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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 7, 2022


        Michigan Philharmonic begins matching fund drive

           The Michigan Philharmonic is  southeast Michigan.”                                                                      Community College District, the
        hoping that “April showers bring  The Michigan Phil will wrap                            ”                                 Huron Clinton Metroparks,
        May dollars” as the annual     up the 76th season on May 21                    The orchestra is hoping                     Brighton Center for the
        matching fundraiser is under   with “The Great American                     to match the $20,000 donation                  Performing Arts and the Detroit
        way through April and May. The  Songbook” at Schoolcraft College                                                           River Conservancy - Parks
        orchestra is hoping to match the  VisTaTech Center. This evening           of a major donor earlier this year.             Division for performances
        $20,000 donation of a major    features versatile vocalist Suede                                                           throughout southeast Michigan.
        donor earlier this year.       performing some great American                                                                The Michigan Philharmonic
           According to Beth Stewart,  standards from Cole Porter,                                                                 Youth Orchestra provides young
        executive director of the      Richard Rodgers, Gershwin,     highly-respected regional orches-  career that is the second longest  musicians numerous opportuni-
        Philharmonic, the campaign is a  Duke Ellington, Henry Mancini,  tras showcasing classical and  leadership role in the organiza-  ties to hone their skills and take
        reminder that “all size donations  Julie Styne and Stephen    pop music in southeast Michigan  tion's 76 years.            part in an array of programs and
        can make a difference in sup-  Sondheim.                      communities throughout the       In addition to presenting a full  performances.
        porting a cultural jewel like the  Founded in 1945 as the     year, Stewart noted.          season of concerts and programs,  To donate or for tickets and
        symphony, based for its entire  Plymouth Symphony Orchestra,    Philharmonic Music Director  the Philharmonic partners with  more  information,    visit
        history in Plymouth but with con-  today  the     Michigan    and Conductor Nan Washburn is  several school districts, the City or call
        certs and programs throughout  Philharmonic is one of the most  wrapping up her 23rd season, a  of Plymouth, the Wayne County  (734) 451-2112.

        Whipple Award nominations accepted until April 30

           Nominations are now being   school policies that discriminat-  City of Plymouth through his or  strated engagement, leadership  to be nominated.
        accepted in Plymouth for the   ed against married women and   her exceptional civic and/or phil-  and achievement over a period  The nomination period closes
        Ruth Huston-Whipple Award for  eventually left the district in  anthropic engagement in the  of time. A person nominated   April 30 of each year when a
        Civic Engagement.              protest. She remained, however,  community above and beyond  must have demonstrated civic   selection committee comprising
           The award is named in honor  a leader in the Plymouth commu-  reasonable expectations; demon-  and/or philanthropic engage-  two mayor-appointed city com-
        of Ruth Huston-Whipple, the first  nity, championing the improve-  strated character, commitment  ment within the City of  missioners and a representative
        female elected Plymouth City   ment of inhumane conditions at  and/or leadership qualities;  Plymouth. Examples of impact  from the City of Plymouth admin-
        Commissioner (1934-1949), first  a local juvenile detention center  actively participated in commu-  should show a community bene-  istration will select and notify the
        female mayor of Plymouth (1940-  and addressing environmental  nity or civic organizations whose  fit, delivered with integrity and  winner(s).
        1942) and first female Wayne   and beautification concerns in  sphere of influence falls within  perseverance. Married couples  The nomination form is avail-
        County Board of Supervisors    the city. The purpose of the Ruth  the City of Plymouth and exem-  can be nominated although past  able at
        member. She was a 1913 gradu-  Huston-Whipple Award for Civic  plified accomplishments and  Ruth Huston-Whipple Award      tion.
        ate of Plymouth High School and  Engagement is to honor a com-  contributions to the economic  recipients, current members of  Past Ruth Huston-Whipple
        later worked as a teacher and  munity member who, like Ruth   vitality and/or residential quality  the Plymouth City Commission  Award Winners were Debra
        debate coach at the school.    Huston-Whipple, has positively  of life in the City of Plymouth.  and full-time employees of the  Madonna in 2020 and the late
           Mrs. Whipple fought against  impacted the quality of life in the  Nominees must have demon-  City of Plymouth are not eligible  Jim Jabara in 2021.

                                                                              ‘Eggcellent’ fun

                                                                              The Plymouth Community Easter Egg Hunt organ-
                                                                              ized and sponsored by the members of the Plymouth
                                                                              Lions Club is set to begin at 10 a.m. April 16 at the
                                                                              baseball fields at Plymouth Township Park, also
                                                                              known as McClumpha Park. Children ages 1 through
                                                                              10 are welcome to participate in the fun when Lions
                                                                              Club volunteers hide approximately 9000 eggs, 100
                                                                              of which will be stuffed with special prizes for the
                                                                              lucky children who find them. Lions Club members
                                                                              will also be providing free vision screening for chil-
                                                                              dren at the event. McClumpha Park is located at
                                                                              46640 West Ann Arbor Trail in Plymouth.
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