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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                            April 23, 2020

                                                      PLYMOUTH - CANTON
                                                       PLYMOUTH - CANTON

        Township deems landscapers as ‘essential’

           Landscaping services in     ship government for the follow-                                                             Municipal League, (MML) and
        Plymouth Township are now an   ing reasons and conditions, and                           ”                                 we're hoping for some relief
        “essential service” and will no  therefore not subject to police           The Plymouth Township decision                  soon,”
        longer be subject to Gov.      enforcement under the various               applies only to grass and weed                    Nix agreed that there have
        Gretchen Whitmer's Stay Home   orders of the governor,” Heise                                                              been strong reactions on both
        Stay Safe executive order.     said, in a prepared statement.                 maintenance and cutting.                     sides of the issue and said “a lot
           Professional landscaping has  Reasons cited included: “The                                                              of folks have reached out.”
        been one of the hotly contested  township maintains a Grass &                                                                The Plymouth Township deci-
        businesses in the debate regard-  Weed Ordinance that is currently  conditions and the township has  next week, he said. “I think  sion applies only to grass and
        ing essential services during the  in effect and is binding on all  a public health and safety inter-  there's going to be relief-we're  weed maintenance and cutting,
        stay-at-home order in the state.  homes and businesses within the  est in seeing that senior citizens  going to wait the next 7 to 10 days  which includes lawn mowing,
           Last   week,    Plymouth    township. Failure to abide by  and other vulnerable adults with  to see what happens,” he said.  edging, applying fertilizer and
        Township Supervisor Kurt Heise  this ordinance carries with it  health or physical limitations  Nix said that Heise “took one  servicing trees and bushes.
        weighed in on the issue and    financial and administrative   can maintain their properties  approach,” to the professional  Irrigation system seasonal start-
        weeded out any doubt about the  penalties; The township has a  without exposing themselves to  landscaping issue and acknowl-  ups and required maintenance
        township position on landscap-  public health and safety interest  physical harm or health risks.”  edged that all the surrounding  are also included.
        ing services.                  in maintaining clean and well-   Northville      Township    communities are facing this      Nonessential landscaping
           “As supervisor of the Charter  kept properties, free of vermin,  Supervisor Bob Nix said he is  same issue.             services, such as mulch applica-
        Township of Plymouth, I am     insects, mosquitoes and debris.  taking a “wait and see” approach  “We've spent so much time on  tion, brick paving, water fea-
        hereby deeming certain profes-  This also lessens the health bur-  to the issue, which he acknowl-  this--we've been in touch with  tures/fountains or other primari-
        sional landscaping services as  den on residents with seasonal  edged is a “hot potato.”    the   Michigan    Townships    ly decorative outdoor services
        essential functions of our town-  allergies, asthma and similar  “We hope to get some relief by  Association, (MTA), the Michigan  are not covered by the decision.
        Canton Yazaki company lays off 723 employees

           Employees at a Canton Township  pated and unprecedented negative
        automotive component maker         impact on our business arising out
        received an unwelcome email from   of the coronavirus outbreak, and the
        a corporate attorney April 10.     resulting government restrictions on
           The email, from Michael         operation of businesses, including
        Dersken, the director and lead     ours and those of our customers,”
        counsel for litigation for Yazaki  the email to employees read.
        North America, notified 723 employ-  Dersken told employees that the
        ees at three Haggerty Road loca-   company expects for the layoffs to
        tions that they had been laid off, cit-  be temporary, but could last more
        ing the coronavirus pandemic as the  than six months.
        reason for the work interruption.    He acknowledged, too, that some
           According to a company state-   terminations might become neces-
        ment, 622 employees were laid off at  sary. That action will  be determined
        the Yazaki company headquarters    by the operational impacts of the
        on Haggerty Road and another 101   pandemic, associated governmental
        workers at other Canton locations.  restrictions and consumer demand,
           “The company is taking this     he told employees in a prepared
        action due to the sudden, unantici-  statement.
        Residents warned of ‘band’ scam                                                                      CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON

