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April 7, 2022                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        Hero’s welcome

        Police honor actions of young lifesaver

           The newest, and shortest, Romulus   to determine the address and send  med-
        police officer has already proven he is  ical help. Romulus Fire Department
        enough of a hero to serve alongside the 77-  EMTs arrived and provided emergency
        officers in the department.            medical care to Dawon’s mom who was
           Dawon Johnson, 7, was officially named  transported to a local hospital for treat-
        as a Junior Police Officer and inducted  ment. She has now recovered, officials
        into the Romulus Police Department last  noted, and is doing well.
        Thursday in a special ceremony at city   Golden said he was very impressed
        hall. As members of the police and fire  with the manner in which Dawon handled
        department applauded, Mayor Robert     the emergency and the young hero’s
        McCraight officially declared March 31 as  efforts to stay calm and collected. The
        Dawon Johnson Day in Romulus, in       youngster even managed to wash the dish-
        response to the youngster's heroism in  es and mop the floor during the call. As
        helping to save his mother's life recently.  the story of the young hero spread through
           Dawon's mother had suffered a serious  the public safety departments, police offi-
        medical emergency while she and the sec-  cers and firefighters chipped in to pur-  Romulus police presented gifts and accolades to 7-year-old Dawon Johnson last week
        ond-grade student were at home. The new  chase some gifts for Dawon and suggested  for his actions in saving his mother's life during a medical emergency.
        junior officer immediately called 911 and  the award ceremony last week.
        spoke to Senior Dispatcher Gerald        Dawon, his mother, and several family  bers of both the police and fire depart-  Police Chief Robert Pfannes comment-
        Golden. Working together on the phone for  members attended the special ceremony  ments and presented with several gifts,  ed, “Dawon is proof that heroes come in
        more than 30 minutes, the two were able  during which Dawon was lauded by mem-  including a Nintendo Switch.       all shapes, sizes and ages.”

          Romulus police officers attended a Recognition Ceremony last Friday to welcome new members of the department and honor newly-promoted officers. One of the high-
          lights of the event, officials said, was the recognition of Lt. Anthony Norman's 34-year law enforcement career. Norman recently announced his retirement from the depart-
          ment. During his law enforcement career, Norman worked for the Wayne County Sheriff's Department, served as a member of the DEA Task Force, as a K-9 handler, a com-
          munity policing officer, and a school resource officer. During the ceremony, officers wished Norman well and noted that he "would be missed" in the department. Police Chief
          Robert Pfannes, left, presents Norman with a certificate of service during the ceremony which was attended by family members and several elected officials.
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