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June 22 – 28, 2023                                      NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 25                                                                                    www

                                       Increased speed enforcement now under way

               Vol. 138, No. 25           Motorists throughout the area                                                          Transportation    Research
             Members of the Sumpter    are advised to slow down or face                         ”                                Institute, in 2021:13.3 percent of
          Township Board of Trustees   serious fines this week as             These vital speed-enforcement periods              unrestrained drivers involved in
          approved the purchase of     Michigan State Police join local           help lessen the impact of those                crashes were speeding; 10.2 per-
          new tasers for the police    law enforcement agencies in an                                                            cent of drivers in the 15- to 20-
          department, using drug for-  increased speeding enforce-                  dangerous, impatient drivers.                year-old age group involved in
          feiture funds.               ment effort this week.                                                                    crashes were speeding. This is
                          See page 2.     Speeding accounts for one-                                                             higher than the overall speed-
                                       fourth of all traffic fatalities  in which one or more drivers  Unfortunately, there will be  ing-driver rate of 5.2 percent in
                                       nationally, according to law  were speeding, an 18 percent  some drivers on the road who  2021 and there were 24,555
                                       enforcement statistics. Since the  increase over the 9,478 fatalities  put everyone at risk by speeding  speed-related crashes, which is
                                       pandemic began more than      in 2019.                      and driving recklessly, making  a 10.3 percent increase from the
                                       three years ago, police agencies  Katie Bower, director of the  crashes more likely.      22,260 speed-related crashes in
                Vol. 76, No. 25        throughout Michigan continue  Michigan Office of Highway       These vital speed-enforce-  2020.
             For more than 1,200 high  to report an alarming rise in  Safety Planning, said the goal of  ment periods help lessen the  According to the National
          school seniors at Plymouth-  speeding and fatal crashes,   increased enforcement is to   impact of those dangerous,    Highway     Traffic   Safety
          Canton Community Schools,    according to information provid-  change these risky driving  impatient drivers.”         Administration, local roads are
          graduation was a shining     ed by the Michigan State Police.  behaviors and save lives.    In Michigan, the number of  more dangerous than highways
          moment and the culmination      This trend prompted the       “Speeding continues to be a  traffic crashes rose from 245,432  for speeders. In 2020, 87 percent
          of hard work.                planned speed enforcement this  critical issue in Michigan that  in 2020 to 282,640 in 2021, an  of all speeding-related traffic
                          See page 6.  week.                         leads to many needless crashes,  increase of 15 percent. There  fatalities occurred on non-inter-
                                          In 2021, there were 237    serious injuries and fatalities on  was also a rise in fatalities (1,131  state roadways.
                                       speed-related fatalities on   our roadways,” Bower said. “We  in 2021 compared to 1,083 in   Recent insurance industry
                                       Michigan roads, an increase of  are in the busy, warm-weather  2020).                     studies show that approximately
                                       18.5 percent over 2020, when 200  travel season with many families  Also in Michigan, according  112,000 speeding tickets are
                                       people died. Nationally in 2020,  driving to their favorite destina-  to speed-involved data from the  issued each day, or about 41 mil-
                Vol. 76, No. 25        11,258 fatalities involved crashes  tions to enjoy the summer break.  University  of  Michigan  lion per year.
             A new bill making the
          rounds in Lansing aims to
          strengthen the state's ethnic
          intimidation law.

                          See page 5.

                Vol. 23, No. 25
            Unity Skatepark in
          Northville Township is offi-
          cially rolling following a
          groundbreaking ceremony
          for the10,000-square-foot
          amenity last week.
                          See page 3.

                Vol. 23, No. 25
             Among the graduates at       Workers at the General Motors plant in Romulus recently celebrated their donation of $40,000 to local non-profit groups in the com-
          Plymouth Canton this year       munity. Since 2019, plant employees have donated $163,000 to the Romulus region through the Community Impact Grants pro-
          were 85 seniors from            gram.
          Starkweather Academy, the
          alternative high school in the  Good neighbors
                                          GM Romulus employees donate $40,000 to local non-profit groups
                          See page 6.

