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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             April 7, 2022

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland accepting police candidate applications

           The    Westland     Police  also meet several other require-                                                            year; 18 hours of sick time per
        Department is now accepting    ments before paying for and taking                        ”                                 month; 15 paid holidays; 72 hours
        applications to join the force.  the mandatory written test. Those           The deadline to apply for the                 of personal time per year and a
           The department recently     qualifications include U.S. citizen-  latest roster of candidates is 4 p.m. April 29.       bonus of 48 hours of vacation time
        exhausted the most recent police  ship and a high school diploma or                                                        per year added to an officers' bank
        officer eligibility list and the next  GED along with a valid drivers                                                      if less than 48 hours of sick time
        list of viable candidates for hire is  license and reaching 21 years of  my attendee at time of application.   top salary of $72,671, with a total  are used in a calendar year.
        now in the process, officials said.  age. Candidates must also be a  The Westland Police Officers  compensation package of $87,093;  The deadline to apply for the
           As part of that process, appli-  graduate of a police academy and  Association membership signed a  a defined benefit pension plan  latest roster of candidates is 4 p.m.
        cants will be required to take the  MCOLES (Michigan Commission  four-year collective bargaining  with a multiplier of 2.25 or an  April 29. More information about
        written portion of their testing  on Law Enforcement Standards)  agreement May 5. The contract  option of a defined contribution  the current contract or what the
        through              EMPCO     certified, or certifiable at time of  includes improvements to the  plan with employer match; top  department has to offer is avail-
        ( Applicants must  hire, or a law enforcement acade-  police officers benefits, including:  vacation accrual of 260 hours per  able at
        Wayne council election                                                                                Tuesday, March 8, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                    Sumpter Township
                                                                                                                  Regular Board Meeting
        petitions due by April 19                                                     Meeting called to order by Supervisor Bowman at 6:54 pm. Roll call: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk
                                                                                                            23480 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111

                                                                                      E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren; Trustees: Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Also showing present: Attorney Young, Deputy Clerk
                                                                                      Burdick, Finance Director Holtz, Public Safety Director/ Chief of Police Luke, Fire Chief Brown, DPW Director Danci and 11
           Individuals wishing to be considered  again as 4-year terms in 2024.       attendees.
        for the city council ballot for the Nov. 8  Candidates must submit a nominating  3. Agenda: Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the Agenda with the following edits;
        election in Wayne have only until 4 p.m.  petition with a minimum of 25 but no more  ADD:   13. New Business, Agenda Item G.
                                                                                                    “Consider approval of the rejection of all Bids on the Sumpter Rd parcel with the Township placing this
        April 19 to submit their paperwork and  than 50 signatures of registered voters. An         property out for bid in the future under current guidelines, policy, procedure & resolution stating a
        nominating petitions to the office of the  affidavit of identity with a campaign            minimum, acceptable bid of the appraised value of $80,000.”
        city clerk at Wayne City Hall.         finance act compliance statement is also             13. New Business, Agenda Item H.
           Council terms in Wards 4, 5 and 6 will  required and individuals hoping to be can-       “Consider approval and accept the Property Offerings Bid Committee recommendation to rejection all
                                                                                                    Bids received on the Arkona Rd & Martinsville Rd parcels and request from all interested bidding
        expire. While voters agreed to vacate the  didates cannot be in monetary arrears to         parties a revised bid & proposal due within (7) days of notice receipt submitted to Sumpter Township.”
        ward system during the November 2020   the city. Nominating petitions are available         13. New Business, Agenda Item I.
        election, registered electors in every ward  in the city clerk's office at Wayne City Hall.  “Consider approval of the bid received for the demolition of property located at 24985 Sumpter Rd from
        are eligible to vote for every candidate on  If more than two individuals file proper       Diversified Excavating in the amount of $9,368.”
