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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 23, 2020

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Township supervisor urges safety during virus

           Northville      Township      “We are still getting daily                                                               when in public settings like gro-
        Supervisor Robert Nix has post-  calls and messages about           Our health care workers and first responders           cery stores.
        ed an update regarding the     groups of people gathering out-                                                               In addition, Nix encouraged
        effect of the Governor's       doors and businesses still oper-             are relying on all of us to help               residents to continue using
        Executive Order in the commu-  ating when they are non-essen-              slow the spread of this disease.                pathways and sidewalks in the
        nity on the township website.  tial,” he said in the post. “Our                                                            community which are open for
           Nix thanked the residents,  health care workers and first                                                               walking, biking and running.
        business owners, community     responders are relying on all of  the time to be vigilant in spite of  reported cases of COVID-19 and  Updated information is avail-
        members and partners who       us to help slow the spread of  the inconvenience and disrup-  three deaths. He urged resi-  able at
        have followed the guidelines   this disease. Medical experts  tion to our daily lives” he added.  dents to adhere to the Center  covid_19.
        and stayed home when possi-    are advising that the virus will  Nix noted that as of April 5,  for Disease Control recommen-  “Please stay home, Stay safe.
        ble.                           peak in the next week. This is  Northville Township had 46   dation and wear a cloth masks  Save lives,” he concluded.
        Schools continue to distribute meals for area students

           Food service meals, includ-  week.                         services.                     parents/guardians will receive  cheese, fruit, grains such as a
        ing breakfast and lunch, will    These meals, served under      The meals are 'grab-and-go'  meals for three days.         cereal bar, and drink. Lunch
        continue for all enrolled and  the Unanticipated School       breakfast and lunch, and are     On Fridays, students may    meal components may include
        non-enrolled students in the   Closure - School Food Service  distributed from the lobby of  take both breakfast and lunch  deli meat sandwiches, vegetari-
        Northville Public Schools      Program (SFSP) are made avail-  Northville High School from 9  for four days, totalling meals  an options such as cheese or
        through     the    Michigan    able at no cost to anyone (18)  a.m. until noon each Tuesday  provided for seven days per   peanut butter and jelly sand-
        Department of Education waiv-  and under, or up to age (26) if  and Friday. At each visit on  week. Breakfast meal compo-  wiches, fruits, vegetables and
        er period, officials said last  they receive special education  Tuesday, each student or their  nents may include string   milk.
        Inkster residents cautioned about road paving delays

           Construction on John Daly   Street that will have the drive-
        Street in Inkster will be suspend-  ways restricted throughout con-
        ed until the “Stay Home, Stay  struction. The contractor will
        Safe” order of Gov. Gretchen   work with those particular resi-
        Whitmer is lifted, according to  dents if access to garage is
        city officials.                required, a prepared statement
           Construction is currently   from the city noted.
        expected to resume mid-May, if   The construction dates for
        the order ends social distancing  Phase 2 are all weather depend-
        is not extended further.  John  ent. The project began in
        Daly Street will remain closed  February of this year and was
        and the current detour will    expected to be complete by July
        remain in place, officials said.    31. Phase 2 includes the area
           Inkster allocated funds for the  from Michigan Avenue to Inkster
        reconstruction of John Daly    Park. John Daly Street will be
        Street from Michigan Avenue to  completely closed from Michigan
        the Rouge River for about one  Avenue to Inkster Park for all                                                                            Photo by Sean Rhaesa
        third of a mile. The funds were  reconstruction work. During this  Daly require access to garages,  removed as necessary and those  Specific questions regarding
        budgeted for the construction of  phase residents will be able to  they are encouraged to contact  will not be replaced.   road construction should be
        water main, sanitary and storm  access Inkster Park from the  the Project Engineer to coordi-  Disturbed lawn areas will be  referred to: Daniel Guastella
        sewers, curb/gutter, concrete  north and a detour route will be  nate with the contractor for  fully restored to preconstruction  Project Engineer Benesch (313)
        sidewalks including ADA ramps,  posted.                       access, according to a prepared  condition with topsoil, fertilizer,  234-0307 dcguastella@benesch
        material quality control testing,  Trash collection will be unaf-  statement from city officials.  seed, and mulch, officials said. If  .com.
        and concrete street reconstruc-  fected by construction and mail  Some trees are scheduled to  necessary, the contractor will  For general questions, contact
        tion. There will be a few individ-  service will not be interrupted.   be removed as part of the con-  return in the fall of 2020 to  the project engineer between 9
        ual residences along John Daly   If residents of home on John  struction project but will only be  ensure grass growth.    a.m. and 4 p.m.
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