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May 7, 2020                                                    ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3



        Championship Pheasant

        Run course is now open

           Pheasant Run Golf Club      been touched by any other play-
        opened for business with the first  ers, such as other players' golf
        tee time on the 27-hole champi-  balls, clubs, bags or tees. Golf
        onship course set for 9 a.m. last  hole cups will be installed upside
        Monday.                        down, elevating holed golf balls
           Golf carts will not be avail-  and eliminating the need for
        able, so golfers must walk the  golfers to put their hands in the
        course and adhere to social dis-  hole.
        tancing guidelines. Pull-carts are  Eighteen holes will be opera-
        allowed on the course and play-  tional for play daily from 9 a.m.
        ers are encouraged to bring their  until 6 p.m. Volunteer rangers
        own. Tee times are required and  will be monitoring the course to
        can be booked online at        ensure compliance of all restric-               tions.
           To mitigate the spread of     "The overall safety and health
        COVID-19, temporary measures   of golfers and staff on our course  during these difficult times."   COVID-19 health emergency sub-  For more information on
        will be implemented that align  remains our top priority," stated  Pheasant Run Golf Club has  sides, officials said.      Pheasant Run Golf Club, visit
        with the Centers for Disease   Paul Simpson, Pheasant Run     been following guidelines and    The     Pheasant      Run or call (734)
        Control (CDC) guidelines. Players  general manager, and PGA head  recommendations made by the  Championship Golf Course was  397-6460.
        are asked to arrive no earlier  golf professional.  "We're taking  Centers for Disease Control  designed by world-renowned   The golf course reopened in
        than 15 minutes before their   the necessary steps to protect our  (CDC), Michigan Department of  architect Arthur Hills.   response to the State of Michigan
        scheduled time. Flagsticks are to  employees and golfers from com-  Health and Human Services  The 27-hole layout covers   Executive Order 2020-52, which
        remain in the holes at all times.  ing into contact with the coron-  (MDHHS), and Wayne County  more than 300 acres of rolling  rescinded Executive Order 2020-
        Players are not to touch flagsticks  avirus so that this sport can  Public Health Division, and will  terrain and traverses more than  42, which allows golf as a recre-
        or other objects that may have  remain available for everyone  continue to do so until this  10.5 miles from start to finish.  ational amenity.
                                                                                     Student charity race goes digital

                                                                                       This year, participants will have eight  with medical expenses during his recov-
                                                                                     days to complete the Super Jess 5K char-  ery.
                                                                                     ity race.                                The event has continued and has
                                                                                       The 10th annual event, which pro-   become an annual student event benefit-
                                                                                     vides help for local families in medical  ting area families facing medical chal-
                                                                                     crisis, will take place virtually, to comply  lenges and during the last nine years has
                                                                                     with social distancing required by the  helped 40 families and collected $500,000
                                                                                     coronaviris pandemic.                 to help with medical expenses.
                                                                                       The virtual event will allow partici-  The race is coordinated by students at
                                                                                     pants to run, walk or bike the trail at  the SJ5K Club at the Plymouth-Canton
                                                                                     their leisure through May 10.         Educational Park. A foundation with a
                                                                                       The charity event, organized by stu-  board of directors manages the finances
                                                                                     dents in the Plymouth Canton          for the group.
                                                                                     Community Schools district, is named for  This year, the virtual event will benefit
                                                                                     former Canton High School sophomore   five families in the Plymouth-Canton
                                                                                     Jesse Lindbauer who suffered a sinus  Community: Layana Szmansky, Jonathan
                                                                                     infection which became an infected    Suszkiewicz, Greg Gorski, Mikey
                                                                                     brain abscess in 2011. The Plymouth   Rosowski and Greg Milleville. To learn
                                                                                     Canton community created the Super    more about the families, visit
                                                                                     Jess 5K race to help the teen's family

                                                                                      Summary of an Ordinance Repealing Chapter 10 Article II (Teen Clubs) and Article III (Amusement Devices and Arcades),
                                    NOTICE TO RESIDENTS                               Chapter 14 Article VI (Kennels) and VII Indoor Pet Boarding Facilities), and Chapter 46 Sec. 46-5 (Fortunetelling and Palmistry)
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON                            of the Canton Code of Ordinances and Amending Chapter 18, Sec. 18-1 to 18-800, Businesses. .
         If you experience an overflow or backup of a sewage disposal system or storm water system, you must file a written claim with  The approved ordinance significantly simplifies the business licensure process in Canton Township by providing for a stream-
         the Charter Township of Canton, Division of Public Works within 45 days after the overflow or backup was discovered.  Notice  lined application process, updating outdated language, and adjusting/eliminating certain license types of requirements and shall
         should be mailed to Charter Township of Canton, Division of Public Works,  4847 S. Sheldon Rd, Canton, Michigan 48188.  take effect the day after this posting. Changes to existing ordinances would eliminate the 1,000 foot limitation in the massage
         Failure to provide the written notice will prevent recovery of damages.  Contact the Division of Public Works at 734/397-1011  ordinance and replace it with Public Safety monitoring and compliance checks. Additionally, it is recommended that we no longer
         for assistance immediately upon discovery of an overflow or backup.          regulated industries which are monitored by more stringent state and federal regulations. As a result, Amusement Devices and
                                                                                      Arcades, Service Stations, and used car dealers will no longer be regulated, but will continue to be monitored by compliance
                                                                         THANK YOU    checks.
                                                           CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
         CN2059 - 050720  2.5 x 1.517                         DIVISION OF PUBLIC WORKS  The following changes to the structure of ordinance can be summarized as follows:
                                                                                                                    Repealed Ordinances:
                                                                                                      Chapter 10 - AMUSEMENTS AND ENTERTAINMENTS (Repealed)
                                          NOTICE                                                          ARTICLE II. - TEEN CLUBS (added to new Chapter 18)
                         PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS                                          ARTICLE III. - AMUSEMENT DEVICES AND ARCADES (Repealed)

