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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 11, 2020

                                             CANTON - SUMPTER
                                              CANTON - SUMPTER

        Sumpter trustees OK new Concast internet contract

           Members of the Sumpter      that the new system will provide                                                            will also now allow Comcast to
        Township Board of Trustees     a dedicated line of service and       In addition, the new system will allow for the        install more fiber throughout the
        agreed last week to an upgrade  that Comcast will monitor the                                                              township,” Cole said.
        to the current Comcast system at  system for any problems and  connection of all township buildings and all departments      In addition, the board mem-
        township hall and in other town-  necessary service rather than     will be connected in a fully-integrated system.        bers approved the purchase of
        ship buildings.                the township having to report                                                               two police interceptor vehicles
           The new agreement, unani-   problems.                                                                                   from Atchinson Ford at a price of
        mously approved by the board     “In addition,” Cole said, “the  new fiber optic service. “This is  that this was a favorable move  $81,282.22. The funding will
        members in attendance, will cost  new system will allow for the  the optimal time to move for-  for the township and would  come from the approved police
        the township $1,400 per month  connection of all township build-  ward,” she said. “This will also  “move us into the 21st century.”  budget, officials noted.
        for 60 months. Township        ings and all departments will be  save us about $24,000 a year as  He also said that with the sav-  Members of the board also
        Finance Director Michelle Cole  connected in a fully-integrated  we can switch from the Verizon  ings projected from the move  cancelled the June 9 and June 29
        told the board members that the  system.” The current system  service.”                     from Verizon, there could be a  meetings due to the continuing
        new system will allow the town-  requires individual remote log-  Following the 60-months, or 5-  $20,000 annual savings to the  stay-home orders from Gov.
        ship to have fiber optics which,  ins, which Cole explained the  years of payments on the new  township.                   Gretchen Whitmer.
        she said, is “the way to go.”   new system will eliminate.    system, it will belong to the town-  “This will strengthen our  Treasurer Kenneth Bednark
           Cole said that Comcast is     “An additional benefit is that  ship, she said.            internet service and introduce  and Trustee Don Swinson were
        investing $30,000 in the area and  it is more secure,” she said of the  Trustee Matt Oddy said he felt  fiber to Sumpter Township. It  absent from the meeting.

        Police                                 against injustice and works every day to
                                               serve our community. Like many, we are
                                               sickened by the actions and inactions of the
        FROM PAGE 1                            police officers in the death of George Floyd.
                                               Those officers tarnished our policing serv-
        tices. The Canton Police Department    ice. We have been working for over 20 years
        employs directives and oversight on all use  toward developing a workforce with the
        of force applications. These mechanisms of  mindset and skills to build a foundation of
        administration include exhaustive training  public trust and service, with a genuine
        and review. The agency has zero-tolerance  commitment to our racially, economically,
        for the misuse of force, and officers are sub-  politically, socially, and religiously diverse
        ject to discharge and discipline for any  community,” Baugh said in a prepared state-
        abuse of power. Canton works pro-actively to  ment.
        maintain a benchmark worthy team of offi-  “The Canton Police Department main-
        cers through training, legal briefings as well  tains various partnerships within our com-
        as professional internal and external men-  munity and region. One of which is our
        torship,” Williams said.               Canton Coalition for Inclusive Communities
           “Additionally, the department actively  team, which is a partnership of a diverse                                                          © 2020 Google
        trains police officers on implicit bias.  group of community and regional leaders.  munity's demographic makeup. The recruit-  Police Department support all residents and
        Specifically, the cultural diversity and cul-  Further, our Community Engagement Team  ing team is a dedicated group of 10 police  visitors in our community, they stand for jus-
        tural competency training has not only  has been very active with the Advocates and  officers trained to recruit police employees,  tice, and continue to find solutions to main-
        helped our officers understand the implicit  Leaders for Police and Community Trust,  with a concentration on engaging minorities  tain public support in that service,”
        bias, but has helped the Canton Police  whose mission is to examine issues affecting  to work as Canton police officers. The  Williams concluded.
        Department become one of the most pro-  police and community relations, and the dis-  recruiting process includes a coordinated  The Canton Police Department stands for
        gressive policing agencies in the region. The  criminatory enforcement of laws, such as  effort with the Canton Human Resource  justice and continues to find solutions to
        department has a zero-tolerance for bias-  racial profiling, police discretion, use of  Department. The Canton Police Department  maintain public support in service to our cit-
        based profiling and enforcement programs.  force, recruitment and training, citizen com-  has made great strides with hiring and  izens and, most importantly, to be impartial
        They are violations of the constitutional  plaint processes, community partnering,  retaining minority police officers .  to ensure our citizens feel safe and can
        rights of those we serve, undermine the  police leadership and management, and dis-  “I have been a Canton resident for over  thrive. Our mutual trust with the citizens of
        department's legitimate efforts, and lead to a  ciplinary practices designed to enhance the  30 years, and, as a long-time resident, hus-  our community is the cornerstone to our
        loss of trust within our community. The  bonds of trust between law enforcement and  band, father, neighbor, friend, and now as  success. As always, we are here to serve the
        department is trained to focus on a person's  the communities they serve.    supervisor, I truly believe that the Canton  Canton community, support all of our resi-
        conduct or other specific suspect informa-  “As part of our police department's goal  Police Department is the finest department  dents and visitors, and protect life,” Baugh's
        tion”                                  of becoming a more diverse police agency,  around. The men and women of the Canton  statement concluded.
           Williams' remarks were echoed in a state-  as well as being a component of the national
        ment from Deputy Director of Police Chad  accreditation process, the department has
        Baugh.                                 developed a recruiting plan that includes
           “The Canton Police Department stands  hiring police officers who reflect our com-
        Township programs canceled

           Members of the Canton Township        The Canton Farmers Market will
        Board of Trustees, who continue to meet  resume in mid-July with new COVID-19
        electronically, recently determined which  safety protocols and restrictions in place.
        programs, events and facility closures will  The Village Theater at Cherry Hill will
        remain in effect in the community.     remain closed to the public for ticketed
           The Canton Sports Center will remain  events for the foreseeable future.  All pur-
        closed through at least Aug. 1, including  chased tickets will automatically be
        adult softball leagues, all tournaments,  refunded.
        and Canton Township facilitated pro-     The B.L.O.C.K. Youth & Teen Center, as
        grams at this location.                well as affiliated programs and services,
           The Summit on the Park, including   remains closed and will resume following
        Canton Club 55+ will remain closed to  the Plymouth-Canton Community Schools
        members and the general public through  in-person classroom schedule.
        at least Oct. 1.  All current and active  Pheasant Run and Fellows Creek Golf
        memberships will be automatically      Clubs are open with restrictions in place
        extended. Those wishing to be refunded  based on current executive orders of the
        may contact the Summit at (734) 394-5460  governor.
        or by emailing    Individuals registered for a class, pro-
           All recreation programs, classes, and  gram, or camp that has been canceled or
        events, with the exception of the Canton  suspended will automatically be refund-
        Farmers Market, are canceled through the  ed.
        summer.  This includes all summer        For more information, visit www.can-
        camps, programs, community events, and or
        concerts.                              COVID19.
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