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Trustees OK changes to township blight ordinance
Owners of damaged blighted nance in place to allow the cers to proceed in the demoli-
buildings or property in police department to take legal ” tion of blighted buildings. He
Sumpter Township unable or action against owners who Township officials can now seek told the board members that
unwilling to repair or maintain refuse or are unable to repair or official action through the court. while ordinance officers are
the structures could find them- maintain blighted properties in “moving deliberately and dili-
selves facing court proceedings. violation of current standards in gently down that road” changes
Members of the Sumpter the township. Enforcement to the current ordinance allow-
Township Board of Trustees duties for properties deter- ship officials can now seek offi- needed to ensure the township ing the township to take legal
approved revised language to mined to be blighted were trans- cial action through the court. could take legal action and seek action were necessary.
the current blight ordinance, ferred to the police department Young said changes to the cur- injunctive relief from “those Young asked for the changes
allowing township officials to last year and officers have been rent blight ordinance were nec- who for periods of time can play to be placed on the meeting
take legal action against owners attempting to move unsightly essary to ensure the township with the law.” agenda and for approval of the
of blighted properties in the buildings into ordinance compli- can take “injunctive, equitable “We just need an ordinance new language during the meet-
community. ance or if unsuccessful, seek relief” at the district court when that recognizes our opportunity ing.
Township attorney Rob demolition of the structure. buildings need to be razed to seek equitable relief,” Young The new language, crafted by
Young requested the new ordi- When efforts to return prop- against resistance of the owners. told the board members. Young during the March 28
nance language explaining that erties to compliance with local He added that it had come to his Young said the changes were meeting, was approved by board
the township needed an ordi- ordinances are exhausted, town- attention that changes were necessary to allow police offi- members.
Disarmed On a roll
Police confiscate illegal weapons Winners of an essay
contest sponsored
by the Romulus
Last Thursday, a routine traffic stop by foot chase ensued in which the non-resi- Police Department
officers from the Romulus Police dent was quickly apprehended. Officers were recently award-
Department resulted in the recovery of later discovered the man was armed and Students in grades 3
three handguns from an armed suspect had pending legal charges and a warrant to 5 at Halecreek
who fled the vehicle on foot. for his arrest from another jurisdiction. Elementary School
Officers conducted the traffic stop of a Police officers subsequently discov- were asked to write
vehicle that appeared to be “casing” a ered three handguns, one reported as an essay explaining
local neighborhood when the driver com- stolen and another an untraceable “ghost why they would like
mitted a traffic violation, according to gun” with no serial numbers or tracing. to have a new bicy-
police reports of the incident. The suspect was remanded to police cus- cle. Officer
When officers stopped the 21-year-old tody pending execution of the arrest war- Christopher Reyna
driver, he fled on foot from officers and a rant. and teacher Julie
Flinkman reviewed
Volunteers sought for selected the win-
the entries and
Earth Day park cleanup Christopher Parker,
Flinkman and mem-
Police Department
Sumpter Township residents can cele- an “adventurous spirit” during the event. bers of the Romulus
brate Earth Day with a volunteer clean- The township will provide hot dogs, pota- presented the bicy-
up of Banotai Park. to chips and bottled water for volunteer cles to the happy
Volunteers are being sought for the workers. young winners.
effort at the park, located at 24300 There will also be a plant exchange,
Sherwood Road. The event is set for 9 organizers said.
a.m. until 2 p.m. April 22 and is being Banotai Municipal Park is located at
organized by the Sumpter Township the corner of Wear and Sherwood roads.
Parks and Recreation Commission mem- The park is named for the late Marvin L.
bers. Banotai, a past supervisor and lifetime
Volunteers are asked to bring tools and resident of Sumpter Township.
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The Charter Township of Plymouth Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing for the 2023 sidewalk program on Tuesday,
April 25, 2023 at 7:00pm at Plymouth Township Hall, located at 9955 North Haggerty Road in the township board room.
The repair program will require the replacement of any 4", 6", and 8" depth sidewalk determined to be defective per the town-
ship sidewalk ordinance. At this meeting, a resolution to require the sidewalk repairs in 2023 will be considered by the township
board and any public questions or concerns on the sidewalk program may be voiced. If your property is found to have sidewalk
defects needing repairs, you will receive a letter from the township with information on the program and the estimated costs for
the sidewalk repairs on your property. For any questions regarding the program, please call the township engineer at (248) 844-
6279 or email
Jerry Vorva
Plymouth Township Clerk
March 14, 2023 PT0305 - 041323 2.5 x 2.312
WEDNESDAY, May 3, 2023
Notice is hereby given that the City of Romulus Board of Zoning Appeals will hold the following
public hearings at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at the Romulus City Hall, 11111 Wayne
Road to consider the following petitions:
1. BZA-2023-004; Marcus Gwyn, requesting a variance from Section 3.05(a)(2), Fences
of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a fence in the exterior side yard of a corner lot. The peti-
tioner is proposing to install a 4' black aluminum fence along Abbey Drive which is consid-
ered a front yard (or exterior side yard). The subject property is located at 7244 Townsend
Drive (DP# 80-029-02-0151-000).
2. BZA-2023-005; Greer A. Brooks, requesting a variance from Section 3.07(a),
Schedule of Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a 38.4-foot front yard setback on
Valley View Dr. where a 50-foot front yard setback is required. The subject property is locat-
ed at 15993 Fern Drive (DP# 80-122-01-0034-000).
3. BZA-2023-006; ISSA Logistics, requesting the following variances:
a. From Section 11.12(c)(3), Transportation and Warehousing of the Zoning Ordinance to
allow for 34,500 SF of outdoor storage where up to 14,946 SF is allowed.
b. From Section 8.04(b)(6)(a), Area, Height and Placement Requirements of the Zoning
Ordinance to allow ISSA Logistics truck traffic to utilize Beverly Plaza, which is not a
city truck route.
The subject property is located at 6532 Beverly Plaza (DP# 80-008-02-0008-000)
4. BZA-2023-007; Nashat Yaldo - Parking Lot, requesting a variance from Section
8.04(a) Area, Height, and Placement Requirements to reduce the side yard setback to 15.3'
from the required 50' from adjacent residential. The subject property is located at 28305
Goddard Road (DP# 80-093-99-0015-000).
Copies of the applications are available for review in the Planning Department located at the
Department of Public Services (12600 Wayne Road) during regular business hours which are 8:00
am - 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Any questions regarding the application should be directed
to Carol Maise, City Planning in the Planning Department at 734-955-4530. Written comments may
be submitted and should be addressed to the Planning Department, 12600 Wayne Road, Romulus,
MI 48174-1485. All interested parties are encouraged to attend and will be given an opportunity to
comment on said requests. Anyone planning to attend the meeting who has need of special assis-
tance under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to contact the Planning Secretary
(734-955-4530) 48 hours prior to the meeting. Our staff will be pleased to make necessary arrange-
Ellen Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
City of Romulus, Michigan
Publish: April 13, 2023 RM0729 - 041323 2.5 x 6.552