                                                                                                        COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT
           Several teens have struck a sour note  Busch's and Kroger in Canton, as well as         PROGRAM YEAR 2019 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AMENDMENT
        with police in the area as they have   Kroger in Plymouth, claiming they were                          PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD
        solicited donations for a non-existent  members of the Plymouth-Canton        The above named document for the Canton Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) is available for inspection
        band trip.                             Educational Park Marching Band and     on the Canton Township website at Comments on the 2019 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AMEND-
                                                                                      MENT will be accepted for 5 days, beginning April 29, 2020.  Comments received during the public comment period will be
           According to police reports, a group of  asking for donations for a fake trip to the  forwarded to the Department of HUD and will become an addendum to the reports.
        teens has been approaching people in   Virgin Islands.                        Publish:  April 23, 2020                                              Michael Siegrist, Clerk
                                                                                                      CN2058 - 042320  2.5 x 1.413
        parking lots and inside stores in the    “These students are not a part of the
        Plymouth and Canton areas asking for   P-CEP bands and this trip, or any current
        donations for a fake trip with the band.   fundraising for a potential trip, are not                  VIRTUAL REGULAR MEETING
           The Plymouth-Canton Community       happening within the band program at                        CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
        Schools music boosters group issued a  this time,” the letter said.                                       BOARD OF TRUSTEES
        letter to residents late Friday warning of  Anyone who has been approached by
        the impostors.                         the young men is asked to contact the  DATE:  Thursday, April 16, 2020
           The letter said the impostors had   Canton Township, Plymouth Township     TIME:  7:00 p.m.
        been approaching people inside Meijer,  or City of Plymouth police departments.  CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Nix called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
                                                                                      PRESENT:      Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee
                                                                                                    Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk  Symantha Heath, Trustee
                                     Notice of Public Hearing                                       Fred Shadko, Treasurer  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
                                   Charter Township of Canton                                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee
                          Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program
                            Program Year (PY) 2019 Action Plan amendment              PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:
         The Charter Township of Canton is amending its Annual Action Plan for Program Year (PY) 2019 from July 1, 2019 to June  1. Agendas:
         30, 2020 for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds at $336,372 increased to $551,572 due to the Coronavirus  A.  Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved
         Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Funding of $215,200.
                                                                                      2. Brief Public Comments: Two residents had questions or comments for the Board of Trustees.
         The Finance Department encourages all parties to participate at a VIRTUAL PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, April 28, 2020,
         at 7:00 P.M. on the township website at  Otherwise all communications should be addressed in writing  3. New Business:
         to the Financial Analyst, Canton Township- Finance Department, Mike Sheppard, 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan,  A.   August Ballot Language Approval - Approved
         48188.                                                                          B.  IGA - Wayne County Park Millage Funds - Approved
                                                                                         C.  Fire Department COT grant - Approved
         Canton will provide technical assistance to citizens and groups representative of persons of low and moderate income that request
         such assistance in developing funding request proposals and in the review of program activities and program performance.  In  4. Board Communication & Reports:
         addition, Canton will make adequate provisions to assist non-English speaking residents in interpreting program opportunities  A.  Robert R. Nix, II
         and provisions on a case-by-case basis, as well as provide auxiliary aides and services for individuals with disabilities.  Requests
         for special accommodations must contact Mike Sheppard at (734) 394-5225, e-mail or in writ-  5. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
         ing to the Finance Department, 1150 Canton Center S., Canton MI 48188 ATTN: Annual Action Plan amendment Hearing.
         Requests for special accommodations must be made with reasonable advance notice.  6. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.
                                                                  Mike Sheppard       A draft of the minutes will be available on April 28, 2020.
                                                                  Financial Analyst
                                                                  Finance Department  Respectfully submitted:
                                                                                      Robert R. Nix II, Supervisor
         Publish:   April 23, 2020                                     CN2057 - 042320  2.5 x 3.187  Marjorie F. Banner, Clerk                      NT0065 - 042320  2.5 x 4.647

