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Chief hearing about the whistleblower being Regular Board Meeting
Sumpter Township
“just as guilty” as Armatis, “Joe not doing
his job;” a failure of Januszyk to train Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 6:00 p.m.
FROM PAGE 1 employees and the continued double pay 23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111
being approved under his supervision.
Januszyk said that he had never denied Following comments from Morgan, NOTICE:
To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents;
the responsibility and LaPorte responded, Trustee Tim Rush asked Bowman to this Board of Trustees' meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of Michigan Governor's Executive Order(s) and
“We all have to take responsibility for our ensure that the meeting remained civil MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings.
choices.” and adhered to Roberts’ Rules of Order, Meeting called to order by Supervisor T. Bowman at 6:53 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI),
Trustee Peggy Morgan noted that having trustees request the floor from the Clerk E. Hurst (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Treasurer J. Clark (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), Trustees: Oddy (Wayne Cty,
Sumpter Twp, MI), Rush (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI), LaPorte (Wayne Cty, Sumpter Twp, MI) and Morgan (Wayne Cty,
Januszyk had been with the fire depart- chair if they wished to speak. Morgan con- Sumpter Twp, MI). Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Supervisor O'Connell, Deputy Treasurer Clark, Safety
ment in the township for 43 years and tinued to complain and protested repeat- Director/ Chief of Police Luke, HR Bellingham and 14 attendees.
claimed that 95 percent of the current edly prompting Trustee Matt Oddy to 3. Agenda: Motion by LaPorte supported by Morgan to approve the Agenda with the following amendments;
firefighters supported him and did not respond that the other board members 14. New Business, Item A; add “not to exceed $1,600.00.”
14. New Business, Item F; remove last sentence “Requesting DPW to assist with providing a partition with the cost
want him fired. She attempted to revisit were only asking her to behave in a civil not to exceed $500.00.”
the Armatis hearing but was cautioned by manner. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay:
None. Motion carried.
fellow trustees and township attorney Rob After an explanation of the correct pro-
Young that “Colleen is not the issue. She cedures and a caution from Young, the 4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No Comments.
had her opportunity two weeks ago.” board members voted on the formal 5. Minutes:
Young said the issues, as he understood it, motion to terminate Januszyk with Motion by Rush supported by LaPorte to approve the following Regular Board Meeting Minutes and accept the following Parks
& Recreation Meeting Minutes;
were the comments Januszyk made at the Morgan offering no further discussion.
A. Approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 9, 2021.
B. Accept Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of October 8, 2020.
Sumpter Township C. Accept Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of January 15th, 2020.
D. Accept Parks & Recreation Executive Board Meeting Minutes of February 19th, 2020.
Regular Board Meeting E. Accept Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of August 19th, 2020.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, 6:00 p.m. F. Accept Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes of January 20th, 2021.
23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111
Minutes Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay:
None. Motion carried.
To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the public health, and provide essential protections to Sumpter Township residents; 6. Warrants:
this Board of Trustees' meeting was conducted virtually in compliance with State of Michigan Governor's Executive Order(s) and • Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to approve the warrants total of $3,108,489.32. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
MDHHS directive(s) regarding remote public meetings. T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
• Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to accept Revenue & Expenditures Report for period
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Bowman at 8:12 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark, ending 01/31/2021. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer
Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Also showing present: Deputy Clerk Burdick, Deputy Treasurer Clark, Deputy J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Supervisor O'Connell, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, Fire Chief Januszyk and 13 attendees.
7. Parks & Recreation/Chambers Report - Rush:
3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the agenda with the following edits; New Business, Item C; amend • Trustee Rush reported that no recent news on Parks & Recreation activities and that he is following up with Don Swinson
date to March 9, 2021 and add "with no further benefits". New Business, Item D; amend dates respectively as April 19th, and the local Chamber of Commerce(s) to collect information on their activities, as well.
