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April 13, 2023                                                 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH
                                                      CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        B.L.O.C.K. programs awarded $15,000 grant

           The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center Lead       ering a variety of topics such as: Read Between the Lines,
        #LikeAGirl and Transpire programs recently received a  Safe and Inclusive Schools, and Overcoming Adversity are
        $15,000 donation provided by Masco Corp.           led by a professional and are followed by a variety of
           Lead #LikeAGirl is an award-winning program that  social opportunities, Straub said.
        serves a diverse group of young women between the ages  “We are incredibly grateful to receive this support for
        of 11-16 and is designed to change the way that these par-  two of our very popular programs at The B.L.O.C.K. Youth
        ticipants think about what it means to Lead #LikeAGirl.  and Teen Center,” said Straub.  “These contributions truly
        Developed in 2016 by The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen  have a major impact on numerous participants in our
        Center, this nine-month program enables participants to  Lead #LikeAGirl and Transpire programs and on behalf
        challenge themselves through workshops, activities, and  of all our staff, I sincerely want to thank Masco for its con-
        conversations that are centered around self-esteem,  tinued generous support.”
        healthy living and relationships, women in the media,  The Masco Corporation is a global leader in the design,
        service learning, women who wow and much more noted  manufacture and distribution of branded home improve-
        township Recreation Specialist Chelsea Straub.     ment and building products and operates 30 manufactur-
        Participants who complete the nine-month commitment  ing facilities in North America in other parts of the world.
        graduate from the program in front of family and friends,  “The grant is part of Masco's Million Differences cam-
        celebrating their new understanding of what it really  paign, an initiative in which Masco, through its business
        means to Lead #LikeAGirl, she added.               units, has cumulatively made $5 million in cash donations
           The program sessions take place at The B.L.O.C.K.  over the last five years to nonprofit organizations that sup-
        Youth and Teen Center monthly, Transpire provides sup-  port diversity, equity and more includes practices across
        port, education, and advocacy for area LBGTQ+ students,  the country,” said Susan Sabo, Masco director of commu-
        who can engage in discussions, plan activities, and build  nications and corporate giving.             ty.”
        community with their peers.  The Transpire program has  “The B.L.O.C.K.'s Lead #LikeAGirl and Transpire pro-  The B.L.O.C.K. Youth and Teen Center, located on the
        been available to teens since 2020, in partnership with  grams were nominated as the recipient of this donation  third floor of the Canton Administration Building at 1150
        Plymouth-Canton PFLAG (Parents, Friends, Family) and  because of the important mentoring opportunities they  S. Canton Center Road. For more information, visit
        Allies United with LGBTQ+ individuals. Workshops cov-  provide these young adults within the Canton communi- or call (734) 398-5570.

           Library gala is planned                                                   Hit and run driver still sought

                                                                                        Plymouth Township Police have re-  between Powell and North Territorial Road
              The Plymouth District Library will  library is developing  plans to over-  issued a request for help from the public in  Oct. 30, police said. A passing motorist saw
           host an after-hours gala in celebra-  haul the outdoor environment at the  identifying a hit and                                 Mr. Flagg laying near
           tion of its 100th year serving the  facility, including more native and   run driver involved in a           ”                   the  roadway    and
           Plymouth community.                 pollinator-friendly plantings and the  fatal accident last fall.   Crime Stoppers is         stopped to render first
              The gala will take place from 7  addition of a natural amphitheater       Police said the vehi-                               aid. Mr. Flagg was
           until 10 p.m. Saturday, April 29 and is  space for outdoor programming.   cle involved in the      offering a $2,500 reward.     transported to a nearby
           for those 21 and older. Organizers    Proceeds from anniversary gala,     death of 78-year-old                                   hospital where he later
           said black tie is optional.         along with generous contributions     Warren Flagg, never                                    died of his injuries.
              Tickets for the evening are $100  from the Wilcox Foundation and the   stopped after striking                                   Crime Stoppers of
           per person and will include hors    Friends of the Plymouth District      him as he was raking leaves in front of his  Michigan is offering a $2,500 reward for
           d'oeuvres, open bar with wine and   Library, will make this vision a reali-  Beck Road home. The car is believed to be a  information that leads to an arrest in the
           beer, and live music in the stacks by  ty, organizers said.               2007 to 2010 Pontiac Solstice which would  case. Anyone with information is asked to
           the Kennebec Avenue Jazz Group.       Tickets for the event are now       have sustained damage to the front passen-  call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-SPEAK-UP or
              During this centennial year, the  available at    ger side of the vehicle.              visit Callers can
                                                                                        The incident took place on Beck Road,  remain anonymous.

        Overholt                       children Jason Brooks and Amy  Brooks, Wesley and Henry      Educational     Scholarship    awarded to students that are
                                                                                                    Foundation in honor of his three
                                                                      Schopieray and Tommy and
                                       Price Brooks, Kristin Brooks,
                                                                                                                                   going into education or any serv-
                                       Scott Schopieray PHD,  Megan   Lucy Aurora, along with a multi-  daughters who were teachers in  ice profession.
        FROM PAGE 1                    Ring Aurora MD and Peter       tude of friends and admirers.  the       Plymouth-Canton       Arrangements were entrust-
                                       Aurora PHD; great grandchil-     Mr. Overholt founded the    Community Schools District.    ed to Vermeulen-Sajewski
        son-in-law Howard Ring;  grand-  dren Aidan, Addison and Avery  Gene and Jane Overholt      These scholarships have been   Funeral Home in Plymouth.
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