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April 23, 2020                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Search for district superintendent goes digital

           Members of the Wayne-       Tuesday evening.               Schools District. Each will be  an email address. The results of  The new district leader is
        Westland Community Schools       The two candidates for the job  interviewed by the members of  the interviews were not available  expected to begin work in the dis-
        District took advantage of current  are Keith McDonald, Ed.S., the  the board during the virtual  at press time.           trict in July.
        technology in their search for a  director of human resources for  meeting using the Zoom plat-  The next meeting of the board  Login information for the spe-
        new superintendent of schools.  the Livonia Public Schools and  form.                       members is set for 7 p.m. May 4  cial meetings is available at
           The board members were      John Dignan, Ed.S., currently the  There was no public participa-  when the board members are   under     the
        expected to engage in a virtual  director of post secondary   tion in the virtual meeting but  expected to make the final  Superintendent Search graphic.
        meeting to interview the final  options and community partner-  residents were allowed to send  choice and name a new superin-  Each meeting has a special log-in
        two candidates for the top job on  ships in the Southfield Public  questions for the candidates to  tendent of schools.    code available on the website.
        Westland reminds residents of rules about open burning

           The latest extension of the  order, residents looking for ways                                                          of the fire can quickly ignite
        governor's Stay Home Stay Safe  to stay busy have begun spring               The “open burn” must have                     nearby vegetation and/or neigh-
        executive order along with     cleaning during the warmer                                                                  boring structures, officials said.
        warmer spring weather has      weather, leading to open burning               constant supervision and                       “Emergency calls for this
        prompted Westland police and   of debris and trash.                        must be completely extinguished                 behavior will typically increase
        fire officials to remind residents  “As a police department, we                                                            this time of year, however, it is
        to adhere to the city ordinances  understand how difficult this               before leaving the fire pit.                 vitally important that our emer-
        restricting open burning.      Stay at Home order can be at                                                                gency response resources
           Officials said that “open burn-  times. It is natural for us all to  feet away from any structure or  sand or dirt.     remain available for true emer-
        ing” is defined as the burning of  begin to feel restless in our rou-  property line.  The site must also  The “open burn” must have  gencies at this time,” comment-
        unwanted materials such as     tine. This is especially true as  be a minimum of 15 feet from  constant supervision and must  ed Assistant Fire Chief/Fire
        paper, trees, brush, leaves, grass,  the weather becomes warmer.  any other combustible materials,  be completely extinguished  Marshall Kelly Eggers. “We are
        and other debris where smoke   This is a good opportunity to  Jedrusik said.                before leaving the fire pit. If  asking for the community's dili-
        and other emissions are        review the City of Westland      Only clean wood can be used  smoke from the fire becomes a  gence pertaining to the ordi-
        released directly into the air.  Open Burn ordinance,” com-   as fuel (no creosote, or other  nuisance to others, immediate  nance and in assisting our efforts
        During open burning, air pollu-  mented Police Chief Jeff     chemicals).  Leaves and other  extinguishment is required by  to provide the most efficient and
        tants do not pass through a chim-  Jedrusik.                  unwanted combustibles are not  the city ordinance.           effective service our citizen's
        ney or stack and/or combustion   The Westland City Ordinance  allowed to be burned.  When      Air pollution created by open  deserve.”
        of solid waste is not adequately  prohibits any “open burning”  conducting an “open burn” in  burning can irritate eyes and  Failure to comply with the
        controlled, posing a safety threat.   that is not in an enclosed fire pit.  the approved manner, some  lungs, obscure visibility, create  Westland City Ordinance is a
           Officials said it is a serious  The fire pit should be no larger  form of extinguishment must be  annoying odors, and pose other  misdemeanor offense and is
        health problem and that while  than 3-feet-wide by 3-feet-tall  on hand.  Examples would be a  potential health risks.  Embers  punishable by up to 90 days in
        adhering to the stay at home   and it must be a minimum of 25  fire extinguisher, a garden hose,  that are able to escape the seat  jail and/or a fine up to $500.
        Officials reiterate safe water and sewer system practices

           Westland officials have issued  has caused issues in Southeast  should be flushed. Dispose of
        a warning to the public about the  Michigan and across the country,  feminine products, tissues, paper   Now is also the time for diligence
        danger to the wastewater and   according to the prepared state-  towels, “flushable” wipes, and
        storm water systems in the com-  ment from the city.          other trash in the garbage and           with regards to stormwater protection.
        munity during the current self-  To prevent backups in the sys-  avoid flushing medications down
        isolation order of Gov. Gretchen  tem the following procedures  the toilet or drain when another
        Whitmer.                       should be followed. Flushable  safe option is available.     tainers and cans, and dispose of  water management concerns,
           Officials said that with the  wipes, household disinfecting  Additionally, residents are  them in the trash when full. Wipe  now is also the time for diligence
        majority of Westland residents at  wipes, latex gloves, and other  reminded that fats, oils, and  down pots and pans with a paper  with regards to stormwater pro-
        home in compliance with the Stay  products all create blockages in  greases used when cooking can  towel to remove any remaining  tection, according to the prepared
        Home, Stay Safe order, it is cru-  household pipes and municipal  make food tasty, but they gum up  FOG. Scrape food and scraps into  statement from the city.  It is esti-
        cial to keep wastewater flowing  sewer systems and should never  wastewater systems.        the trash when possible, officials  mated that 75 percent of pollution
        safely. Misuse of wastewater sys-  be flushed down the toilet. Only  Residents should fats, oils, and  suggested.          entering rivers, lakes and streams
        tems associated with COVID-19  toilet paper and human waste   greases (FOG) into covered con-  In addition to these waste-  comes from stormwater.

           Do not enter

           This   month,    Wayne
           Department of Public
           Works employees used yel-
           low caution tape to prevent
           the use of the playscapes
           in city parks. The play
           structures could easily har-
           bor the coronavirus and
           infect children with COVID
           19, state health officials
           said, and the climbing
           structures, swings and
           other features were taped
           off to protect children from
           the virus which can live on
           hard surfaces. According to
           the Wayne Facebook page,
           “We do not have the
           resources to sanitize the
           playscapes. For your own
           safety, please do not go on
           the playscapes.” The city
           has posted signs, warning
           parents of the danger of the
           virus and explaining the
           closures.” Photo by Sean Rhaesa
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