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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           March 24, 2022

                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH
                                                NORTHVILLE - PLYMOUTH

        Police department seeking state accreditation

           A team of assessors from the  A copy of the standards is
        Michigan Law Enforcement       available for review at the City
        Accreditation Commission       of     Northville     Police
        (MLEAC) will arrive at the City  Department, 215 W. Main St.
        of Northville Police Department  Northville.
        on April 7 to examine all aspects  Anyone wishing to offer writ-
        of the department's policies and  ten comments about the ability
        procedures, management, oper-  of the police department to com-
        ations, and support services. It's  ply with the standards for
        all part of the department's vol-  accreditation should email the
        untary process to achieve      accreditation program manager
        accreditation - a highly prized  at  nrossow@michiganpo-
        recognition of law enforcement or write the
        professional excellence.       Michigan Law Enforcement
           The team will verify that the  Accreditation Commission at
        Northville police department   3474 Alaiedon Pkwy., Suite 600,
        meets MLEAC best practice      Okemos, MI  48864.
        standards by complying with 105  Members of the general pub-
        standards, a goal set by Police  lic can provide comments to the
        Chief Alan Maciag.             assessment team by phone or
           "Accreditation results in   email  from 9 until 11 a.m.
        greater accountability within the  Friday, April 8. On that date, call
        agency, reduced risk and liabili-  (248) 449-9910 or email com-
        ty exposure, stronger defense  ments                     to   Captain Greg Hannewald and Detective Brian Dogonski (seated) look at data on the police dashboard.
        against civil lawsuits, increased  Photo by Liz Cezat.
        community advocacy, and        Phone comments are limited to
        greater confidence in the      five minutes and must address    Accreditation is valid for a  continued compliance with the  Accreditation Commission, is
        agency's ability to operate effi-  the ability of the agency to com-  three-year period during which  initial accreditation standards.  the legitimate authority and
        ciently and respond to commu-  ply with the commission stan-  time the agency must submit      The MACP, through the       accreditation agency in the state
        nity needs," said Maciag.      dards.                         annual reports attesting to their  Michigan Law Enforcement  of Michigan.
        Funding for Community Center upgrades is OK’d

           The Plymouth Cultural       Center is the only voting location  grant documents. “Bringing the  funding for police departments  impact countless lives through-
        Center is a step closer to more  in the city and accommodates all  PCC restrooms up to full ADA  to the construction of new public  out our District.”
        than $400,000 in renovations and  four precincts. In addition, the  compliance will require structur-  spaces for seniors and families to  Stevens submitted several
        improvements as part of a feder-  building hosts multiple senior  al changes to the building and  use in Michigan's 11th District  Community Project Funding
        al funding program.            citizen classes, events and health  major plumbing work, since the  will now be fully funded,”  requests to the Appropriations
           The    Americans     With   clinics.                       current system is encased in a  Stevens  said.               Committee, and every request
        Disabilities    Act    (ADA)     “Increasingly,   City   of   concrete slab. Interior walls, ceil-  “My staff and I have been  that the Congresswoman submit-
        Compliance Project at the      Plymouth boards and commis-    ings, fixtures, partitions and tile  working for months with mayors,  ted was accepted by the
        Plymouth Cultural Center will  sions and local civic organiza-  will need to be replaced as well.  township supervisors, local and  Appropriations Committee.
        include updating of the four   tions use the building's large   “Bringing the restrooms to  statewide elected officials from  The inclusion of this funding
        main public restrooms at the city  room for their meetings to  ADA compliance will allow our  both parties to determine the  in  the    Appropriations
        facility to ensure full ADA com-  accommodate socially distant  elderly visitors and persons with  greatest needs in our communi-  Committee draft bill is the first
        pliance, according to a statement  participants. In addition, the  disabilities to use the facility  ties. Every community project  step in the funding process. The
        from State Rep. Haley Stevens  Plymouth Cultural Center (PCC) ,  without hindrance,” the grant  that was identified and submit-  bill now moves to the full
        who secured nearly $18 million  is home to an ice arena, hosts  documents states.           ted to the House Appropriations  Appropriations Committee, con-
        for projects in the 11th District.  hundreds of athletic events every  “I am thrilled to announce  Committee was funded. When  sideration on the House Floor,
           According to the grant docu-  year with thousands of players  that so many community projects  we invest in our communities,  and negotiations with the
        ments, The Plymouth Cultural   and spectators,” according to the  ranging from infrastructure, to  they thrive, and this funding will  Senate.

        Rendering of townhomes and
        row houses from developer's
        site plan package.

        FROM PAGE 1

        read the traffic report audited by
        OHM Advisors and also recom-
        mended that a technical working
        group be set up..
           In response to concerns about
        the new housing units having an
        adverse impact on Northville
        Public Schools, Herkowitz used
        school and census data to show
        school enrollment would be
        down by 200 students if no new
        housing units are built.
           Tinberg commented, “A
        school district presentation dur-
        ing the 2021 Master Plan update
        process indicated that there is
        room for increased enrollment
        from this development within
        the existing school buildings.”
           During the public comments,
        53 people voiced opinions and/or
        statements about how the proj-
        ect either meets or fails to meet
        requirements of the zoning ordi-
        nance. In addition, 69 letters or
        emails were received on the
        topic. Top concerns included
        density and the impact on traffic.
        Those who support the project
        are eager to move ahead, citing
        specific benefits it will bring to
        the city. Comments will be in the
        planning commission minutes
        posted on the city website and
        the public hearing can be
        viewed on the city Vimeo link.
           Herkowitz said Hunter
        Pasteur now has a website devot-
        ed    to  the   project   at:
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