        the ballot. Adoption of a single voting dis-  paperwork and are determined as viable  Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush and LaPorte. Nay: Trustee
        trict system is under way and will be final-  candidates for any of the three council  Morgan. Motion carried.
        ized during the election in 2024, officials  seats, a primary election will take place  4. Public Comments: Five (5) Attendees spoke.
        said.                                  Aug. 2. For more information, call Wayne  *DPW Director Danci provided an update on several projects being addressed by the DPW. BioAir Project, DPW Inventory
                                                                                      Levels are improving, Bids for Underground Services are in process, 38 total homes are set up for lead & copper testing (60 are
           The November election will seat three  City Clerk Tina Parnell at (734) 722-2204.  required in the future), Watershed Meeting prior week, to remind residents if your Water Billing usage is followed by the letter
        council members, each with a 2-year term,  Wayne City Hall is located at 3355 South  “E” it's an estimated meter reading - contact the DPW to schedule a service appointment to ensure the meter is operating prop-
                                                                                      erly to eliminate the need to estimate usage. The All Year Tree Service clearing around hydrants is being set up.
        and the positions will be on the ballot  Wayne Road.
                                                                                      5. Minutes:
                                                                                      Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2022. Roll call vote: Yes:
                                                                                      Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion
                                                                                      Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte accept the Bid Committee Meeting Minutes of February 24, 2022. Roll call vote: Yes:
                                                                                      Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush and LaPorte. Nay: Trustee Morgan. Motion
                                                                                      6. Warrants:
                                                                                      Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the warrants total of $1,078,910.09. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
                                                                                      Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      7. Supervisor's Report - Bowman:
                                                                                         •  Treasurer Warren was thanked for his Chair Leadership of the appointed Hiring Committee and asked to provide a brief-
                                                                                           ing of activities. Treasurer Warren advised of the recent March 7, 2022 meeting, the Candidates consideration, 2nd
                                                                                           Interviews & process. He confirmed the next Committee Meeting for 5:00 pm, March 14, 2022.
                                                                                      Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve the Supervisor's report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E.
                                                                                      Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                                                                                      8. Attorney's Report - Young:
                                                                                         •  Attorney Young indicated that time spent typical of prior month's activities.
                                                                                         •  Review of the draft Budget and process.
                                                                                         •  Several Collective Bargaining Agreements currently in process. Some new issues of economics, manpower retention,
                                                                                         •  His interpretation of the Bids Offering process status is that the Township will reject all received Bids for the Sumpter
                                                                                           Rd parcel as provided and reserved by the process procedure and resolution.
                                                                                         •  2Nd Reading of the Sumpter Township amendment of the Zoning Ordinances regarding location, use and operation of
                                                                                           a Michigan Medical Marijuana Facility, MCLA 333.26421 and definition of specific Zoning Districts for CareGiver
         See How They Run at Inspire Theatre                                               Operations.  Approval of the  Attorney's Report will signify acknowledgement and acceptance of the proposed
                                                                                           Attorney Young recognizes that the United States is a Republic, a Constitutionally-limited Republic.
                                                                                      Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to accept the Attorney's report and to approve the above identified 2nd Reading and
           Inspire Theatre will present See How  American movies, an escaped German   Amendment of Zoning Ordinance. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees;
                                                                                      Oddy, Rush and LaPorte. Nay: Trustee Morgan. Motion carried.
