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June 11, 2020                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

        Van Buren Township Hall set to reopen to public

           Van Buren Township Hall will  put in place when entering town-                                                          Belleville Area Museum will
        reopen to residents on Monday,  ship hall to ensure the safety of                If at all possible we're                  remain closed until further
        June 15, although officials are  both the staff and residents.                                                             notice.
        encouraging residents to contin-  Upon arrival, all visitors must              encouraging residents to                      All township sponsored or
        ue to do business remotely and  wear a mask inside the building,            limit coming into the building.                organized activities, programs
        by appointment.                have their temperature recorded                                                             and events have been canceled
           “If at all possible we're   (a contactless process with an                                                              until July 5, according to a state-
        encouraging residents to limit  Infrared thermometer) and will  Heritage, French Landing and  Buren Park Beach, Quirk Park  ment from township officials.
        coming into the building.      be asked to complete a quick   Haggerty Neighborhood Parks   Splash Pad and the park pavil-   For a list of department con-
        However, we will be glad to see  standard confidential screening  will reopen on June 22 with  ions will remain closed until fur-  tact information and frequently
        and serve those who have to    questionnaire, officials said.    proper sanitizing and signs post-  ther notice.           asked questions regarding proce-
        come in,” said Treasurer Sharry  All Van Buren Township parks  ed to follow social distance    The Van Buren Township      dures and services or absentee
        Budd.                          including Quirk Park and Senior  guidelines. However, all play-  Senior Center, Parks &     voting, visit https://vanburen-
           New procedures have been    Garden, Van Buren Park, Riggs  ground equipment, the Van     Recreation Department and the
        Romulus library continues to offer on-line services

           While the Romulus Public                                                                 Virtual Story Time with Miss
        Library is preparing to open            To that end, we are working to acquire a            Jessica (Youth tab, click on
        soon, Director Patty Braden                                                                 YouTube Playlist);  Capstone e-
        reminded residents that the facil-  sufficient supply of hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes,  books (Youth tab, click on
        ity offers several online services.   masks, gloves, and other protective supplies.         Capstone); Great Start Food
           Braden said that she and the                                                             Banks (Services tab, click on
        leadership team are working                                                                 Food Banks); Virtual Music
        together on a comprehensive    staff is our top priority, she said.  assured library users.  Programs (Services Tab, click on
        reopening plan to keep visitors  “To that end, we are working   She said that throughout the  Virtual Programs); Tumble
        safe and healthy when services  to acquire a sufficient supply of  phased reopening, library staff  Books (Digital Library Tab, click
        resume. “This will mean changes  hand sanitizer, disinfecting  will continue to monitor staffing  on Tumble Books); Hoopla
        to how we offer library services  wipes, masks, gloves, and other  levels, the availability of protec-  Bonus Borrows Collection
        and access to the building. Our  protective supplies. Before the  tive equipment and supplies, the  (Digital Library tab, click Hoopla
        plan is to take it one step at a  closure, a disinfecting wipes dis-  capacity of the library to manage  Bonus); RBDigital magazines
        time using a controlled, phased-  penser was purchased. More  each phase safely and successful-  (Digital Library Tab, click RB
        in approach to reopening. We   recently, plexiglass safety barri-  ly, and any local/state/federal  Digital); Overdrive e-books
        will ease restrictions as we are  ers were put in place at the circu-  restrictions on physical distanc-  (Digital Library Tab, click
        able, following state and local  lation desk. Library materials  ing, sanitizing, and maximum  Overdrive and
        guidelines, recommendations    returned in the drop box are   building occupancy ratios.    (Resource Tab, click on                         Patty Braden
        from public safety officials, and  being quarantined for at least 24  “We miss you and look for-  Ancestry).
        advice from our colleagues at  hours and this will continue after  ward to seeing you all again  Braden said she also wanted  University Musical Society,
        other libraries across the state,”  we reopen. The building has  soon,” Braden said. She also  to thank library partners:  Chamber Music Society of
        Braden said in a recent email to  been deep cleaned. Frequent  reminded residents of the num-  Tumble Books, RB Digital,   Detroit, Detroit Symphony
        city residents.                and thorough cleaning will be  ber of online services currently  Overdrive, Hoopla, Great Start,  Orchestra, and U of M School of
           Safety of library patrons and  the norm after reopening,” she  available at the library including:  Ancestry, Pebble Go by Capstone,  Music Theater and Dance.
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