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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                              May 7, 2020

                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS
                                                  BELLEVILLE - ROMULUS

           Helping hands

           Nearly 200 residents in need received dry and canned goods last Thursday during a commodities distribution organized by the City of Romulus outside of the Romulus
           Senior Center. To protect volunteers and those picking up supplies, residents were asked to stay in their vehicles and have their trunk empty and open when approaching
           the pick-up location.  The event was part of the commitment of the city to ensure residents have the resources they need during COVID-19 pandemic, a city spokesperson

        Business continues while township hall remains closed

           In response to the extension of Gov.                                   ”                                        tial services. If you're a business that has
        Gretchen Whitmer's executive order, Van                                                                            remained open please visit the website
        Buren township offices will remain closed           We're closely following the COVID-19 situations                and fill out the form that only takes 3 min-
        through Friday, May 15.                  and will update our staff and residents as new information is reported.   utes,” the statement continued.
           The temporary closure includes all                                                                                 All township events have been canceled
        township administration offices, the parks          Thank you for your patience and understanding.                 until July 5. This includes fireworks and
        and recreation department and the senior                                                                           the first session Summer Camp. Refunds
        center.                                                                                                            will be issued for those who have regis-
           Emergency services including police,  recycling are services operating as sched-  shelter, utility assistance, mental health  tered for camp and classes. The Senior
        fire department and emergency dispatch  uled. Waste Management crews are work-  resources, unemployment information,  Center will continue with the emergency
        will remain open and provide service to  ing as quickly as possible based on crew  small business loans, grants, and more. For  foods program such as Meals on Wheels,
        township resident.                     availability. Anyone who needs a yard  more information visit http://vanburen-  but will remain closed for senior activities.
           Van Buren Township officials and staff  waste sticker or landfill pass to drop off,” the release noted.   “We're closely following the COVID-19
        members will continue to work remotely,  bulk items should call (734) 699-8926, leave  “We've partnered with the Van Buren  situations and will update our staff and
        according to a prepared statement from  a detailed message including their name,  DDA and Belleville Area Chamber of  residents as new information is reported.
        the administration. For emergencies, such  address and phone number          Commerce to create a COVID-19 Business  Thank you for your patience and under-
        as a water main break, residents can con-  Police and fire reports can be obtained  Directory. Visit  standing. Please Stay Home and Stay
        tact Van Buren Township dispatch at (734)  by submitting a Freedom of Information  to see which businesses are open as essen-  Safe,” the statement concluded.
        699-8930. For non-emergencies, govern-  Act (FOIA) request available on the town-
        ment services and/or general questions  ship website:
        about topics such as building permits,  cials/clerk/.
        Focus Hope, or others, residents can call  The FOIA request form can also be
        (734) 699-8910 and leave a message. A staff  emailed and/or faxed by contacting the
        member will return residents' calls as soon  records office at (734) 699-8939 or by email-
        as possible.                           ing Tina Harman at tharman@vanburen-
           Township staff members are encourag-
        ing residents to pay taxes and water bills  When sending email requests, residents
        online or use the drop box located in front  should write FOIA Request in the subject
        of township hall. The box is checked daily,  line.
        officials said, but residents should use it  Copies of traffic crash reports can be
        for checks only, no cash.              obtained on the CLEMIS website:
           Tax and utility payments can also be To obtain the copy,
        made via debit, credit card or echeck at  requesters will need to know the report  number when making the request. These
           Residents can sign up for automated  reports can also be obtained by submitting
        debit for utility bill payments using a form  a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
        found       at      https://vanburen-  request form.   Those who do not know the report num-
        ent.pdf                                ber can contact the records office at (734)
           Residents paying online will be charged  699-8939.
        a processing fee.                        Due to records window closure at this
           There is also a drop box located in the  time, local background checks will not be
        lobby of the public safety department  done at the window. Residents can visit the
        which is also checked daily.           State of Michigan website: www.michi-
           Personal checks or money orders to obtain an ICHAT background
        should be mailed to: 46425 Tyler Road, Van  check through the State of Michigan.
        Buren Township, MI.                      “Van Buren Township is committed to
           Yard waste pick up resumed the week  supporting our at-risk populations. Our
        of April 20, although bulk pick-up is still  website has a list of local resources avail-
        suspended until further notice. Trash and  able to assist our residents seeking food,
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