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Annual Art In The Park
event cancelled this year
There will in the community usually draws thou-
be no Art In sands of people to the city each July to
The Park event visit and shop at the more than 400
in Plymouth booths which line the streets selling
this year. everything from fine oil paintings and
Raychel hand crafted jewelry to tiny miniature
Rork, president creations aimed at the younger crowd.
of the event, The festival has been the starting point
announced the for many young art entrepreneurs who
cancellation on had their first success at the section
the event devoted to young artists in Kellogg Park
Facebook page Art In The Park began in 1979 when
noting that the Raychel Rork art hobbyist and long-time resident
organizers have Dianne Quinn invited friends to work
already begun working on the event for on their art efforts outdoors in Kellogg
next year. Park.
The annual event, which would have Following that first gathering of about
marked the 41st festival from July 10 35 hobbyists and artists, the event con-
through 12 this year, has been negatively tinued to grow into the event honored as
affected by the coronavirus pandemic, one of the best art festivals in the state.
the Facebook post on Rork, Quinn's daughter, assumed the
says. management role from her mother
“For the past seven weeks our team when Quinn retired.
has explored all options and if there “We understand that this news is
were any assurances that there was a compounded by the sheer number of
safe way forward we would take it, but events that have been canceled leading
at this point we believe this is the right to so much uncertainty and economic
choice,” the post on Facebook reads. heartache,” continued the post on the
“We feel it is no longer practical to con- official Art In The Park page. “We do Rocky road
tinue with an event this size at this time. appreciate your support, and your trust Work started last week on one of the worst roads in Plymouth Township, General
The health and safety of artists, atten- and hope above all else to be back bet- Drive between Ann Arbor Road and Joy Road, officials said. The $1.5 million
dees, our community, and crew always ter than ever next year!” rebuild project is funded by a $500,000 State of Michigan grant matched by a
comes first.” The event has already been sched- Special Assessment District paid by property owners along the road.
One of the largest community events uled for July 9-11 next year.
Plymouth library continues to offer on-line services
While the Plymouth Library meeting room capabilities, and and craft projects, she said.
has been forced to cancel all to sanitize equipment and the ” Questions about services or
community meetings set for the building for our patrons and On a visit to the website, patrons can get availability are answered by a
facility through the month of staff. So many factors come into a digital library card to use right away real library employee through
May in light of the Coronavirus play - rest assured that we will or by
pandemic, there are still plenty make all of these decisions with with access to thousands of downloadable ebooks, calling (734) 453-0750, ext 200.
of services being offered to the safety in mind,” explained audio books, movies, magazines and TV shows. “There is more information
community. Susan Stoney, community rela- about the library on social
“ We are in close contact with tions specialist. media,” Stoney said, “Facebook,
neighboring libraries and is open access to thousands of down- There is also helpful commu- Instagram, Twitter.
exploring ways to reopen, to and on a visit to the website, loadable ebooks, audio books, nity information at the local, “We are happy to assist you
safely make returned items for patrons can get a digital library movies, magazines and TV county, state and federal levels; and look forward to seeing you
the next check-out, to assess card to use right away with shows. online programs, storytimes all again soon,” she concluded.