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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            June 11, 2020

                                     INKSTER - NORTHVILLE - WAYNE
                                      INKSTER - NORTHVILLE - WAYNE

        Former city attorney named to district bench

           Breeda K. O'Leary officially                                                                “A district court judge has a
        became the judge at the 29th                              ”                                 unique opportunity to have a
        District Court in Wayne on                 As judge of the 29th District Court,             meaningful impact on the com-
        Monday when she took the bench                                                              munity. As judge of the 29th
        for the first time.                          I will ensure that all individuals             District Court, I will ensure that
           O'Leary, a Wayne native, was            are heard and treated with respect.              all individuals are heard and
        named to the position by Gov.                                                               treated with respect.”
        Gretchen Whitmer last week.                                                                    O'Leary will replace Judge
        She was an attorney with       ney, O'Leary has provided pro-  Wayne Main Street, and a mem-  Laura Mack who announced her
        Fausone Bohn, LLP and is the   bono assistance to local senior  ber of the Women Lawyers    retirement as of March 1, leaving
        fourth attorney from that firm to  citizens, participated in training  Association of Michigan. She  a partial term which expires at
        be named to a judicial post.   for the 29th District Court    holds a Bachelor of Arts from  noon Jan. 1, 2021.
           In her law practice, she    Regional Behavioral Mental     Michigan State University James  O'Leary said she will be a can-
        served as a city attorney for the  Health Court Program and par-  Madison College and a Juris  didate on the November ballot to
        City of Wayne, assistant city attor-  ticipated in the 18th District  Doctor degree from Thomas M.  complete Mack's term which will
        ney for the City of Westland, and  Court Sobriety Court Program.   Cooley Law School. O’Leary lives  continue until Jan. 1, 2025.
        as a prosecutor in the 29th and  O'Leary is an advisory board  in Wayne with her husband,      The court has operated with
        18th District Courts. O'Leary's  member of the Families Against  Jason, and their two daughters.    visiting judges while candidates
        practice also included civil mat-  Narcotics (FAN) Northwest    “I am humbled by the oppor-  were considered by the office of
        ters and probate and estate plan-  Wayne Chapter, a member of the  tunity to serve the citizens in my  the governor.
        ning. During her time as an attor-  Wayne 100 Club, vice president of  hometown,” O'Leary said.                                         Breeda K. O'Leary
        Inkster to receive grant funds for COVID-19 supplies

           The City of Inkster will be  Housing and Urban Development  will be provided for sanitizer and  ChristNet.              and may be used for other com-
        among the communities benefit-  that will make the $4,960,787 in  building cleaning.           Samaritas   will  receive   munity service programs under
        ing from an additional $4,960,787  additional Coronavirus Aid,  The Wayne Metropolitan      increased money for Wayne      eligible under CARES Act provi-
        in grant funding administered by  Relief and Economic Security  Community Action Agency will  County Family Center operating  sions, officials said in a prepared
        the Wayne County Commission.   (CARES) Act money available to  receive money for food distribu-  costs and the Wayne County  statement.
           The commissioners unani-    help county residents. The money  tion programs, to assist renters  Economic Development Division  The additional money brings
        mously approved a modification  will primarily be used in cities  affected by COVID-19 in 26 com-  will receive additional money for  the total amount of CARES Act
        to the county grant agreement  and by county-based social serv-  munities and to complete a day  administration and planning fees.  money available to the county
        with the U.S. Department of    ice agencies. In Inkster, funding  shelter  for  Taylor-based   Some money is unallocated   from $8,580,188 to $13,540,975.
        Recreational marijuana licenses considered in Wayne

           Recreational marijuana      al sales.                                                 ”                                 only those facilities that current-
        licenses may soon be available   A representative from one of                                                              ly have medicinal licenses to sell
        in the City of Wayne.          the current establishments,                 Why would we want them going                    the substance should be able to
           Officials instructed the city  Wayne Releaf, told the council         to Inkster or Westland to spend their             apply for a license to sell it for
        attorney to research the particu-  members that during the first                                                           recreational purposes.
        lars of drafting an ordinance  week the business operated with       money if we can provide them an opportunity             Councilman Anthony Miller
        allowing the eight medicinal   curbside pickup only, they             to do business right here in their own city?         was in favor of the proposal and
        marijuana license holders in the  turned away about 100 potential                                                          suggested the anticipated rev-
        city to apply for licenses to also  customers who wanted to pur-                                                           enue from fees could be used to
        sell the drug for recreational  chase recreational marijuana.                                                              pay the city debts and that mem-
        uses.                            “Why would we want them      eight of the current licensees in  said he was aware of the reasons  bers of the council should vote as
           The council voted to explore  going to Inkster or Westland to  the city said they would apply for  to favor recreational marijuana  representatives of the residents,
        the possible sale by a 5-2 vote fol-  spend their money if we can pro-  a recreational sales license. She  sales in the city but that he could  not based on their own personal
        lowing a report by city Planning  vide them an opportunity to do  said allowing the recreational  not vote in favor of the recre-  beliefs.
        Director Lori Gouin who said   business right here in their own  sales could bring an additional  ational sales.             The two no votes were cast by
        the city could realize extra rev-  city?” Gouin said during the May  $40,000 to the city in fees.   Members of the planning  Wagner and Councilwoman
        enue by allowing the recreation-  19 meeting. She said that all  Councilman Philip Wagner   commission recommended that    Kelly Skiff.


          FROM PAGE 1

             More information about
          responsible park use is available

             Mayor LeRoy Burcroff con-
          firmed that all city parks in
          Romulus reopened on Monday,
          June 8. He said all playgrounds,
          dog parks and walking paths
          were now open to the public.
             “Please note that bathrooms
          will still be closed and we
          encourage you to stay home if
          you are feeling sick, practice
          social distancing, avoid touching
          your face, and wash your hands
          after visiting the playgrounds,”
          he cautioned.
             “With summer around the    public use, following the gover-  The children's playground   “As soon as we received word  renting out park pavilions or
          corner, we are thankful resi-  nor's orders for social distancing  area at both parks will undergo  that parks could reopen, our  banquet facilities.
          dents have the opportunity to get  and safe practices, according to  upgrades to the ground area and  team began a strategy to get
          outside and take full advantage  Parks  and    Recreation   a swing added to accommodate  them back up and running as     The governor's order requires
          of the nice weather by utilizing  Commission member Sharon  wheelchair access this year, she  quickly as possible,” commented  that individuals utilizing parks
          city parks and pathways,”     Pokerwinski.                  said.                         Mayor William R. Wild.  “We are  and other public spaces still
          Burcroff said.                  She noted that there is cur-                              hopeful that we will be able to  maintain 6-feet of distance
                                        rently a Butterfly Habitat being  WESTLAND                  reopen the H20 Zone on July 1,  between one another, officials
          SUMPTER TOWNSHIP              installed at Banotai Park, but it  Parks in Westland reopened  once we can amp up staffing lev-  reminded potential park users.
             In Sumpter Township,       remains under construction and  to the public last week with the  els for support.”       The City of Westland is recom-
          Banotai Park is open with swim-  will not be complete and open to  exception of the H20 Zone Spray  Currently, the spray park and  mending that masks be worn
          ming only in designated areas,  the public until sometime next  Park and the Westland     concession stand will remain  while in contact with others,
          while Graham Park is open for  month.                       Historical Village Park.      closed and the city will not be  they added.

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