2021 and April 5th, 2021. New Business, Item F; table until March 23rd, 2021. Motion by Oddy, supported by Morgan to accept the Parks & Recreation/Chambers Report. Roll call vote: Yes:
New Business, Item H; table until March 23rd, 2021. Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None.
New Business, Item I; add "A Hiring Committee consisting of Supervisor Bowman, Trustee LaPorte, Chief Luke, Motion carried.
Deputy Supervisor O'Connell and Det. Toth will conduct the applicant process".
Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and 8. Water & Sewer Report - Clark:
Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. • Trustee Oddy inquired and Treasurer Clark discussed the current status of water shutoff activities due to the COVID
restrictions and its impact on outstanding water bill collections.
4. Public Comments on Agenda Items Only: No comments were received. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Morgan to approve the Water & Sewer Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
5. Minutes:
Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 23, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes: 9. Planning & Zoning Report - Oddy:
Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion car- • Trustee Oddy advised of the 2/11/2021 Planning Commission and the review, legal compliance of the Signs Ordinance
ried. activities with a follow up to this business scheduled for 3/11/2021. He asked that Attorney Young address the current
member(s) assigned to the commission and the requested increase from (7) to (9) members.
6. Warrants: • Attorney Young advised that the member(s) will increase to (9) total as adjusted in a new bylaw to the Ordinance and
Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve warrants totaling: $1,281,881.90. stated that this be no more than a 15-day publish period (due to it not being a Zoning Ordinance), if approved and adopt-
Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: ed by the Board with this reports' motion and roll call vote.
None. Motion carried. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Hurst to approve the Planning & Zoning Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
7. Supervisor's Report - Bowman:
• The Treasurers' office is to be commended for the great job they did on the last couple of days for residents to pay their 10. Senior Report:
taxes. They ensured that social distance was maintained and were efficient in their processing of payments. I understand • Meals on Wheels is distributed on Mondays to 48 Homebound clients
they were making sure if the residents needed that they took a pack of masks that we are distributing. • TEFAP (Commodities) Program distribution is on the third Thursday, (March 18th) from 9:00am to 11:00am we dis-
Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the Supervisor's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor tribute drive thru style at the rear hallway entrance, if you have any questions please call Maryann 734-461-9373.
T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. • Call the Senior Center office 734-461-9373 for assistance going online to register/schedule covid-19 vaccine at Meijer
or RiteAid.
8. Treasurer's Report - Clark: • Our Senior Center is a MICAFE site offering assistance applying for the Bridge card or other benefits one may qualify
• As Treasurer of Sumpter Township I have now received 2 Public Service Credit Union Cards for the Township. Both for call Maryann for more information
cards will be in our office, one in my name and the other Deputy Treasurer Toni Clark. It took a lot of work for this to • Free Masks (provided by Wayne County) for Sumpter Residents are available on the front porch of the community cen-
happen. Finance Director Elle Cole had to identify the accounts that were at the credit union, correct names on the ter and Township Hall.
accounts for signatures and correct bank records.
• I would like to let residents know that on the Sumpter Township Website there is information on assistance for water bill Motion by LaPorte, supported by Morgan to approve the Senior Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor
expenses. Look for Wayne Metro Connect Center (313) 388- 9799. You will find more information under the Treasurer's T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
office. Residents can also e-mail for help with expenses at
• Tax season is over. Residents can no longer pay their taxes to the Sumpter Township Treasurer's Office. Those who still 11. Treasurer’s Report - Clark:
need to pay taxes must contact Wayne County Treasurer's Office (313) 224-5990 or Motion by Clark, supported by Morgan to receive and file the Treasurer's Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
• The process for the D.I.F.S. (Department of Insurance & Financial Services) is still underway to establish this account. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Finance Director Elle O'Connell is trying to hold expenses while getting us a policy that works to our benefit.
Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to receive and file the Attorney's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk 12. Board Response:
E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. • Trustee Rush noted a recent negative letter published by the Belleville Independent on the Sumpter Township warming
center and the Fire Department / Police Department first responders. The same reporting was used to disparage the com-
9. Attorney's Report - Young: munity's cooling center. He further indicated the inaccuracies and false statements in the letter. Trustee Oddy agreed and
Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to receive and file the Attorney's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk noted that Sumpter Township still has a continued need to defend itself from false statements and inaccurate informa-
E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. tion being shared with our residents. Many who only have the Belleville Independent to rely on for community infor-
mation. Chief Luke advised of the actual activities and notifications in support of the community with its warming and
10. Police Report - Chief Luke: cooling center.
Motion by LaPorte, supported by Morgan to approve the Police report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. • Attorney Young noted to the Board the dynamics of the local media and reporting by the Belleville Independent with lit-
Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. tle expectation that this will change.
• Chief Luke addressed current COVID vaccines, its availability and his assurance that any updates or news on this issue
11. Building/Ordinance Report - Bowman: would be communicated immediately with the Community via Nixle alert, social media pages of the Fire & Police
Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to receive and file the Building/Ordinance report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. departments, the Township website and Channel 12 notifications.
Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
13. Unfinished Business:
12. Fire Report - Chief Januszyk: A. Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to appoint Eric Partridge to the Planning Commission with an effective term
• Chief Januszyk asks that residents remember with Daylight Saving Time comes checking * date of (3) years from Ordinance approval and date of oath. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst,
your Smoke & CO2 Detectors' batteries. Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: Oddy and Rush,. Motion carried.
• Supervisor Bowman added that wanted to personally thank the Sumpter Township 1st Responders. During an incident, Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to approve the reappointment of Bart Patterson with a term date of 01/11/2024.
the team was there within 12 minutes and he wanted to express his appreciation. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and
Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve the Fire report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
13. New Business:
13. Board Response: A. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to direct the Sumpter Township CWA Planner/Engineer to define connection
• Trustee Rush wanted to advise that there will be an Earth Day Clean-up on Saturday, April 24, 2021 and volunteers are * points with surrounding communities for Sumpter's access to the Michigan pedestrian bike trails program not to exceed
urgently needed. Please support the Parks & Recreation Commission and lend a hand. Representatives from EGLE
(MDEQ) and Republic Services will be there with information, as well. $1,600.00. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte
• Trustee Rush also advises that April begins the SkyWarn Training for 2021. Initially, training will only be available to and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
1st Responders and Township personnel.
B. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve Elle Cole O'Connell as Deputy Supervisor yearly salary as part time,
14. New Business: less than 20 hours per week to perform the statutory duties of the Supervisor in his absence at a yearly salary of
A. Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to approve of extended leave absence for probationary firefighter Jacob $8,406.00. No additional benefits in addition to her duties as our financial director, effective February 12th, 2021. Roll
Kosikowski due to military service - effective March 14, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush and LaPorte. Nay:
Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. Morgan. Motion carried.
B. Motion by Oddy, supported by Hurst to approve to accept the 3-year audit proposal from PSLZ LLP for fiscal year(s) C. Motion by LaPorte, supported by Oddy to accept the Sumpter Parks & Recreation Commission recommendations to can-
2021 of $15,000, 2022 of $15,400 and 2023 of $15,800. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, cel the Easter Egg Hunt, Sumpter Festival, Family Day and any other events till August, 2021. Roll call vote: Yes:
Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None.
Motion carried.
C. Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve to accept the resignation of Michelle
Bellingham effective March 9, 2021 with no further benefits. Roll call vote: Yes: D. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve to, in recognition of the current freeze on all capital expenditures
* Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. placed by the Board of Trustees on December 15th, 2020, paint and purchase office furnishings for the Supervisor and
Motion carried. Deputy Supervisor offices, total cost for both offices not to exceed $5,000. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
D. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve to hold in-person public Township
meetings per the revised MDHHS Order effective April 19th, 2021, with the Township E. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve of Treasurer James Clark and Deputy Treasurer Toni Clark to attend
* Hall opening to the public on April 5th, 2021 pursuant to current Executive Order and MDHHS directives and operat- the Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association 2021 Basic Institute-Full Conference $450.00 each. Dates 4/26 thru
ing compliance (face coverings, maximum allowable individuals, social distancing). Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. 4/29/2021. The Conference is now by Zoom, full day trainings. Municipal Member ship fee $150 must be paid in
Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. advance. Total cost $1,050.00. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees:
Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
E. Motion by Rush, supported by LaPorte to approve of updated Washtenaw County Mutual Aid Agreement for the fire
department. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, F. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve opening the Township Hall to residents for the last two days taxes can
LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried. * be paid on 2/26 and 3/1/2021. Also requesting consideration that the front area past the treasurer's office be blocked off
to the public. The front door will only be the point of entry for residents to pay bills. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
F. TABLED until March 23rd, 2021. Consider approval for HR Coordinator and Payroll Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
* Services through ADP, due to emergency need not to exceed $55,000 per year.
G. Motion by Morgan, supported by Hurst to approve of Resolution # 2021-06 regarding Parks Millage Funding Allocations
G. Motion by Morgan, supported by Oddy to approve for temporary payroll processing services for 8 weeks, not to exceed for fiscal year 2020-2021 in the amount of $11,478. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer
$4,000 until ADP Implementation is completed. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
14. Announcements:
H. TABLED until March 23rd, 2021. Consider approval to extend our Public Safety • Trustee Morgan advises that the office of Wayne County Executive, Warren Evans has offered to team up with Sumpter
* Director, Chief Eric Luke, contract for three years, holding at the same salary and benefits as of this date, $103,376 annu- ** Township for a project with Habitat for Humanity and Forgotten Harvest. Trustee further advises that she will pursue
ally.. additional information and coordinate with the Sumpter Township Community & Senior Center.
• Trustee Morgan stated that she would like to discuss at the next workshop the possibility of a Grant Writer to assist
I. Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve to hire a second Ordinance Officer, interviews commencing upon Sumpter Township in taking advantage of available funding support for projects and initiatives.
approval, with hire start date not prior to April 1, 2021.
Base pay of $49,566 plus benefits. A Hiring Committee consisting of Supervisor Bowman, Trustee LaPorte, Chief 15. Open Floor: Two (2) attendees spoke.
Luke, Deputy Supervisor O'Connell and Det. Toth will conduct the applicant process. Roll call vote: Yes: • Eric Partridge, newly appointed member to the Sumpter Township Planning Commission, advised that he wished to
Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. resign from this appointment.
Motion carried. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to accept the resignation of Eric Partridge from the Sumpter Township Planning
Commission effective immediately. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark;
J. Motion by Morgan, supported by Hurst to approve for removing tires from the recycling area behind the Township Hall, Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
not to exceed $4,500 for one-time removal due to fire hazard, which may qualify for grant reimbursement. Additionally,
consider approval to explore a long-term contact to haul tires regularly or direction to halt the tire recycling project as 16. Adjournment: Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to adjourn at 8:03 pm. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
charges for services far exceed revenue. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, LaPorte, Rush, and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
Minutes prepared by;
K. Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve to purchase a new police department furnace at the cost of $7,700. Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer J. Clark; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Sumpter Township
Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
15. Announcements: None. ________________________________ ______________
Esther Hurst, Clerk Date
16. Open Floor: Two (2) Attendees spoke.
________________________________ ______________
17. Adjournment: Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to adjourn at 8:53 pm. Motion carried. Timothy Bowman, Supervisor Date
Minutes prepared by, *Amended during Regular Board Meeting
Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk **Added with consideration during 3/9/2021 Regular Board Meeting ST0049 - 050621 2.5 x 19.996
Sumpter Township
________________________________ ______________
Esther Hurst, Clerk Date
To subscribe to The Eagle
________________________________ ______________
Timothy Bowman, Supervisor Date
*Amended during Regular Board Meeting ST0051 - 050621 2.5 x 17.324