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      10. Building Report: Motion by Oddy, supported by Patterson to receive and file the building report.
            B. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve Deputy Treasurer Campbell to attend the MMTA basic institute pro-  Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
              gram from April 23rd-April 28th, with a cost not to exceed $1,332.
              Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor.  Nay: None. Motion carried.          11. Fire Report: Motion by Rush, supported by Patterson to accept the fire report. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None.
                                                                                         Motion carried.
            C. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve to offer all eligible employees the MedMutual  Voluntary &
              Dependent Life program effective March 2023 at no cost to Sumpter Township.   12. Board Response: Trustee LaPorte notified everyone of a training exercise being held at Bessie Hoffman school this week.
              Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      13. New Business:
            D. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the fire department grant writing fee of $5,165 to JW2 Fire Consultants
              for the 2022/ 2023 FEMA AFG cycle. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  A Consider approval to contract with Lawrence M. Clarke, Inc. for $3,750.00 to line repair areas at the Sumpter/Willis pump
                                                                                           station. REMOVED.
            E. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to assign the Township Manager, Township Attorney, and Public Safety Director  B. Consider approval to adopt recommended changes to the water/sewer shut-off and payment plan policies. REMOVED.
              to the blight remediation committee and direct them to address extreme, last-resort blight issues.   C. Motion by Morgan, supported by Patterson to extend the seasonal part-time DPW position to June 1, 2023. Roll call
              Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                         D. Motion by Hurst, supported by Oddy to approve a cash offer for Willow Road, two acres, Parcel #81-99-0014-712 in the
            F. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to direct Township Manager Burdick to obtain the highest bid and proposed use  amount of $20,000.  Roll call vote: Yes: None.  Nay:  Bowman, Patterson, Hurst, Oddy, LaPorte, Morgan and Rush.
              that is being offered for Parcel #81-102- 99-0006-000 Martinsville Road (69.36 acres). And re-instate the listing agree-  Motion failed.
              ment with Moving The Mitten. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.  E. Consider approval to continue the listing relationship with Moving the Mitten under the original listing terms (expired
                                                                                           December 2022) for the remaining properties, as attached. REMOVED.
            G. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve  Ashley Harris to be interim deputy treasurer from 12:00 PM  F. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to adopt a Proclamation designating May 15, as Peace Officers Memorial Day
              THROUGH 5:00 PM, February 28, 2023; and to be compensated at the deputy pay for 5 hours.   for Sumpter Township. Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
              Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      15. Announcements: Trustee Morgan wished all the moms a Happy Mother's Day.
         15. Announcements: None.
                                                                                      16. Motion by Rush, supported by Patterson to go into closed session at 7:28 pm to consider attorney-client privileged material
         Closed Session: Pursuant to MCL 15.268 to consider attorney-client privileged material; regarding pending litigation.  exempt from discussion or disclosure by state or federal law referencing current MAPP agreement status, per MCL 15.268c.
                                                                                      Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to go into closed session at 7:41 pm.
         Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                17. Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to come back in session at 8:10 pm.
                                                                                      Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Motion by Hurst, supported by LaPorte to reconvene the meeting at 7:54 pm.
         Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                18. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve Chief Luke to advertise for a police officer.
                                                                                      Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to have the attorney proceed as directed.
         Roll call vote: Yes: All in favor. Nay: None. Motion carried.                19. Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to adjourn at 8:11 pm. Motion carried.
         16. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to adjourn at 7:55 pm. All in favor. Motion carried.  Minutes prepared by:
                                                                                      Deputy Clerk K. Armatis
         Minutes prepared by;                                                         Sumpter Township
         Deputy Clerk K. Arruatis
         Sumpter Township
                                                                                      ___________________________  _____________
         ___________________________  _____________                                   Esther Hurst, Clerk  Date
         Esther Hurst, Clerk  Date
         ___________________________  _____________                                   ___________________________  _____________
         Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date                             ST0153 - 06 22 23 2.5 x 9.327  Timothy Bowman, Supervisor  Date               ST0157 - 06 22 23 2.5 x 9.58
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