        They Run April 8, 9, 10, 15, 22 and 23 at the  prisoner of war, the visiting Bishop, a
        Westland Center for the Arts.          novice cleric and four men in clergyman  9. Police/Ordinance Report - Chief Luke:
                                                                                      Motion by LaPorte, supported by Rush to approve the Police & Ordinance Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
           The play, set in the idyllic English  suits.                               Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        countryside, includes madcap mayhem      Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. for Friday and  10. Building Report - Bowman:
        and mischief as the minister's new actress  Saturday performances and 2 p.m. for  Motion by Rush, supported by Morgan to receive and file the Building report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk
        wife gets a surprise visit from a handsome  Saturday and Sunday matinees. Tickets  E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        actor, a former theater co-star. Mistaken  are priced at $17 and available at  11.   Fire Report - Chief Brown:
        identities cause the spinster church lady     Motion by Morgan, supported by LaPorte to approve the Fire Report. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst,
                                                                                      Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
        to believe that her beloved vicar's wife is  The Westland Center for the Arts is
        having an affair which she attempts to  located at 33455 Warren Road in       12. Board Response:
                                                                                           Trustee Rush reminds that SkyWarn Training will be April 7, 2022 at 6:00 pm, Fire Station #1. Public and 1st Responders
        expose. Added to the complications are a  Westland. For more information, call (734)  are invited. Excellent 1 hour Course!
        cockney maid who has seen too many     751-7057.                                 •  Trustee LaPorte discussed the proposed Bike/Walking Path Project and advises no new information has been received
                                                                                           from Wayne County at this time. He further discussed some misinformation shared with the public on social media sites
                                                                                           related to cost & funding of project, etc. Please know that there are many details not yet determined with this project and
                                                                                           any such reports may be misleading and inaccurate. The Board and meeting attendees positively discussed the project
             MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ROMULUS CITY COUNCIL MEETING                           and reasons for support. Research is still needed into affected easements, setbacks and costs.
                                       March 7, 2022                                  13. New Business:
            Romulus City Hall Council Chambers, 11111 Wayne Rd, Romulus, MI 48174        A. Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to approve to hire Eric Joseph Powell as a paid- on-call firefighter, contingent
                                                                                           on him passing a physical and drug test. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren,
         The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem John Barden.        Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         Pledge of Allegiance
         Roll Call                                                                       B. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush of acceptance for hiring Samantha Herman to the full time AFSCME Employee
                                                                                           responsibilities of Clerk's Office Assistant, reporting to the Clerk's Office, effective March 14, 2022, at the current (90
              Present: Kathy Abdo, John Barden, Celeste Roscoe,  Tina  Talley,  William  Wadsworth,  Virginia  day) AFSCME-CBA position and rate of pay. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V.
              Williams                                                                     Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Morgan and Rush. Nay: None. Abstained: Trustee LaPorte. Motion carried.
              Absent / Excused: Eva Webb
              Administrative Officials in Attendance:                                    C. Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to REMOVE this agenda item to assign AFSCME Employee Dawn Hadyniak to
              Robert McCraight, Mayor                                                      the full-time responsibilities of Payroll Clerk / Elections Specialist, reporting to the Clerk's Office, effective immediate-
              Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk                                                  ly at the current AFSCME- CBA position and rate of pay. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst,
              Stacy Paige, Treasurer                                                       Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
              Administrative Staff in Attendance:                                          *Note: The Board of Trustees concurred that this position, the identified duties and employee are fully & solely direct-
              D'Sjonaun Hockenhull - Deputy Clerk; Stephen Hitchcock - City Attorney; Julie Wojtylko - Chief of  ed by the Clerk and her designee without need of Agenda Item(s) consideration or approval.
              Staff; Derran Shelby - Deputy Police Chief
         1. Agenda                                                                       D. Motion by Oddy, supported by Warren to approve of the at will contract for Mr. Chris Brinkmeier for Contracted
            A.  Moved by Tina Talley, seconded by William Wadsworth to accept the agenda as presented.  Building Inspector and Consultant, effective immediately, for non-inspection related, specific incremental services,
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                 billed as incurred. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush,
         2. Minutes                                                                        LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
            A.  Res. #22-051 Moved by Kathy Abdo, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the Minutes from the
                Regular Meeting held on Monday, February 28, 2022, at 7:30 p.m.          E. Motion by Rush, supported by Oddy to approve for Deputy Treasurer Erica Campbell to attend MMTA Basic Institute
                                                                                           Training, not to exceed $1,274 as broken down in supporting documentation. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman,
                Roll Call Vote: Ayes - Abdo, Barden, Roscoe, Talley, Williams          Abstain - Wadsworth  Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
                Motion Carried
            B.  No Special Meetings were held on Monday, February 28, 2022.              F. Motion by Oddy, supported by LaPorte to approve of 3rd Quarter Budget adjustments. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T.