                                            Workers at the Romulus General Motors  The 2023 Romulus-area grant recipients  Metropolitan Detroit - grant funds will
                                          plant recently donated $40,000 to four local  include:                         be used to recruit, screen, train and sup-
                                          nonprofit groups.                     • Ozone House Youth and Family           port matches in the School/Site Based
                                            The donation was part of the recently  Services - Ozone House is a 24-hour cri-  programs.
                Vol. 138, No. 25
                                          completed General Motors national grant  sis center for young people experienc-  • EMU STEM - grant funds will support
             Evidence from a police       distribution of the 2023 Community Impact  ing homelessness and at risk of serious  Eastern Michigan University Digital
          body camera convinced a         Grants (CIG) Program.  Grants of $3 million  crises. Grant funds will support the  Divas and Dudes program to fund free
          Wayne County jury to award      were awarded to 157 nonprofits across the  Ozone House WorkZone youth employ-  STEM (science, technology, engineering,
          a Romulus man $9.3 million      county, a spokesman noted.              ment program, which supports young     and math) programs for middle and high
          as compensation for viola-         "The generosity of GM and our work-  people as they build work skills and   school students from the Metro Detroit
          tions of his rights.            force in this community inspires me every  become successfully employed in our  area. Programs take place on a college
                          See page 5.     day," said Rob Morris, plant director at GM  community.                        campus and give students hands-on
                                          Romulus Propulsion Systems. "GM has   • Starfish Family Services - grant funds  experiences with STEM and help make
                                          been in this community for more than 47  will be used to support the Family    students aware of their career options
                                          years and we see the positive impact these  Employment Emergency program,      and promote highly technical and high-
                                          local organizations can have when they  which provides assistance to the parents  paying careers for the next generation
                                          have the resources to do so. Whether it's an  and guardians of early childhood educa-  workforce.
                Vol. 76, No. 25           investment of time or money, we are com-  tion students. Funds are used to address  Since 2019, GM has granted more than
             Members of the Michigan      mitted to serving and growing with the  barriers to employment for parents and  $13 million to nonprofits in its facility com-
          Rocky Horror Preservation       greater Romulus community and all of the  caregivers and provide assistance while  munities, and $163,000 to the Romulus
          Society based in Wayne have     communities in which GM employees live  clients are job-seeking.            region through the Community Impact
          been invited to perform at      and work."                            • Big Brothers / Big Sisters of       Grants program.
          two of the oldest, largest and
          most iconic theaters in the
          state.                       Canton celebrates opening of accessible playground
                          See page 5.
                                          There was a special celebra-  gram. Additional services were  panel featuring a buzzer reac-  were applied to make enhance-
                                       tion during the annual Canton  provided by MCSA Group for   tion game; an accessible picnic  ments to the Heritage Park
                                       Liberty Fest this year as offi-  landscape architectural designs  table as well as soft-fall, rubber  playground area by installing
                                       cials and residents gathered for  and DMC Group Consultants,  fall surfacing.             equipment that meets ADA
                                       the ribbon-cutting of the newly  Inc. for construction at the park.  This project was funded  requirements and invites spon-
                Vol. 76, No. 25        installed universally ADA-       Recently      completed    through     a   Community     taneous play from younger park
             Blues, Brews & Barbecue   accessible playground equip-  improvements at the play-     Development Block Grant       visitors of all abilities to take
          will return Friday, Aug. 4 and  ment, soft-fall surfaces, and  ground include the installation  (CDBG), which was obtained  advantage of these inviting out-
          Saturday, Aug. 5 with live   concrete pathway around the   of universally ADA-accessible  from the U.S. Department of  door features, officials said.
          music, a 200 drone light     Heritage     Park     North   play equipment including: a   Housing      and     Urban       Additional services were
          show, fireworks, top BBQ pit-  Playground.                 four-person see-saw; swings   Development to fund federally  provided by MCSA Group for
          masters and ice-cold draft      The playground improve-    featuring adaptive seats      required facility park improve-  landscape architectural designs
          brews.                       ments were funded through the  enabling caregivers and chil-  ments to remove playground  and DMC Group Consultants,
                          See page 5.  Community Block Grant pro-    dren to swing together; activity  barriers.  These grant dollars  Inc. for construction at the park.

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