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May 6, 2021                                                    ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Westland police partner with First Step facility

           Westland police have a new  domestic violence reported cases.
        partner in efforts to help victims  This is especially true during the
        of domestic violence.          current high-stress environment
           Earlier this year, the Westland  caused by the COVID-19 pandem-
        Police Department formalized a  ic, explained Westland Police
        partnership with First Step, in an  Chief Jeff Jedrusik.
        effort to provide stronger, more  In 2018, Westland police offi-
        immediate resources to victims of  cers responded to 1174 domestic
        domestic violence, officials said.  violence or family trouble calls.
           As a result of this strengthened  This number grew in 2019 to 1207,
        partnership, the Westland Police  and then to 1337 in 2020.
        Department has named Alexis      “While these calls sometimes
        Reed as the Community          result with a person arrested and
        Response Survivor Advocate. She  criminally charged (216 in 2018,
        is present in the department to  297 in 2019 and 331 in 2020), 2/3 of
        facilitate more immediate assis-  domestic violence cases are not
        tance to those impacted by     prosecuted, often due to victims  Westland Mayor William Wild, left, and Police Chief Jeff Jedrusik, right, officially welcomed new
        domestic and sexual violence.  who are afraid of the process and  Community Response Survivor Advocate Alexis Reed to the city recently. Reed is in the department to
        Reed graduated with a masters  the uncertainty of the outcomes,”  facilitate immediate assistance to those impacted by domestic and sexual violence.
        degree in victimology and crimi-  commented Jedrusik. “This is  the families and communities  during the COVID-19 pandemic  identified as victims who are
        nal justice, with a special interest  why it is so important for us to  impacted by these crimes. All  and this partnership will be a  going through the criminal legal
        in trauma response. She has    pursue a partnership with a    First Step services are free, vol-  great asset,” commented Mayor  system including: Providing
        worked with survivors of domes-  trained and certified victims  untary, and confidential. Victims  William R. Wild. “It is also our  information on the criminal legal
        tic and sexual violence for three  advocate.”                 can opt in and out of services at  hope, through this formal collabo-  process; Informing victims of
        years.                           First Step is a non-profit   any time and clients have com-  ration, the Westland community  their   legal      rights;
           Domestic violence cases are  agency that services individuals  plete control about information  will know that these crimes are  Accompaniment to criminal
        the most dangerous and difficult  impacted by domestic and sexual  shared outside the agency.  being taken seriously and there is  court hearings; Safety planning;
        cases for officers to respond to  violence in Wayne County. The  Participating in prosecution is  support for victims at every stage  Assistance in completing peti-
        and for victims to work through,  mission of the non-profit facility  not required to receive services,  of the process at no cost.”   tions for Personal Protection
        according to national statistics.  is to eliminate domestic and sex-  First Step officials said.  Reed, as community response  Orders; Connection to other First
        Like many cities, Westland has  ual violence by providing com-  “Unfortunately, we have seen  survivor advocate, will provide  Step services and community
        seen a dramatic increase in    prehensive support services to  a spike in these types of cases  support services for individuals  resources.

           Stations                    ‘Walk and Roll’ public meeting is planned in city

                                          They are on a roll in Westland                                                           employment, and recreation and
           FROM PAGE 1                 as officials continue progress on                         ”                                 entertainment facilities. Westland
                                       the Wildwood Road Bikeway Plan           We need as much public engagement                  has identified this corridor as an
           erated from this program,”  which includes the creation of                 and feedback as possible.                    ideal location to build awareness
           commented Mayor William     bicycle lanes on 3.5 miles of                                                               and capacity of bicycle friendly
           R. Wild.                    Wildwood Road,                                                                              avenues with an emphasis on
             “This additional rev-        In addition, officials are devel-  gain insight from the public about  During the meeting, the city  safety mitigation and minimal
           enue can be used to help    oping a Bicycle and Pedestrian  the future of walking and biking  will present information on the  interruption to current traffic pat-
           offset other Citywide       Action Plan called Walk and Roll  within the community. The meet-  Wildwood Road Bikeway Plan,  terns, officials said.
           Mission:Green initiatives.”   Westland to help connect resi-  ing can also be joined by comput-  which includes the creation of  “This plan will represent the
             The City of Westland      dents with areas of high demand.  er: Join by Computer:      bicycle lanes on Wildwood Road  most detailed non-motorized plan-
           will also look to adopt an  A public meeting to share infor-  Link to Join: https://ohm-advi-  running north-south from Warren  ning efforts yet by the city,” com-
           electric vehicle ordinance  mation about the plan is set for  Road to Glenwood Road con-  mented Mayor William R. Wild.
           to encourage developers to  5.30 p.m. May 11 and those inter-  VmZy                      tained entirely within Westland.  “We need as much public engage-
           include charging stations   ested can join the virtual meeting  Y1BzTmwvSDMwMjR0ZjFXd    The lanes would connect northern  ment and feedback as possible to
           to further promote de-car-  by phone at 1 (312)626-6799 meet-  S9OZz09 Password: 228589 Visit  and southern residential areas  ensure the plan provides a com-
           bonization, officials said.  ing ID: 943 9827 6599; password: for  with main arteries of commercial  prehensive outline of Westland's
                                       228589. Officials are hoping to  more information.           business, areas of concentrated  biking and walking priorities.”
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