         3. Petitioner - None                                                              Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan. Nay: None. Motion carried.
         4. Chairperson's Report, John Barden, Mayor Pro-Tem
            A.  Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to accept the Chairperson's Report.  G. Motion by Oddy, supported by Warren to approve the rejection of all Bids on the Sumpter Rd parcel with the Township
                Motion Carried Unanimously                                                 placing this property out for bid in the future under current guidelines, policy, procedure & resolution stating a mini-
         5. Mayor's Report - Robert A. McCraight, Mayor - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes  mum, acceptable bid of the appraised value of $80,000. Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst,
                                                                                           Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush and Morgan. Nay: Trustee LaPorte. Motion carried.
         6. Clerk's Report - Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk
            A.  Res. #22-052 Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Kathy Abdo to amend the 2021/22 Fee   H. Motion by Oddy, supported by Bowman to approve and accept the Property Offerings Bid Committee recommendation
                Schedule for the Building & Safety Department to include a License Referral fee of $300.00 for   to rejection all Bids received on the Arkona Rd & Martinsville Rd parcels and request from all interested bidding par-
                inspections under the licensing requirements of Chapter 28, Article II, Section 28-87 of the City   ties a revised bid & proposal due within (7) days of notice receipt submitted to Sumpter Township. Roll call vote: Yes:
                Code of Ordinances. Motion Carried Unanimously                             Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush and Morgan. Nay: Trustees LaPorte
            B.  Res. #22-053 Moved by Celeste Roscoe, seconded by Tina Talley to approve the second reading and  and Morgan. Motion carried.
                final adoption of Budget Amendment 21/22-10 in the amount of $18,000.00 to cover unforeseen
                costs to the Wayne County Drain Assessment due to increased costs for the Drain's Public Benefit   I.  Motion by Oddy, supported by Rush to approve the bid received for the demolition of property located at 24985 Sumpter
                                                                                           Rd from Diversified Excavating in the amount of $9,368.
                Account.     Motion Carried Unanimously                               Roll call vote: Yes: Supervisor T. Bowman, Clerk E. Hurst, Treasurer V. Warren, Trustees; Oddy, Rush, LaPorte and Morgan.
         7. Treasurer's Report - Stacy Paige, Treasurer - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes  Nay: None. Motion carried.
         8. Public - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes
         9. Unfinished Business - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes  14. Announcements:
         10. New Business - None                                                         •  Trustee LaPorte stated that he wanted to thank the DPW for quick, effective and courteous response to his grinder pump
         11. Communication - Please see Clerk's Office for complete copy of Minutes        issue.
         12. Adjournment
                Moved by William Wadsworth, seconded by Virginia Williams to adjourn the Meeting at 8:13   15. Adjournment; Motion by Morgan, supported by Rush to adjourn at 8:14 pm. Motion carried unanimously.
                p.m. Motion Carried Unanimously                                       Minutes prepared by;
         I, Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Clerk for the City of Romulus, Michigan do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true  Anthony Burdick, Deputy Clerk
         copy of the minutes of the regular meeting of the Romulus City Council held on March 7, 2022.  Sumpter Township

                                                                                      __________________________  _________________
                                                                                      Esther Hurst, Clerk  Date
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, City Clerk
         City of Romulus, Michigan                                 RM0648 - 040722  2.5 x 7.146  __________________________  _________________  ST0104 - 040722  2.5 x 17.322
                                                                                      Timothy Bowman, Supervisor
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