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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 22, 2023


                                                                      Really cool

                                                                      Hundreds of Westland residents
                                                                      and visitors enjoyed the
                                                                      Westland Kickoff to Summer
                                                                      Community Summit at Tattan
                                                                      Park last week. The city provid-
                                                                      ed free hot dogs and chips and
                                                                      children had no-cost access to
                                                                      the H2O Splash Pad, a bounce-
                                                                      house, facepainting, and a
                                                                      showing of the Disney movie,
                                                                      Inside Out. Mayor Michael
                                                                      Londeau provided free popcorn
                                                                      to enjoy with the movie. The
                                                                      event was sponsored by North
                                                                      Brothers Ford, Independent
                                                                      Carpet One Floor & Home,
                                                                      Parkside Dental Team, Michigan
                                                                      Chiropractic Specialists, P.C.,
                                                                      Priority Waste, Community
                                                                      Financial Credit Union, Parkside
                                                                      Credit Union and Westland Car
                                                                      Care. The park is located at
                                                                      1901 North Carlson and is open
                                                                      from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. daily
                                                                      and features new dinosaur
                                                                      themed elements with interactive
                                                                      sounds and lights and an
                                                                      immersive, kid friendly dinosaur
                                                                      experience. The H2O zone fea-
                                                                      tures water spray attractions
                                                                      including a helicopter and mas-
                                                                      sive dino dump buckets. Tickets
                                                                      are available at the full-service
                                                                      concession stand. For more
                                                                      information and details, visit:

        Blues, Brews and BBQ

        set to return in August

           One of the most anticipated events of  The festival will take place at Thomas
        the summer will return to Westland in  H. Brown Central City Park and is pro-
        August.                                duced jointly by the City of Westland, the
           Blues, Brews & Barbecue will return  Westland Downtown Development
        Friday, Aug. 4 and Saturday, Aug. 5 with  Authority and the Westland Chamber of
        live music, a 200 drone light show, fire-  Commerce. Sponsorship packages for the
        works, top BBQ pitmasters and ice-cold  event are now available starting from
        draft brews.                           $250. To sponsor Blues, Brews and
           Live entertainment set for Aug. 4 this  Barbecue, contact the Westland Chamber
        year will include: 5-6:30 p.m. DownRiver  of Commerce at (734) 326-7222.
        Dan; 7-8:30 p.m. Broken Arrow and from 9-  "Each year, Blues, Brews and Barbecue
        11p.m. Larry McCray.                   gets better than the year before and this
           On Saturday, Aug. 5, performances   year will be no different. From the music
        include: 4-5:30 p.m. The Randy Brock   and food, to time spent with family, Blues,
        Group; from 6 until 8 p.m. the Kenny   Brews and Barbecue is always a major
        Parker Band with special guest Jim     event not only for Westland, but the whole
        McCarty and Johnny Bee and from 8 until  metro Detroit area as well," said Mayor
        10 p.m.  Chris Canas.                  Michael P. Londeau.

                   To subscribe to The Eagle visit



                                             TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              2013 Scion            KMHD35LH1FU242557     2016 Toyota           Public Auction At Holt &
                              JTKJF5C72D3064398     2010 Hyundai          4T1BF1FK5GU591835     Son Auto Wrecking LLC
                              2018 Nissan           KM8JUCAC6AU056646     The above vehicles are         at
        On Thursday, June 29th,  1N4AL3AP0JC139978  The above vehicles are  impounded through the  27350 Princeton St
        2023 at 11:30 am, Great  2011 Chevrolet     impounded through the  City of Westland Police  Inkster, MI 48141 On
        Lakes Towing Impound  1G1ZC5E18BF182441     City of Dearborn Police  Department. All paper-  The Day Of July 13,
        and Recovery Division  2016 Nissan          Department. All paper-  work must be picked up  2023 at 10AM
        located at 42350 Van  1N4AL3AP4GN373327     work must be picked up  from the  City of
        Born Rd, Belleville, Mi,  2018 Chevrolet    from the  City of     Westland      Police  2012 CHRYSLER
        County of Wayne, will  1G1ZD5ST9JF258704    Dearborn       Police  Department within 48  1C3CCBBB8CN139366
        conduct a public auction  2011 Ford         Department within 48  hours of the sale.
        of   Impounded   and  1FMCU9DG5BKA01113     hours of the sale.                          2011 FORD
        Abandoned vehicles. The  2013 Chevrolet                            All Vehicles are sold in  1FAHP3FN8BW134537
        following vehicles will be  KL8CB6S95DC545548  2010 Chevrolet     "as is condition". Bidding  2005 TOYOTA
        offered for sale to the  2018 Cadillac 1GYKN-  2CNALDEW7A6297143  on all vehicles will start  JTDKB20U153117416 PRI
        highest bidder.       DRS9JZ210139          2011 Dodge            at the amount due for  2002 FORD
                              2007 Chevrolet        2B3CL5CT1BH508453     towing  and  storage.  1FTRW08L02KA83585
        2015 Hyundai          2G1WT58K479264853     2016 Dodge            Vehicles may be deleted  1981 LINCOLN
        KMHEC4A49FA121923     2016 Jeep             1C4RDJEG0GC449551     from this list at any time  1LNBP6FG4Y684059
        2008 Cadillac         1C4NJCEA8GD806841     2013 Chrysler         prior to the start of the  2018 DODGE
        1G6DW67V680103264     2015 KIA              1C3CCBBB7DN546659     auction. This is a cash  3C4PDCEGXJT425997
        2018 Nissan           5XYKT3A66FG660924     The above vehicles are  only sale and all vehicles
        5N1AZ2MG6JN149753     2014 Dodge            impounded through the  must be paid in full at the  2010 CADILLAC
        2012 Chevrolet        1C3CDZAB2EN129541     Redford Township Police  conclusion of the auc-  1G6DA5EG3A0128075
        1G1ZC5E03CF160324     2015 Chevrolet        Department. All paper-  tion.               2006 CHEVROLET
        2009 Chevrolet        1G1PE5SB1F7204410     work must be picked up                      2G1WT58K169216774
        2G1WT57K291213130     2009 Chevrolet        from  the    Redford                        2004 CHEVROLET
        2017 Jeep             2G1WU57M991110415     Township       Police   The Following Cars  1GNDT13S942158401
        1C4NJRFB5HD155177     2017 Honda            Department within 48    Have Been Deemed    2010 CHEVROLET
        2017 Dodge            19XFC2F7XHE003816     hours of the sale.      Abandoned By The    1G1ZB5EB8A4110239
        3C4PDCBG6HT538327     2013 Ford                                     Inkster Police Dept.   2010 CHEVROLET
        2017 KIA              2FMDK4JC5DBA05139     2012 Chevrolet                              3GNBACDV7AS612081
        3KPFK4A77HE032468     2015 Hyundai          1G1PG5SCXC7221253       And Will Be Sold At
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