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Mayor presents balanced 3-year city budget
Westland Mayor Michael P. overall taxable value increase of to support the police and fire
Londeau presented a $79 million 7.28 percent due to market value The city is in a strong departments in retention and
3-year balanced budget to mem- increases and uncapping of tax- recruitment efforts.
bers of the city council for able value due to new homes and financial position. This leaves an unallocated bal-
approval during the March 31 home sales and an increase of ance of approximately $5 million
meeting. approximately $778,000 to operat- of ARPA funds, according to a
The balanced budget includes ing tax revenue. the 3-year plan along with Funding for trash pickup bulk statement from the city.
a rainy-day fund balance of about Londeau included $4.8 million $150,000 to continue the voluntary items to be set out at the curb dur- The budget also includes vari-
$6.5 million and is the plan for for improvements to the major retiree healthcare cash settle- ing normal residential pickups ous capital investments of
2024-24, 2024-25 and 2-25-26. and local roads throughout the ment program, which received and for the new leaf pickup pro- approximately $1.4 million, which
“ A 3-year balanced budget is a city in 15 neighborhoods which four interested retirees in the gram is included. Londeau said includes a new roof for the 18th
municipal industry best practice includes 56 major and local 2021-22 fiscal year, saving approx- the costs do not exceed the cur- District Court building.
and also lines up with our roads. The proposed budget also imately $1,800,000, according to rent revenues received for sanita- Budget study sessions, which
American Rescue Plan Act includes $4.6 million for planned budget documents. tion efforts. are open to the public, are sched-
(ARPA) funds spending timeline. water and sewer capital projects Londeau also proposed the The budget includes funding uled from 1- a.m. until 2 p.m. on
The city is in a strong financial in six neighborhoods and 40 addition of two full time ordi- to update the city master plan. Saturday, April 15 and Saturday,
position and this budget is expect- roads throughout the 611 miles of nance officers along with contin- A new $5 million sidewalk pro- April 22 at Westland City Hall,
ed to have a positive impact on water and sewer systems in the ued supplemental officers to sup- gram is included in the budget 36300 Warren Road.
the city's bond rating,” Londeau city. port the efforts of neighborhood and is expected to reduce the city “My administration is proud to
told the council members. Retiree healthcare contribu- services based on workload liability for any hazards that may present council with a 3-year bal-
The budget is based on an tions of $500,000 are included in requirements. exist. Also included is $3 million anced budget,” Londeau said.
Random Acts of Kindness
recognized by city council
Three more students were honored with students at recess who don't have
last week for their Random Acts of someone to play with and is constantly
Kindness by members of the Westland looking out for his friends and classmates
City Council. to ensure that they are safe, his nomina-
A program of the Westland tion form stated
Compassionate City Committee and the Bell takes it upon himself to clean up
Wayne-Westland Community Schools, the the classroom floor without being asked
three winners were Liam Craig of by the teacher and is a great friend, an
Schweitzer Elementary, Daylen Bell of awesome student and a wonderful son,
Taft-Galloway Elementary, and Ja'Cion according to his nomination.
Barnett-Robinson of Walker-Winter Barnett-Robinson has earned more
Elementary. cards for kindness than any other student
Craig is constantly a shining star in at Walker-Winter, his nomination form Liam Craig of Schweitzer Elementary, Daylen Bell of Taft-Galloway Elementary, and
class, according to his nomination, and he explained. From offering some of his food Ja'Cion Barnett-Robinson of Walker-Winter Elementary were recently honored by mem-
goes above and beyond what is asked and to another student that didn't have any- bers of the Westland City Council for their Random Acts of Kindness.
helps others with whatever they need. thing, to taking initiative and helping oth- caring, and compassionate during his students, parents, teachers and faculty
Craig is a constant leader and doing the ers around the classroom without being attendance at Walker-Winter school. members who have participated in the
right thing, his teacher said. He will play asked, Barnett-Robinson has been kind, Council representatives thanked the program.
200 pets receive vaccinations
More than 200 Westland residents and Dog licenses were issued for $13 and $7
40 veterans took advantage of the low cost for dogs that were spayed or neutered and
dog vaccination day at the Wayne Ford microchipping was available. Fees for
Civic League recently. Dogs received vac- dogs belonging to veterans were paid by
cinations for rabies, distemper, parvo and the Wayne-Ford Civic League.
lepto for $20 administered by the veteri- The program was organized by the
nary team from the Michigan Humane Westland the Department of
Society. Neighborhood Services.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Hearing shall be held before the City Council of the City
of Romulus on the 24th day of April 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at
11111 Wayne Road, Romulus, Michigan, on the adoption of a Brownfield Plan for the City of
Romulus. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority shall exercise its powers pursuant to and in
accordance with the provisions of the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, being Act 381 of
the Public Acts of the State of Michigan of 1996, as amended (Act 381).
The description of the proposed brownfield property is:
Land situated in the City of Romulus, Wayne County, State of Michigan, described as follows:
The eligible property consists of six (6) parcels, bounded to the north by Ecorse Road; to the east by
Shook Road; to the south by Wick Road; and to the west by Cogswell Street in the City of Romulus,
Michigan. The eligible property addresses and parcel identification numbers are:
• Ecorse/Wick (80028990012703) - former Wick Road Dump parcel (224.89 acres)
• 36411 Ecorse Road (80030990007000) - former Mendrek Dump parcel (40.86 acres)
• Ecorse (80030990006700) - former agricultural parcel (20.37 acres)
• 36775 Ecorse Road (80030990004000) - residential parcel (0.43 acres)
• 36695 Ecorse Road (80030990002000) - residential parcel (2.14 acres)
• Ecorse Road (80030990005700) - residential parcel (0.65 acres)
The proposed brownfield plan would allow Romulus Distribution Center to be reimbursed for eligi-
ble costs incurred to prepare the brownfield property for redevelopment. Eligible costs may include
costs authorized by Act 381, including environmental, demolition, and hazardous materials costs.
The brownfield plan must first be approved by the City Council.
This description of the property, along with any maps and a description of the Brownfield Plan, are
available for public inspection at 11111 Wayne Road Romulus, MI 48174 Clerks Office.
Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate in the public hearing effectively
should contact the City Clerk or send an email by 12:00 p.m. the day of the meeting to request assis-
tance at:
Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk, 11111 Wayne Rd., Romulus, MI 48174 (734) 942-7540,
All aspects of the Brownfield Plan are open for discussion at the public hearing.
Publish: April 13, 2023
This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCL
15.263a et. seq., and the Americans with Disabilities Act. (ADA). RM0731 - 041323 2.5 x 7.553