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May 6, 2021                                                    ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER
                                                  BELLEVILLE - SUMPTER

        Supervisor suggests need for new Sumpter Township Hall

           Members of the Sumpter      ny providing the estimate, for   “We need a new township
        Board of Trustees are facing a  many years and that he was    hall,” Bowman said.
        $3 million decision after being  sure that even with the signifi-  Trustee Tim Rush agreed but
        told it could cost $27,500 to  cant corrosion the doors could  noted that the board members
        replace the doors at township  be repaired.                   should still explore some type of
        hall.                            “I think the doors can be    repairs to the current doors. “A
           During a study session of the  fixed,” he said, “but this build-  new township hall would take
        trustees last week, board mem-  ing needs a roof before doors.  time. It could take 2 or 3 years,”
        bers were told that the replace-  I'm sitting in my office looking at  he said.
        ment of the front and rear doors  ceiling tiles. We need to pay  Trustee Matt Oddy said that
        at township hall would cost    more attention to the roof than  while the township had
        nearly $30,000 due to the corro-  the doors.”                 installed an Americans With
        sion and wear on the parts,      Bowman added that all the    Disabilities compliant door in
        prompting Trustee Don LaPorte  township buildings are not up to  the rear of township hall, one
        to question the wisdom of      date and were constructed in   was still needed in front.
        spending that amount of money.  the 70s. “The flow is like a fox  “An expansion would take 3-5
        LaPorte suggested exploring the  den,” he said.               years and cost $3 million. We  commented LaPorte. “It should-  “It is time to start looking at
        possibility of repairing the cur-  “I see people coming in here  would have to fund that with a  n't be a hard sell. We are in need  that,” Bowman said. “All the
        rent doors and suggested that  all the time trying to find    millage, a bond issue or some-  of a new building.”          township buildings are in bad
        the expertise of Supervisor Tim  departments.” He suggested   thing,” he said and reminded     Rush reminded the board     shape.”
        Bowman might help determine    that there were some potential  the board members that the   that the superior bond rating    Trustees voted unanimously
        if repair rather than replace-  drawings of a structure which  township does own the property  the township currently enjoys  to remove the door replacement
        ment would be possible.        could house all the township   next door to the south of the cur-  would be beneficial should they  expense from the agenda and
           Bowman said he had worked   operations in one building that  rent building.              make the decision to proceed   have Bowman explore repair
        with Crawford Door, the compa-  might be available.             “The bottom line is price,”  with plans for a new building.  options.
        Van Buren officials seeking public input about ‘Sumpter Corridor’

           Plans for the Sumpter Road                                                                  “Up until now, the township  McNamara stated, “One of the
        Corridor between Van Buren                                ”                                 planned and zoned for commer-  striking results of the meeting
        Township and the City of                        One of the striking results                 cial use from Hull Road to     was that there is no consensus
        Belleville began last week with a                of the meeting was that                    Spencer Avenue, and even zoned  yet. We heard from people who
        webinar hosted by members of                                                                for industrial use to the north of  want something done north of
        the township planning commis-                  there is no consensus yet.                   Owen Street,” said Van Buren   Hull Road. But south of Hull
        sion.                                                                                       Township     Planning    and   Road, there are differing opin-
           Township officials are now                                                               Economic       Development     ions on what to do or not to do.
        seeking input from residents,    “Based on feedback and       south of Hull, they said. The  Director Dan Power. “One of the  We need more input from the
        business owners, community     direction in that plan, the town-  township has already planned  effects of the past planning and  community.”
        leaders and other stakeholders  ship has kept its promise to keep  for limited pockets of commer-  zoning is that lots built as home  Residents and others are
        about what they would like to  much of the area south of Hull  cial use, including the Citgo gas  sites were planned to convert  asked to contact Power with sug-
        see in the area. Township offi-  Road rural,” explained Van   station and pockets of commer-  into things like retail, restau-  gestions or comments at dpow-
        cials said that following comple-  Buren Township Public Services  cial use near the intersections  rants, offices, and even or (734)
        tion of a full update to the master  Director Matthew Best.” North  with Bemis Road and Hull Road.  Industrial Uses.” North of  699.8900, ext. 9392.
        plan in 2020 they recognized   of Hull Road, the township     Otherwise, the township has   Spencer Avenue, the township     All feedback collected will be
        more work needed to be done in  planned for commercial future  planned for large lot (rural)  planned for mixed use.       put into analysis and used as rec-
        several key areas.             land use to Spencer Avenue and  housing and agriculture.        “The township would like to  ommendations for the project,
           One of the most important   mixed use future land use north  Officials are also seeking  build consensus behind how this  officials said. At a later date, the
        areas of concern is the south  of Spencer Avenue. “It is time to  guidance on how properties  can be achieved, and do so in a  township will notify residents of
        side, including the Sumpter    hear again from the community,”  along Sumpter Road north of  way that complements zoning   specific scheduled public input
        Road Corridor, they said. This  said Best.                    Hull can be better utilized, they  and land use on the City of  activities related to the project.
        part of the township was         Township officials are hoping  said.                       Belleville side,” stated Power.  More information and future
        planned in depth in 2007       for consensus on whether or not  North of Hull Road, Belleville  Following the introductory  updates will be posted at vanbu-
        through the South Side Master  people want to see a different  and Van Buren Township inter-  webinar on April 28, Van Buren
        Plan.                          future along Sumpter Road      twine.                        Township Supervisor Kevin      RoadCorridor.
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