         If you experience an overflow or backup of a sewage disposal system or storm water system, you must file a writ-
         ten claim with the Plymouth Charter Township Department of Public Works within 45 days after the overflow or  Chapter 14 – ANIMALS
         backup was discovered.  Notice should be mailed to Plymouth Charter Township, Department of Public Works,  ARTICLE VI. – KENNELS (added to new Chapter 18)
         9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, Michigan 48170.  Failure to provide the written notice will prevent recovery
         of damages. Contact the Department of Public Works, 734-354-3270, Extension 3, for assistance immediately  ARTICLE VII. - INDOOR PET BOARDING FACILITIES (added to new Chapter 18)
         upon discovery of an overflow or backup. Thank You
                                                                                                                  Chapter 18 – BUSINESSES
         DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS                                                                       ARTICLE II. – JUNKYARDS (added to new Chapter 18)
                                                    JERRY VORVA, Clerk,                                   ARTICLE III. – MASSAGE (added to new Chapter 18)
                                                    Charter Township of Plymouth                  ARTICLE IV. - SEXUALLY ORIENTED BUSINESSES (added to new Chapter 18)
         Publish April 30 & May 7, 2020                             PT0295 - 050720  2.5 x 2.074            ARTICLE V. - USED CAR DEALERS (Repealed)
                                                                                                       ARTICLE VI. - AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE STATIONS (Repealed)
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                                           ARTICLE VII. - SMOKING LOUNGES (added to new Chapter 18)
                     NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ELECTRONICALLY                            ARTICLE VIII. - MARIHUANA ESTABLISHMENTS (added to new Chapter 18)
                                     May 26, 2020 - 7:00 PM
         The Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for Tuesday, May 26, 2020.  The meeting and public hearing will be  Chapter 46 - OFFENSES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
         held by electronic remote access.  The planning commission will consider a conditional rezoning for properties located at 15765  Sec. 46-5. - Fortunetelling and palmistry. (Repealed)
         N. Haggerty Rd., 15709 N. Haggerty Rd., and 15655 N. Haggerty Rd., from R-3 (Single Family Residential) to RM-1 (Multiple
         Family Residential).
                                                                                                                      New Structure:
         The public is invited to participate in this public hearing and express their comments or ask questions.  For information on how
         to participate in the meeting and view the documents for the public hearing, please visit the township's website at  Chapter 18 –Businesses  Written comments will be received by the Northville Township Planning Commission at 44405 Six  ARTICLE I. In General (Purpose, Universal Definitions)
         Mile Road, Northville, MI 48168.
                                                                                                              Sec. 18-4. Monitored Businesses Defined.
         Tim Zawodny, Chair                                                                                          Used Car Dealers
         Planning Commission
                                                                                                                  Automotive Service Stations
         Publish: May 7, 2020                                       NT0067 - 050720  2.5 x 2.191
                                                                                                                Amusement Devices and Arcades.
                                                                                                                Sec. 18-5. Marihuana establishments prohibited.
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING                                                         ARTICLE II. Licensing
                    PLYMOUTH CHARTER TOWNSHIP, WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN                                        ARTICLE III. Individual Business Guidelines
                                                                                                                   DIVISION 1. Junkyards.
                                  NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                      ON ADOPTION OF                                                           DIVISION 2. Massage Establishments.
                              BROWNFIELD PLAN – AMENDMENT #1                                                  DIVISION 3. Sexually Oriented Businesses.
                         MICHIGAN INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CENTER                                                DIVISION 4. Smoking Lounges.
                                 REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY
                      PURSUANT TO AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT 381 OF THE                                            DIVISION 5. Teen Clubs.
                   PUBLIC ACTS OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN OF 1996, AS AMENDED                                         DIVISION 6. Kennels.
                                                                                                             DIVISION 7. Indoor Pet Boarding Facilities.
         PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing shall be held before the Township Board of the Charter Township of Plymouth
         on the 26th day of May, 2020, at 7 p.m. in the Plymouth Township Hall, 9555 Haggerty Road, Plymouth, Michigan, on the adop-  True copies of the complete ordinance can be found for free at and can also be viewed or copied at
         tion of                                                                        1150 S. Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI during normal business hours. Call 734-394-5120 for more information.
         the FIRST AMENDMENT to the Michigan International Technology Center Redevelopment Authority’s Brownfield Plan, which                      CN2060 - 050720  2.5 x 8.262
         the Authority proposes to implement pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Brownfield Redevelopment
         Financing Act, being Act 381 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 1996, as amended.
         The property to which the proposed Brownfield Plan Amendment #1 (Amendment #1) applies is a parcel located in the Michigan
         International Technology Center Redevelopment Area, which includes approximately 800 acres of property along the north and
         south sides of Five Mile Road between Napier Road and Beck Road in Northville and Plymouth Townships. Identification of the
         specific parcel subject to the proposed Brownfield Plan Amendment #1 is provided below.
         The proposed Amendment #1 intends to capture incremental tax revenues from the redeveloped property to reimburse approved
         eligible costs on the subject parcel, and for areawide infrastructure improvements identified in the Initial MITC Brownfield Plan.
         The Initial Brownfield Plan was approved via resolution in December, 2019, and remains in force and effect.
         This description of the property along with any maps and a description of the Amendment #1 are available for public inspection
         at Plymouth Town Hall, 9555 Haggerty Road and online at Please note that all aspects of the Amendment
         #1 are open for discussion at the public hearing.
                                                                       Jerry Vorva, Clerk
                                                                          May 1, 2020
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