          County treasurer              Michigan is in Wayne,         ed positive for COVID-19. This  testing. We should know who  have heard this information
                                                                      virus has put a strain on our
                                                                                                    is positive. We have learned
                                                                                                                                  from several credible sources
                                        Oakland, and Macomb coun-
          shows support for             ties,” the county treasurer   health care system like never  that many who are asympto-   over the last month,” he
                                                                      before. Our first responders
                                                                                                    matic (show no signs of being
          Michigan Governor               “The Governor's recent      are putting their lives on the  infected) could still test posi-  “Governor Whitmer has
                                        order (Executive Order No.    line to save others. They     tive and thus could spread the  had to make difficult and
             Wayne County Treasurer     2020-42) was enacted to fur-  deserve our respect and sup-  virus to others. We also need  timely decisions. Since there
          Eric Sabree believes that Gov.  ther protect the health and  port. The least we can do is  to know who has truly recov-  was such a slow initial
          Gretchen Whitmer has made     safety of all Michigan resi-  protect ourselves and those   ered from the coronavirus     response from the Federal
          the best possible decisions to  dents. People are instructed  with whom we come in con-   and if they have the antibod-  government, Michigan need-
          keep area residents safe dur-  to suspend activities that are  tact from becoming victims.  ies that can help others.   ed strong and decisive action,
          ing the coronavirus pandem-   not necessary to sustain or   To do otherwise is to be com-   “The data has to indicate   and that's what we received.
          ic.                           protect life. Most residents  pletely selfish. We all want  that the new COVID-19 cases   In the heat of the battle, and
             In a prepared statement,   have complied with the previ-  things to get back to normal.  and deaths are continuing to  we are in a battle, mistakes
          Sabree said, “ By issuing strict  ous stay at home order, while  We want to return to work, see  decline. This will give some  are made. If the Governor errs
          Executive Orders, Michigan    some have been slow to take   a Tigers game, attend reli-   real relief to our health care  at all, she errs on the side of
          Governor Gretchen Whitmer     the coronavirus threat seri-  gious services, visit with fami-  workers and protect our com-  caution. Lives are literally at
          has been aggressive and per-  ously. People are still becom-  ly and friends, play golf, or  munities from a second wave  stake here. We seek assistance
          sistent in order to mitigate the  ing sick because of interaction  take a trip to one of Michigan's  of COVID-19 cases. This will  through prayer and patience
          spread of the Coronavirus     with others, and they are put-  many tourist attractions.   allow the residents of this   but we have to do our part.
          (COVID-19).                   ting first responders, health   “We'll be able to do all    great state to feel confident  Social distancing is working.
             “The State of Michigan has  care workers, and the rest of  these things again, but we  that they can return to some    “If we do this right the first
          seen a constant rise in the   us at risk. The latest        must be careful,” Sabree cau-  form of normalcy. There must  time, we won't have to go back
          number of new COVID-19        Executive Order is temporary  tioned.                       be a plan that involves the   and do it again. Governor
          cases and deaths. Over the    and how temporary depends       “The decision to end the    state and local governments   Whitmer is right by issuing
          past two weeks, Michigan has  on our level of cooperation,”  state's 'stay home' order    and the private sector to grad-  Executive Order No. 2020-42.
          had the third or fourth highest  he continued..             should be based on several    ually open the economy. It will  “Stay Home and Stay Safe,”
          number of COVID -19 cases in    “Over one thousand health   factors. One of them is the   take time for everything to   he concluded.
          the nation. The greatest      care providers at the Henry   availability and implementa-  become fully operational.                     Eric Sabree,
          impact of COVID-19 in         Ford Health System have test-  tion of widespread COVID-19  This is nothing new as we          Wayne County Treasurer
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